Sunday, December 7, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - December 2008

New members: Rick & Nancy Johnson, Butch Kalous, Jim Roberts, Bill Willis, Cooper twins. Welcome to ALR 136!

Dues: Motion was passed by members to have Legion, Aux & S.A.L. Dues paid and also ALR dues paid before entering Dec. meeting to vote on New Board Elections held every December.

Commander’s Corner: Rick spoke about New Year’s Eve party bring a covered dish and enjoy music fun and games also Killer fireworks display put on by fellow ALR 136 member Pyro and his team! Phil Horner Xmas party all participants were thanked for their hard work to make this a great success! Alr was presented with a past Post Commander’s hat from relatives who said his wish was for us to display it in our presentation case. ALR donated money to wounded veteran Chris Swartz to help with truck payment other Riders reached into their pockets and donated personally to the Schwartz cause. Our Mulvane DJ’s donated 175.00 of their money to the Schwartz family cause!! Thanks to all.

Quilts of Valor: Doug Lehman spoke of the need for materials to sew these quilts for wounded veterans. $ 200.00 was donated by ALR 136.

Garden City ALR Director: Dan Hopkins who was in an accident a few weeks ago is now out of hospital and back home . $100.00 donation will be sent to help him with expenses.

Kenton Vann past ALR 136 member has been moved to Junction City where he is a pastor. He asked his old Post to please help wounded vet out there with expenses. $100.00 donation will be sent .

McConnell Enlisted Men Wife Club: $500.00 donation was made to match Legion Post 136 donation to same club.

Fort Riley: Sponge Bob presented challenge coin given to our ALR unit for Operation Wounded Warrior Program. He and Mike St. Clair attended this function at Fort Riley and represented ALR 136. Thanks gentlemen!

V.A. Xmas Banana Run: Darkhorse reported that $2,574 was money that was spent to cover everything that was given at V. A. today Outstanding! Scruffy and his cadets did a great job helping pass out towel sets to the Vets. We have been asked to stop by and visit the cadets at their school some day. Darkhorse will set up a warm day to ride! Also read a letter of appreciation from Mulvane police dept thanking us for doing Mulvane toy run on short notice! Jim Dunham’s relative who is over in Afghanistan Sgt. Brock sent U.S. flag that was flown in B-1 mission over there.

Kansas Attorney General will be coming to our ALR meeting in the spring to update us on Funeral bill to protect the families of our fallen soldiers. His office made the call to Darkhorse and expressed interest in addressing the people who started the Patriot Guard.

50/50: $105.00 collected. Kim Heatwold won 52.00 Congrats Kim!

ALR Board of Directors:
  • Director- Doug Lehman
    Asst. director-Greg Bauer
    Secretary-Terri Lehman
    Treasurer- Monika Barshney
    Sgt. at Arms/ Road Captain-Ben Roloff
    Asst. Sgt. at Arms / Asst Road Captain-Andy Webb
    V.A. Coordinator-Terry Houck
    Chaplain-Dave Stewart
    Historian-Mike St. Clair

Two Wheel Tues:
  • Dec. 16th El Rodeo 5730 E. Central Wichita- Shirt Babe
    Dec. 23 Darkhorse Birthday Post 136 Bring covered dish!
    Dec. 30 Cancelled for New Year holiday.
    Jan. 6 Shenanigan’s on S. Oliver Sponge Bob

Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Pat and Linda Thacker Danny Aguilera Greg Bauer, Gary Schultz, Dave Stewart, Ron Herndon and Jim Jones for service to ALR.

2009 ALR officers were presented to members and then sworn into to office by Post Commander Rick Babinger.

$42.00 was collected from hotdog sales during the meeting. Let your new ALR officers know if you wish to continue to have food available to purchase during the meeting.

Next ALR meeting will be Jan. 11th.

Riders this will be my last newsletter to you all. It has been a distinct privilege to have held the title of Director of Post 136 for the past two years. We have had a lot of good times and accomplished a lot of worthy task and missions. As we all look at the other Posts around our great state we can be proud that it all started with 136. Our new 2009 Board are a group of Riders who will continue our great traditions as they lead us in 2009. Lets all make a New Years resolution to continue to strive to make Post 136 the ALR shining light in the State and also the Nation.

