Sunday, June 10, 2007

ALR-136 Newsletter - June 2007

New Members: Larry Powell, Jami Perusich, Christopher Hurt, Ken Berry, Keith Kubick, Ron Hoskins. Welcome to ALR 136 your membership will never be taken for granted.

Guest: Katie Vickers from Quilts of Valor came by and showed us all the quilts that our ALR unit sponsored for the group to make and send to a wounded soldier.

Wild Bill Logan spoke to us about finally winning his fight for recognition for his service in Vietnam. Congrats to you Sir!

Post Commander Message: Thanks to all who helped with Memorial Day services. Flag day will be celebrated this Thurs at Post at 7pm. Please attend. A new roof will be put on our Post along with new AC system. Mud volleyball will be held July 21st. Please come out and support the post!

Donations: $1,503.00 Clearwater Bar for PG

Winter Park POW-MIA RIDE: Cregg Hansen asked for volunteers to guard the Moving Wall all day and nite Thursday while we are out in Winter Park. Anyone who is going out to Winter Park who would like to help out should contact Cregg Hansen ASAP 788-4207 or

July 21 Vietnam Parade in Eldorado: Looking for around 40 bikes to be in parade. Some will fly Color Guard and 29 will fly POW-MIA flags with the names of our Kansas MIA on their bikes. If you don’t have POW-MIA one will be supplied. Please contact Cregg Hansen again on this.

Marine Toys for Tots: ALR 136 voted to have party on Nov. 3rd to raise money for this program. KFDI will be broadcasting and there will be a band that nite. Meat is being provided and Greg Thompson has donated his KILLER cooking skills to prepare the meat. We voted to put a cap of $500.00 for plates, utensils and coleslaw and salad for this event. All money from food will be donated to Marine program.

June 30th Fireworks Discount: Jim (PYRO) Daily will be at fireworks stand at 71st south and K-15 at 1pm to offer any ALR member a discount on fireworks. Wear your vest!

ALR National Convention: Steve MacDaddy McDonald will be RC for the trip to Tenn. They will be leaving on July 3rd from the QTrip at 71st and K-15 at 7am. Hope you all have a great time!

RETIRED General Ed McIlhenny: Darkhorse read a Thank You card from the General saying how much he and sweetheart appreciated his ALR group riding in with Flags flying and attending his retirement ceremony.

Gold Star Mothers Convention: Darkhorse will be putting together an Avenue of flags for June 26th at Veterans Park in Wichita. We will be staging at 5pm. More to come on this shortly, we need maximum turnout on this!

Deerslayer: Jarhead thanked everyone for all the kind thoughts and deeds while he is recovering. He is moving around better, but I think he has to cut the weak ones out of the herd right now until he gets his strength back. HAAAA!

June 16th Busy Day: Welcome home for Heath Bonnell relative of our own Diamond Don Stewart. We will meet at Post 136 at 1:15 AIS 1:45 TO RIDE TO Udall city park do flag presentation then AIS for Eldorado for Butch and Deb Ohmart Wedding. The ceremony will begin at 4pm so we will have to hit the street ASAP!

JUNE 17th FATHERS Day; Most all of us out there are Fathers, we voted at the meeting to do our V.A. Banana run on this day to share it with some of the fathers in our V.A. Hospital. Come down to the Post and have breakfast. Then we will pack bags and head to V.A. at 12:30. Please bring sugar free cookies and candy. Thank you Gentlemen for sharing this day.

Mike Shock: State Chairman for POW-Mia committee. Congrats Mike!

Jerry Armstrong showed us all the beautiful Flag Presentation case with matching document frame that we will be hanging on our back wall when it is completed.

ALR TIP OF THE HAT and a round of applause went to Danny Aguilera for helping out in the kitchen on Friday night.

Two Wheeled Tues Nights
  • June 13 WED. Nite VFW BURGER BURN and DOGBOY & RACHAEL HALL sendoff. Be there or else!
    June 19th. Magoo’s on S. Oliver
    June 26th. Goldstar Mother Conv. Ave. of Flags at Veterans Park in Wichita. Maybe dinner later!
    July 3rd. Skip because of holiday.
    July 10th. Post 136 we will enjoy Dogs and Brats from our new DOG Machine and help Post stuff ticket envelopes for Old Settlers Day event. Seth has been told to fire up the Dogs for us.

A man is not dead and gone until he is forgotten.

American Legion Riders do make a difference!