Welcome aboard 7 new members: Decorated Vietnam Veteran Woody Wood, John Miranda, Bruce Simmons, George Dragoo, Roy Tate, Leroy Perkins & Jim Mayfield. Your membership in ALR 136 will never be taken for granted and you will always have a voice.
Donations: family of deceased Navy Veteran Jerry Thole $100, George Brown $100
ALR 136 Donations to:
Marines 3/2 Project (Christmas) 1100 Bandannas have been purchased by the Kansas American Legion Riders. ALR 136 donated $150.00 towards the cost and (15) 600 unit phone cards. Also the Mulvane School students are donating some items to the 3/2 Battalion.
$1,110.00 donated to the VA Hospital towards the purchase of a new van to transport patients. $1,500.00 set aside to purchase Legion Rider Sweatshirts for the patients at the VA Hospital
$100.00 worth of Turkeys to be cooked and given to our service personnel at McConnell AFB for Thanksgiving.
$140.00 to Quilts of Valor- Kansas Bee..For the purchase of materials to make one quilt (these quilts are presented to our wounded soldiers.) ALR 136 member Mike Shock also donated $140.00. These quilts are hand made locally and sent to Walter Reed Hospital.
* 3,140 reasons to be proud of your membership in the Kansas ALR , Chapter 136.
New Kansas ALR Chapter : Kansas ALR has added ALR 180 (Great Bend) to the growing Kansas ALR Chapters. There are currently 32 Chapters in Kansas serving the American Veteran and supporting the largest Veterans Organization in the world , the American Legion. It is our responsibility to become active in our Legion , S.A.L. or Aux. so we can help those organizations grow which will make the ALR stronger and able to complete our Mission Statement.
Friday the 13th (Oct.) 0900 all available meet at Post 136 to help set poles around motorcycle pad. Poles / cement etc. donated by Greg Bauer of Bauer Construction.
Oct 14th (Sat.) ALR 18 – Ark City Poker Run- 1st bike out 0900 last bike 01000 from Ark City Legion Post – 75 mile run , ending at Gueda Springs. $10 per hand ($5) extra hands. ALL profits benefit the Winfield Soldiers Home. Meet at Post 136 0800 , AIS 0815 for Ark City. Note : one of the stops is at Post 136-
Oct 14th (Sat.) ALR 4, Wichita (Murdock & Main) is having a Biker Movie Night at 6:00 PM - $3 admission – Born to be Wild – Wild One- Hotdogs, Hamburgers, refreshments 4 sale , 50/50 drawing. Proceeds to the American Legion Riders
Oct. 22nd (Sun.) Post 139 ALR Poker Run (Independence, Kansas) 1st Bike out noon- last bike out 1300 hrs. Start & Stop at Independence VFW. $5 per hand. ALL proceeds will go to American Legion Post 139 to help them . The ALR is doing everything possible to help their Post out financially. Please participate if you are able.
Oct. 22nd (Sun.) Bazine, Ks ALR 392 – fundraiser- Roast Beef & Ham Dinner $7- start 11:30 AM
Oct. 27th (Friday) 6 PM to ? , Halloween Party at Post 136 , DJ Music , come dressed as whatever that little voice dictates. $100 worth of prize money will be awarded for best ? dressed. Note: to some of my buddies(you know who you are) you do not need a costume just be your normal self. Steaks & Seafood every Friday night at Post 136
Nov 4th (Sat.) Veterans Day Parade – Eldorado – entitled “ For the Renewal of Patriotism “ Kansas ALR has been invited to participate in their Celebration of Freedom. The Kansas ALR will conduct a “ Ride By “ in advance of the Parade. Ride to end of parade route park bikes in column of twos on each side of the street and pay proper military respect to the walking American Flag Color Guard and the military soldiers as they pass by. Eldorado ALR 81 will be the lead on this mission. Stage at 0900 – Wal-Mart parking lot on highway 254/54 west side. Need all ALR possible- Flags on Bikes- Wichita, Derby area meet at QT – 71st So. & K-15 at 0730 , AIS 0800 for Eldorado.
Nov. 5th (Sun.) Wichita Toy Run – meet at Post 136 at 0900 AIS 10 AM for Lawrence Dumont Stadium, Wichita
Nov. 9th (Thurs.) Kansas ALR have been invited to the Salute to veterans Ceremony at Douglass , Ks Sports Complex (North side of High School). Ceremony begins 0930 , Douglass, Kansas
Nov. 11th (Veterans Day) –Sat- Parade, Wichita, Ks – meet at Post 136 0930 AIS 0945- for staging area -Flags on Bikes. At dusk ( 5:00 PM) Post 136 will conduct a flag retirement ceremony followed by dinner – FREE to all Vets -not certain of price for family members but will guarantee it will be minimal.. This day and everyday we should remember and honor our Veterans !
Nov. 12th (Sun.) ALR 136 Nov. meeting. Many important items to discuss. NOMINATIONS will be taken for ALR 136 Officer Positions- (all positions are open) for 2007. Within our ranks there are many that would serve ALR 136 to the best of their ability. Your ALR needs YOU !
2 Wheel Tuesday
Come meet , greet and chow with your Brothers & Sisters ALR every Tuesday eve. Meet at Post 136 6 PM AIS 7 PM (note) here comes old man Winter again- 4 wheelers OK
- Oct. 10th: La Paisa Mexican Restaurant (21st N. / Arkansas) , Wichita
Oct. 17th: Hooters – N. Rock Rd , Wichita – wings and more
Oct. 24th: Haysville VFW – Mex
Oct. 31st: Halloween- no ride – passin out candy to the little goblins
Nov. 7th: Election Day -Pot Luck at Post 136- bring a covered dish- A+ Chow always
Nov. 14th: Little Busters , Derby
No Person was ever honored for what they received. Honor has been the reward for what they gave…
American POW/MIAs will Never be Forgotten ! Ride Free and Safe !