Last of all a winter poem that was sent to me, very simple but warming and comforting to the heart. It was written by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre entitled ‘Winter’- ‘Shit, It’s Cold’ The End Thanks Ditch!


Monday, November 10, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - November 2008

New Members: Eddie Bulstrode, Mike Owens, Loren Beale, Bob McFadden, Glenn Bishop, Bruce Tafoya. Welcome to the ALR of Post 136.

Commander Rick Babinger was given a new call sign by Darkhorse at the meeting. His new call sign is White Eagle 6.

New member Eddie Bulstrode was given Welcome home flag and coin at the meeting for returning home safely to us from Iraq. Welcome home Eddie!

Commander’s Corner: Rick reminded everyone about the Veterans Day program that will be held at the Post starting at 5pm. Old Flags will also be retired and a meal will be served afterwards. All Vets are welcome please bring a side dish to share. Bring in your old shoes to be recycled and exchanged for cash for Veterans programs. Any condition! V.A. Christmas store is now taking donations of new items for the Vets to send to their loved ones at home while the Vets are in the hospital. Any item will do just as long as it is brand new in the box no used items please.

Dan the Bartender at our Post suffered a stroke this past week and is in the hospital and will have by-pass surgery. Chuck Barshney asked that we make a motion to cover Dan’s weekly salary of $200.00 a week for the next month. Motion passed, after one month we will re-examine the situation.

Flags at V.A.: Doug Lehman made motion to help V.A. put up flags on Martin Luther King Day when it comes up. More info on this as the holiday draws near. Other Posts have stepped up and taken a few of the holiday flag details, so we are on board now for MLK Day.

Vets Day in Haysville: J.D Dunham will be the R/C for ride to Prairie elementary school for Vets program. Stage at Mini-Stop at Grand and S. Broadway at 8am and AIS will be at 8:15.

Monica Barshney made a motion to spend a $1,000.00 on V.A. Vets Xmas. This will include a nice towel set and coupon book for the canteen along with a goodie bag.

Nov 13th 2008: We have been requested to attend the Quilts for Valor ceremony at the V.A. They are asking for Vets to hold the Quilts up for the wounded soldiers that quilts are being given to. Darkhorse says this will be a ride event so wear your vest and leather. Program starts at 7pm. Ride info will follow.

Dorothy Winward brought her husband Mike “Blackhawk" Winward’s casket flag to our meeting to be refolded. JimFinneran. Eddie Bulstrode, Charlie Trong and John Kimball to care of the detail.

Nominations for 2009 Post 136 ALR Boards of Directors are:
  • Director: Doug Lehman
    Asst. Director: Greg Bauer, Dan Benson
    Secretary: Terri Lehman
    Treasurer: Monika Barshney
    Sgt. at Arms: Ben Roloff
    Chaplain: Dave Stewart
    V.A. Co-Coordinator: Terry Houck, Ron Herndon
    Historian: Mike St.Clair

ALR 136 Elections: In order to vote next month you must have both your 2009 Legion. Aux or S.A.L. dues paid along with your ALR dues. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Wild Bill Logan Was made honorary Arms.

Riders in the Sky Memorial plaque: Pat Thacker said plaque was being made to commemorate 136 Riders that have passed away. Also will have patches made for our vests. Contact pat at next meeting to order them.

Am. Legion National awarded Post 136 ALR with plaque for donation to Legacy fund.

50/50 was won by J. D. Dunham and $102.00 was split. He donated $31.00 to Xmas fund thanks you J.D.

Two-Wheel Tues:
  • 11-11 Vets Day at the Post
    11-18 A.J’s Sports Bar N. Rock Rd. Shirt Babe
    11-25 Lil Busters in Derby. Chuck Barshney
    12-2 Shenanigan’s S. Oliver Charlie
    12-9 Walt’s at Piccadilly Square Central and Rock Rd. Andy

New time for Tues nite instead of being at tour destination at 7pm we will now be there by 6:30 pm . This will just be for the cold weather months. People who still want to meet at Post and drive to meeting place adjust your schedules accordingly.

