Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - June 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:06PM: Total present: 69 (62 members and 7 guests).

Guests: Roger Attebury invited Cadet Major Andrew Edelman to our meeting to familiarize him with programs of the American Legion. Andrew just graduated from West High School. He was in the junior ROTC program and last month was named Cadet of the Year. Andrew has enlisted in the US Navy and will report for basic training in September.

Dennis Joynt, ALR 256, briefed on the Experienced Rider’s Course being held on June 21. Dennis can be contacted for specifics at 617-6764 or dwjoynt@yahoo.com .

New Members: Brandon O’Dell, Roger Olson, and Dennis Joynt (transfer from ALR 256).

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of May minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: In Monika Barshney absence, Greg Bauer read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: In Mike St Clair’s absence, Doug Lehman outlined May’s 14 activities (4 funerals, 4 homecomings, 4 send offs, and 3 miscellaneous).

Fundraising Committee Chairperson: Asonjia Stewart advised that the 1st Annual Local ALR Competitive Olympics on Sep 12 will be replaced by a Local ALR Fun Day (horseshoes and ladder golf). Also, the Casino Night will be slipped into early next year.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck reminded everyone of our remaining 2009 Banana Runs (Aug 2 and Dec 6).
- Highlighted those previously awarded Warrior necklaces from Robert Delsi. Also presented Rick Babinger, Karen Babinger, and Gary Schultz a Warrior necklace.
- Briefed on status of Patriot Guard KIA and Veteran bricks.
- Advised that the Kansas Patriot Guard website’s new address is www.patriotguardks.org .
- Had Dennis Scuffham speak on the proposed Vietnamese Memorial. Lots of information at www.ksvac.info .

Commander’s Corner:

- Rick Babinger advised of open time slots for fireworks stand and outlined flag ceremony.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 188 members; 3 deployed (Chris Hurt, Nate Mesta, and Charlie Nguyen).
- Advised that new coins arrived and look great.
- Updated status of ordering shirts and using Kansas Chapter. Department Executive Committee will meet in the near future to evaluate our request.
- In Ron Vangas’ absence, Terry Houck and Doug Lehman briefed on Operation Troop Care. Thus far, 14 packages have been shipped to deployed troops. Reiterated that focus will be on our deployed Post members and deployed sons and daughters of our Post membership. Motion made and passed to allocate $500.00 to purchase items for shipping but continue to use donations as well. Shipping costs will be separate and not paid from the $500.00. Note: After the meeting John Kimball donated $100.00 to help with this initiative. A list of soldier’s addresses will be emailed to everyone so they can write letters/send cards.
- Discussed creation of an ALR 136 Scholarship. Committee of John Miranda, John Wilson, Gary Schultz, and Terry Houck will come up with a proposal for our July meeting. Offered an idea of taking $1000 of the up to $2000 already obligated for the Legacy Fund to fund our scholarship – OPEN.
- In Ron Vangas’ absence, Terry Houck briefed on the Adopt A Highway program. Motion made and passed to do the entire 3 ½ miles of the Patriot Guard Highway. We must clean the highway 3 times a year for 2 years. More details later.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Considerable discussion on contributing to the Eagle Valley Raptor Center to support their Sidewalk Campaign. Motion made to donate $100.00. Motion did not pass.
- Greg Bauer advised Christmas in a Box will be October 17. More details later.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)

- June 16 – Post 10, Winfield – Joint area ALR event
- June 23 – El Ranchero, Wichita – Gregg Thompson
- June 30 – Neighbor’s, Wichita – Phil Giovanni
- July 7 – Bourbon Street, Wichita – Terri Lehman
- July 14– Bentley’s Corner Bar & Grill, Bentley – Doug Lehman

50/50: Collected $80.00. Won by Gary Schultz who donated all $40.00 to the VA Christmas Fund.

Meeting adjourned: 4:52PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, July 12, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

Never Ride Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Fly