Saturday, November 10, 2007

ALR-136 Newsletter - November 2007

New Members : Jo Knowles, John Floyd, Patricia Roloff, Kim Heatwole, Mathew Benson, Carol Benson. Welcome all to ALR Post 136.

Donation: Made to Newton ALR for $100. 00 to buy blankets for Vets out in Dodge City at Soldiers Home.

Toys For Tots: We raised $8,226.00 and collected 761 toys for The Marine Corp and all the needy children. This is the biggest check that the Marines have been given in the Wichita area. Outstanding job done by all who worked to make this project a big success!

Commander’s Corner: Commander reminded everyone to pay Legion, Aux. and S.A.L. dues before you can renew your ALR membership. This comes from National now that we are part of the program. Cards will be checked at next meeting before you get in to renew ALR card and vote. Post Thanksgiving will be on Nov 19th Monday night at 6PM. The Post officers will be cooking turkey and ham and we are to bring a dish and celebrate, relax and give thanks for what we have.

B.O.G has 2 positions open if interested see Post Commander Rick Babinger.

New Years Eve Party: Ladies Aux. Has purchased smoked meat dinner for this years celebration. Cost will be $10.00 per person. More info to come.

New Years Eve Fireworks: ALR donated $300.00 for fireworks to bring in the New Year. ALR member Pyro will be in charge of our show!

Wild Bill and Janet will be having a pizza and beer party Dec. 8th at the Post to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. All 136 ALR members are invited!

Mike Shock told members that the Traveling Wall exhibit will be coming to Eldorado this summer . The funds needed to bring this memorial to the ALL Veterans Reunion have been raised. We will be going over to help them put up the wall when it gets here. Kansas ALR members set this same Wall up out in Colorado at POW-MIA convention in a record time of one and a half hours. We WILL break that record this summer!

VA XMAS: Will be either Dec 15th or 16th Darkhorse is checking with VA. We donated $1,000.00 to the Xmas fund so we will be buying blankets, coupon books and ALR members please bring sugar-free cookies and candies for the Vets.

State ALR Director Cregg Hansen spoke about new ALR chapters and the ALR becoming a national program.

POW-MIA in Winter Park: Info should be out this month on next years convention in Winter Park. When it comes pick up the phone and make your reservations quick. We plan on taking the whole lodge!

DarkHorse Thanked all the Veterans at our meeting for their sacrifice. Also the Ladies AUX. and S.A.L. for the sacrifices they made too.

Patriot Guard Donations: Mark Simpson- $500.00, Debra John & Assoc. $1000.00

COATS FOR VETS. Please look in your closet for a warm coat that might keep a homeless vet warm this winter. Bring it to the next meeting and we will see that it gets to the right people to be handed out.

Nominations for ALR Officers for 2008:

  • Director: Jim Jones
    Co-Director: Gary Schultz
    Secretary: Danny Aguilera
    Treasurer: Linda Thacker
    Vet. Affair Coordinator: Terry Houck
    Chaplain: Ron Herndon
    Sgt. at Arms: Bill Logan, Charlie Nyguyen
    Road Captain: Greg Bauer
    Historian: Mike St.Clair

Elections will be held at our next meeting Dec. 9th. Meeting starts at 3pm.

MacPherson Toy Run Sat. Nov 24th We will meet at Q-Trip at 71st and K-15 at 9:30am and AIS at 10am. This is the 20th year for this Toy Run, please try to make this one for Mama Keena and Sheriff Al. They have always supported our worthy causes. Chili and an auction at the Legion Post in Mac town will follow.

Two Wheeled Tuesday’s

  • 11-13 Busters in Derby contact person Charlie Nyguyen
    11-20 Quigley’s, Rose Hill Contact person Doc
    11-27 Brinks on S. Oliver just South of Pawnee on East side cont. Pyro
    12-4 Paula’s K-42 and Maize Rd. contact person Rob Cooper

Too often we lose sight of life’s simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap the DUMBASS up side of the head!
Thank You SB!