S.A.L. Kids Xmas party will be Dec 7th at 2pm Stop by and bring in the kids some cookies for their party.

As we all know excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slow and weakest cells first. In this way regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells making the brain a faster more efficient machine. That is why you always feel smarter after having a few beers”. Cliff- “Cheers”

Rev out

Friday, October 10, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - October 2008

Flag Presentation: The family of a serviceman that we did a send-off for presented Don Jarboe and Darkhorse with a U.S. flag and documentation stating it was flown in a war zone. Family said this young man took the flag that we presented him on his tour overseas. Many thanks!

Shocker Fireworks spoke to members about a fundraiser where we would man a fireworks tent and sell fireworks for a share of the profit. More to come on this!

Family Mobility Day at McConnell: Mark Urbanek director of Post 81 in Eldorado asked us to come out and join him and other Riders on Nov. 1st for a mock welcome home for the kids of our servicemen and women. You can call A&FRC at 759-6020 and give information or go online and register at We will meet at front gate of Base a little before 10am and check in then proceed to a staging area. We did this last year and it was a lot of fun. Make sure you register by the 20th of this month.

Post Commander Rick Babinger spoke about Early Bird dinner on Oct 18th starts at 5:30pm come and pay you Legion, Aux, or S.A.L. dues and get free spaghetti dinner. Nov. 11th Post will have Veterans Day program which will start at 5pm afterwards a dinner will be served please bring a covered dish. Oct. 23rd Patriot Guard Hwy. dedication will be held on Hwy 53 as you leave Mulvane on the west side of town. More on this later this week. Next Sunday please come down and help with the construction of a new flag burning pit. We will meet at 10am eat breakfast and then begin work. Halloween party will be the 31st after dinner-come in costume there will be prizes for best costume and other games with prizes; D J will be playing your favorite tunes.

Oct. 25th S.A.L. 50’s party has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled at a later date.

Thank You Cards:
  • Dorothy Winward thanked everyone for all of their support in helping lay a fallen comrade to rest. We will miss you Mike!
  • National Legion Commander sent card thanking our ALR for the $1,500.00 donation to the Am. Legion Legacy Fund, they raised $515,000.00 this year.

Congratulations go out to Jerad Krueger and Dan Morgan for their recent promotions from E-5 to E-6.

Safety Road Rule Guidelines: Doug Lehman put together a set of guide lines that we will be following on all of our runs from now on. He had a meeting with Road Captains, Assistant Road Captains and all Road Guards from our post. They looked over Doug’s work, made some changes, and Doug put the final set of rules together. You will be receiving an e-mail with this info. Please take the time to read them over carefully; we will be setting and example of how to ride safely.

More Congratulations: Commander Rick Babinger presented Danny Aguilera and Terry Houck with Certificates of Appreciation for all that they do for our post. Way to go guys!

Important Dates
  • 10/18/08: Kingman 125th Centennial Parade. Deke Johnson will be R/C in Kingman. Stage at corner of Main and U.S. 54 in Kingman at school parking lot. Rev will be R/C on the trip out to Kingman. We will meet at Kwik Shop in Goddard at 7am and AIS at 7:15 am. Deke has been a past 136 member and is always at our functions, lets give him a good turnout.
  • 10/18/08: Christmas in a box for soldiers overseas. Meet at Post 408 at high noon and AIS at 2pm to ride to Post 256 for fun and refreshment. If you come out to Kingman parade you will be back in plenty of time for this event.
  • 11/9/08: Busy day: We will be making a banana run to V.A. and also having our monthly meeting after the V.A. run. Meet at the Post at (am for breakfast then we start bagging all the goods at 11am, AIS will be 12pm for the V.A. Please bring sugar free cookies and candy for the Vets. We also voted to purchasing Nav systems for the three busses that pick up Vets and take them to the V.A. Roy Tate donated $500.00 towards the purchase of two out of the three units. The ALR will pick up the 3rd one. Thanks Roy for your generosity!

