Sunday, April 8, 2007

ALR-136 Newsletter - April 2007

New Members: Inge Wood, Gayle Hablitzel, Dennis McDonoug. Welcome to ALR 136 your membership will never be taken for granted.

Donations: $100.00 to ALR from Steve Towns, $100.00 to ALR from Clara Shockley Special Guest: Betty Jean Pulliam, President of Natl. Gold Star Mothers spoke to riders about 25 year memorial to Vietnam Wall. Their group will be having national convention for all Gold Star Mothers in Wichita in June. We will be asked to provide Color Guard for them when they get here, more on that at future date. ALR took out $100.00 full page ad in convention booklet; PGR also took out full page ad. Greg Bauer gave Betty $100.00 for full page memorial to her son who died in Vietnam. Doc Herndon also gave Betty $100.00 for her booklet, and Farrell Belt gave Betty $20.00 to cover picture cost of her son in booklet. Papa Barshney passed the hat and another $187.00 was given to Betty for the cause. Outstanding Riders!

BIG THANKS: Ron Brengman for all donations he picked up, Terri Lehman for taking on all food and party décor planning and execution. Also to everyone who worked in kitchen and out front with Auction. This year we made $1400.00 over last year. Great effort.

MS WALK: We have 12 members for this event. It will be held April 14th. ALR donated $100.00 to this cause.

Patches & Rockers: Doug Lehman read committee report which stated no by-laws would change and only ALR members would be allowed to wear Patches or Rockers. Voted on and passed.

Post Commander Rick Babinger reminded all Legionnaires that Post elections are to be held April 3ed at General meeting. Also April 14th Post 136 is having our annual Rib feed. If you haven’t been-You ain’t been anywhere. Killer Chow!

ALR VETS ASSISTANCE FUND: Your fund was used last week to assist wife of wounded soldier who lives in Derby. With the OK from 3 Board members we gave her $250.00 and phone cards. $2000.00 was added to fund by majority vote.

Roy Mansch Memorial: Charlie Honn informed us that his relative that passed away asked that money collected from his memorial be sent to ALR. Thanks Roy you will always ride with us where ever our journey takes us!

American Legion Legacy Fund ALR earmarked $1000.00 for this year donation.

V.A. Van Post 136 Ladies Aux requested help to purchase van to pick up Wichita Vets who are handicapped. ALR has set aside $1000.00 towards this project.

Post Building Fund: Alr has donated $700.00 from our auction.

Canteen: Alice Foster asked Riders if we would purchase Hot Dog Steamer for bar area. Members voted to buy new machine.

Fire: Caused major loss to Post 400. Chaplain Herb Seel $100.00 donation will be sent.

Thank You: Becky Hansen for taking over Hospitality duty for our Riders.

Ladies Aux. Fundraiser: This Friday at dinner and again at Sunday breakfast. Baked goods and crafts will be on sale to help our Aux. ladies with their projects. Please support the cause!

Bricks: Ruben and Diane Gonzales have passed our Brick detail over to Terry Houck and a crew of volunteers. Rueben and Diane have both had surgery this past winter and have been on the mend . We thank them both for all their hard work on this project and look forward to seeing them ride with us all real soon.

Patriot Guard: Terry Houck spoke about proper placement of Patriot Guard patch, it was voted to continue to wear patch on upper right side of vest above name patch.

Shirts: Terri “Shirt Babe“ Lehman said it’s time to order short sleeve shirts.

ALR Windshield Sticker: Vickie Jones has these for sale. Static cling like PGR stickers. Cost 8.00

Address Change: Anyone who has changed address, e-mail address, or any phone numbers PLEEEASE get this info to Miss Monika so she can enter on Mail list.

50/50: $133.00 total $66.50 won by Vern Trenkle. Congrats Vern!

Important Dates:

April 7th RE-Creation at VA Hospital stage at 136 at11:30 am AIS 11:50 ride to VA help Vets get down to auditorium and enjoy the show ,then help Vets back to rooms. Ladies Aux. is counting on our help!

April 14th Post 136 Rib Feed• April 15th General McIlhenny Retirement more info to come this week!• April 21st McConnell Family Day 9am-2pm Details to follow.

April 22nd Yates Center post breakfast Stage at QTrip at 71st & K-15 at 7am AIS 7:15

April 28th 5th District Convention:Stage at QTrip at 71st & K-15 at 7am AIS 7:15 to ride to Eldorado.

May 5th Andover Post: Having dinner,auction and dance to celebrate opening of new Post building. Stage at Post 136 at 3:30pm AIS at 4pm.

Important Change on this Tues nite Ride: Ride to R.D”s has been rescheduled because of homecoming that nite. We will meet at Parklane shopping center on North end ,ride to homecoming then go to Charlie’s for meal on S. Oliver.

Two Wheeled Tues. Night Rides.
  • 4-3 Charlie’s• 4-10 Side Pockets West Wichita
    4-17 R D’s downtown Mulvane
    4-24 Kelly’s Old Town in Wichita
    5-1 Mary’s Supper Club
    Wednesday 5-9 VFW Derby for BURGER BURN
Next months meeting is 5-6-07. It was changed because of Mother’s Day.

My Goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am.
Sent to me by Terri Lehman

Thanks to all of you Riders for everything that you do!