By the way Roy Tate won the 50/50, it is true what goes around comes around!

Darkhorse spoke about doing a welcome home for wounded service man John Meavey when he gets out of hospital and comes home. Donations to Patriot Guard of $150.00.

Elections: Nominations will be held in Nov. If you would like to nominate someone pleas ask them if they want to run for an office. If you would like to run for an office let your fellow Riders know so we can get your name on the ballot.

Two Wheel Tues
  • 10-14 Shenanigans on S. Oliver north of Boeing. Sponge Bob
    10-21 Post 136 Ladies Aux will have food at the Post for us. Hot Dogs Chili and all the fixings plus other goodies.
    10-28 The Diner @ Harry & Webb Rd. Doug Lehman
    11-4 Felipe’s @ Harry & Webb Rd. Pat Thacker

As always meet at our Post at 6pm AIS at 6:30pm

Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you deposited along the way. Thanks Rob Cooper

Rev out!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - September 2008

Mike Winward one of our Post 136 ALR members has passed away. He was a Vietnam Veteran who was a chopper pilot. Please keep his wife Dorothy and the family in your thoughts and prayers. Funeral services will be announced later this week; ALR 136 will provide the lead escort for Mike.

Sheryl Carpenter spoke to Riders about the V.A. Homeless program that she is working with. She explained that it was different from the other program where anyone could come and get free clothing etc. This program is held at the V.A. and the staff knows that these homeless guys are truly veterans. The hat was passed and $520.00 was collected to which Chuck Barshney motioned that another $500.00 be added –motion carried. Total donated was $1,020.00.

Commander’s Corner: Rick Babinger spoke of ticket sales from Old Settlers weekend -4,900.00 was collected our best year yet two people Dave and Margine Leach sold 1500 tickets great job by all!

American Legion V.A. Tour will be at our Post Sept 22 at 5:30. If you have any questions about the V.A. or benefits please attend, light snacks will be served.

Oct. 23rd Mulvane will dedicate the Patriot Guard Highway southwest of town by the Industrial park just west of the railroad tracks. More info on this at later date.

Ladies Aux. will be having their big benefit on Oct 4th to raise monies for all of their projects that they support. They will be having a horseshoe tourney starting at high noon, then a cake walk and basket auction and lunch followed by the Mulvane D.J.’s for entertainment. Please come out and support the Ladies of our Post and the great things that they accomplish.

Sept 27th Sendoff for Cpl Ryan Kirkhart U.S. Army. We will stage at the Dillons at Madison and Rock Rd. in Derby at 6pm AIS will be 6:20 pm. Ground Pounder will be R/C. We will also be doing a welcome home that same evening in west Wichita. Jim Jones will be R/c on that run more info to follow as I get it.

Welcome Homes and Sendoff’s: It was brought up at the meeting that attendance at some of these two functions has fallen off. The sales job I had in the past allowed me the freedom to take off and attend a lot of events, my job now does not have that freedom so I attend functions when I can. If you have the time to attend then by all means be there for our Vets. Thanks to all of you who all have busy schedules but take time out to show our Vets we care!
Fundraiser Committee was formed to take on the task to come up with new ideas for raising funds. Asonjia Stewart and Danny Aguilera will co-chair this committee. Anyone interested in being on this committee should speak to Asonjia or Danny.

Sept 20th Oaklawn Fall Festival Parade: Riders have been invited to lead again this year. We will stage at the Kwik Shop just west of K-15 on47th st south at 9am we will Ais around 9:20am and head to parade staging area. This parade was very short last year and only took about 15 minutes, please come out and bring your flags and poles. R/C will be REV

Elections for 2009 will be coming up soon; we will have nominations in Nov and elections in Dec. All offices are open for nominations. If you would like to serve in one of the ALR board positions let someone know so that they can nominate you. Officers are Director, Co-Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Veterans Affair Coordinator, Chaplain, and Historian.

Two-Wheel Tues.
  • Sept 16th Casa Martinez Derby, Ks Asonjia Stewart
    Sept 23rd Welcome home mission Meet at 136 at 6pm then dinner run. Ron Vangas and Darkhose will be R/C’s on this ride which will be to Wichita.
    Sept 30th Lil” Busters Derby Ks. Dennis Scuffham
    Oct 7th Neighbors bar and Grill Twin Lakes Shopping Ctr. Gio

Next meeting will be Oct 12th.

Remember That Xmas AIN”T that far down the road and we have two members in our ALR unit that have a great shop down in the Delano district in Wichita west of the river on Douglas. The Beavers Den! If you have not been in yet stop by and check out all the great stuff. Don’t see what your looking for ask them and they will try and get it for you. Please support your fellow ALR members!

Shirt Babe is taking orders for a new Red shirt with a new Support our Troops logo that she and the shirt gang have come up with. If you would like to order one please see Terri on this coming Friday nite and place your order.

Good Friends are like stars, you don’t always see them but you know they are always there. Thanks Pat

Rev out

Friday, August 15, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - August 2008

New Members: Curtis Carrell, Chris Hummel, Gary Prescott.

Gypsy M/C will be sponsoring a poker run for Make-A-Wish foundation on Sat Sept. 27th. Start at Biker’s Edge at 9:30am last bike out at noon. Cost is 15.00 for first hand and 5.00 for each additional hand. Proceeds will go to make a wish come true for little boy from Wichita who has a terminal disease and wants to go to Disneyland. Our Riders pasted the hat and came up with 235.00. Riders made another motion for ALR 136 to donate another 200.00 from our account. One of the stops on this poker run will be at our Post. Please make this run if you can the Gypsy’s support our mission and our Post by coming down for dinner and Sunday breakfast.

Post member Larry Reeves suffered a heart attack this past week and his wife Rhonda came before members to ask for help with bills. Committee was formed to check on this and report back at next meeting. Comm. Members are J.D., Jarhead, Ditch, Papa Ward.

Darkhorse introduced Pvt Winters just back from Kuwait. He rode with us today to escort the body of fallen soldier Ronald Schmidt. Darkhorse presented Pvt. Winters with a 136 challenge coin and Legion Rider hat.

Commander’s Corner: Rick was out of town this weekend but asked me to remind everyone that next weekend is Old Settlers celebration in Mulvane. Post will need help with many things if you are not going to Colo. Here is the list. Wed 13th meet at Post at 6:30pm to load our booth in truck,Thurs 14th 7am meet at Post take booth over to town and set up, fri. 15th Man the booth from 2pm on and sell raffle tickets, Sat 16th spell the guy’s in booth after riding in Parade. Also Help Danny run the horseshoe tourney back at the Post Sun. 17th 9am meet at Post go downtown and tear down booth bring back to Post and have breakfast.

Old Settlers Parade: Jarhead will be R/C on this he will meet everyone at the Post on Sat the 16th at 9:30am flag up AIS will be 10am and proceed downtown for final staging on Main St.

Horseshoe Tourney Sat Aug 30th High Noon at Post 136 signup today to get your team in. If you do not have a partner sign up and we will draw you a partner. Doug Lehman will again be in charge of this cutthroat event. Come join the fun.

Florence Labor Day Parade: Kansas ALR will be leading this event again this year. Phil Baldwin will be the R/C in Florence. After the parade we are invited over to his house for burgers, dogs and refreshments. Staging for those going will be at Derby Q-Trip 71st and K-15 at 9:00am AIS will be 9:15am route to be taken will be K-15 to I-135 to Highway 50 (just north of Newton), highway 50 to Florence (proceed through traffic circle and take first right onto 8th Street, proceed down hill to staging area. I am looking for R/C to lead people up to Florence for this event. Let me know if you would like to lead the group up. My cell number is 619-6582, REV

ALR State Rally in Eldorado this year: Sept 5-7 Registration is now 40.00 and will go to 45.00 at the gate. You can register at Post 81 Fri. nite the 5th at Post 136 at 7pm or Sat the 6th at Butler Co. Community Ctr. 200 N. Griffith,Eldorado, Ks. If you just want to come for the State meeting it will begin at 2:30pm and go til 4:30pm in same building I believe.

Darkhorse spoke about upcoming Patriot Guard mission for Ronal Schmidt. Thanked everyone who came out to the airport to escort soldier and family over to mortuary. Read letter from Captain in Army thanking us for all we do for fallen soldiers over her in the States.

Two-Wheeled Tues:
  • 8-12 Cancelled
    8-19 Haysville VFW J.D.
    8-26 Keg Bar and Grill Colwich, Ks 130 E. Chicago Ave
    9-2 Connie’s Mexican Rest. N.Broadway just north of 21st Groundpounder
    9-9 The Diner E. Harry and Webb Rd. behind Felipe’s and The Port of Wichita Groundpounder.

Reminder: Please get your Old Settlers raffle tickets into the Post ASAP. Also if you have not signed up for dishwashing duty in the kitchen yet you don’t know what your missing. You can sign up on the buddy system and are guaranteed to have the same duty together for at least that nite, there is travel, adventure and a fast pace. Join up now!

Pain is just Alcohol leaving the body.
Rev out

Thursday, July 10, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - July 2008

New Members: Roger Attebury, Mike Giovanni, Dan Graves, Anna Perkins, Rick Ries. Welcome to Post 136 American Legion Rider family.

Guest: Bob Henshaw spoke to our members about running for Sheriff for Sedgwick Co.

Chief John Kimball will be retiring the 19th of this month. His retirement ceremony will be held Sunday August 3rd at ANG on McConnell. We will let you all know what is needed to get access to this ceremony. We are planning on staging at the Wichita Air Museum. More info to come!

POW-MIA Convention is not far away. August 15th thru the 17th. Some of us are leaving on Mon. the 11th, others on Tues the 12th and some on Wed the 13th. If you need info on who to hook up with call Jim Jones 619-6582 or Pat Thacker 648-7273 and we will get you the info.

Commander Babinger spoke to membership about importance of Old Settlers tickets. When you receive yours in the mail please sell them or buy them all yourself and get money back to our Post. If every member of our Post just sells the book of tickets sent to them the Post will have $8,000.00 for the General fund. Riders from our Post have always stepped up to help let’s sell those tickets!

New games have been installed in the bar area. Enjoy.

Old Settlers Days will be the same weekend a lot of us are out in Colorado. Aug. 15th and 16th. A parade is scheduled for Saturday morn at 11:00am. Meet at our Post at 9:00am AIS will be 9:45am. Jarhead is R/C on this mission if he doesn’t go to Colorado.

ALR Event Calendar: John Wilson has now made it possible to go to our Web site and access a calendar that has important dates for events within the ALR. I will be posting Post- 136 events on this site so check it out.

ALR State Rally I will be sending out info on the State Rally and registration sheet to download. Riders from all over the state attend this important rally. We also have the State meeting at this function. If you have never attended State now is the time since it will be held in Eldorado.

ALR Hats: Motion was made to spend $750.00 to purchase hats from ALR Post in Yates Center. Hats will sell for $15.00 each 50 are being ordered.

American Traveling Tribute Escort & Assemble the Traveling Wall on Wed July 15th. Stage at QT at 71st and K-15 at 2:45pm AIS 3pm arrive Walmart before 4pm escort Tribute to Eldorado lake and then help set up the Wall. Last year in Winter Park, Kansas ALR set up the Wall in Record time. Please come out and help if you can.

Kansas All Veterans Family Reunion: Sat July 19th ALR 136 will stage again at QT 71st and K-15 at 6:30am and proceed to Wal-Mart in Eldorado for ride-by thru Eldorado to staging area at ranger station at Eldorado Lake. We will mount our flags and do a ride by at the Veterans Reunion then park and attend the opening ceremonies. If you have never been to this Reunion you need to be there!

Shirt Babe is going to turn in one more order before we go to Colorado. You have until this coming Tuesday the 15th to order. Contact or cell- 518-1564.

Calling All Rags Mon. 7-21 The Rags have graciously offered to go back to Eldorado and help tear down the Wall. Then go and have lunch. Doug Lehman will put out info to Rags and I will get info to anyone who can also help. Thanks Rags.

Horseshoe Tourney: 4th of July Tourney was won by Leroy Perkins and Ed Cantwell. They were undefeated. Thanks to Doug Lehman for ramrodding this event. Look for another one to come up on Labor Day weekend.

50/50 was won by Dwane Stewart $84.00 was split.

Two-Wheel Tuesday’s: As usual meet at Post 136 at 6pm and AIS at 6:30 for destination.
  • 7-15 A J”S Sports Bar and Grill North Rock Bowling Alley- Shirt Babe
    7-22 Rock Café in Rock Ks. Dwane Stewart
    7-29 Walt’s Bar and Grill Central and Rock Rd. behind Piccadilly’s Andy Webb
    8-5 Cheddars on E. 13th East of Greenwich Rd on southside of street. Groundpounder

We live in a great and free country only because our forefathers were willing to wage war rather than accept the peace that spells destruction. Theodore Roosevelt

Rev out.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - June 2008

New Members: Dennis Petersen has returned from Post 408. Welcome back Dennis.

Veterans Running for Political Office: Geo. Leach U.S.Army veteran is running for Rep. 81st District and Carl Enterkin is running for Sedg. Co. Sheriff. Both spoke at our ALR meeting and asked for our votes.

James Williams from Am. Red Cross spoke to our group about Red Cross Poker Run on 6-28. Check-in at 8am at 1900 E. Douglas Breakfast will be served. Poker Run starts at 10am and ends at 2pm at Alef’s Harley-Davidson. $20.00 pre-registration at or $25.00 day of the event registration.

J.D. Dunham: introduced his nephew Tech Sgt. Brookes who just returned from the war in the Iraq. He is going back soon and said he would fly a flag on a B-1 bomber and send back to us with certification letter.

Chief John Kimball: flew in from Des Moines Ia. to attend our meeting, Darkhorse presented with a certificate of our appreciation and a warm ALR 136 welcome back home to our Post.

American Legion Legacy Fund: Motion was made to send the Legacy fund $1,500.00 from ALR 136. Motion passed.

Parkersberg IA: Motion was made to send $250.00 to the Post in Parkersberg for tornado relief funds to help out that Post. Motion Passed.

Leon Roberts: Mother passed away last Tues. Cards can be sent to Leon and Barb Roberts 418 Quail Ridge Ct. Mulvane, Ks. 67110.

Free Concert in Hyde Park Derby, Ks. 6-21: Alr has been invited to ride in before the concert there in Derby on the 21st of June. Plans are to meet at Dillon’s at Madison and Rk. Rd. at 6:30 pm and then ride in as group. More info to come from Cregg Hansen- Watch your e-mail for further instructions.

V.A.Banana Run JUNE 29TH: since we had 4th of July bags made up it was decided last month to do a Banana run. THERE WILL BE A NUMBER OF Riders out of town that weekend going to Okla. So I am asking Riders to step up and help Darkhorse complete this important mission. If you have never been on a V.A.Banana Run please come. Meet at the Post at 9am for a great breakfast then load bags with sugar-free cookies and candy that you all bring load up at 12:30pm and off to the V.A. to distribute the bags to our veterans at the V.A.

4th of July: We have been invited to join ALR 408 in the Derby 4th of July Parade. The ALR will not be leading the parade so attending this parade will be up to the individual since ALR 136 voted not to do parades unless we do a ride-by.

4th of July at Post 136: Horseshoe Tourney!!!!! 12.00 High! If you missed the Post appreciation tourney now is your chance to get in on the BIG DAY Tourney. The Post will be open all day for the tourney and beverages but the kitchen will be closed that evening and dinner will not be served. Come out and do some 12 OZ. curls and loosen that arm up for some shoes!

Commander Babinger: spoke to Riders about presenting families with Blue Star and Gold Star flags when we do our Homecomings and Patriot guard rides. Also turning in record of all volunteer time we as Riders give to do our missions.

Darkhorse: Will be reading 50 names of fallen soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan in Topeka next Sta. He will be meeting at the Q-Trip at 71st and k-15 at 5:30 AM AIS will be 6am. Head to Topeka on turnpike stopping at rest area’s to refuel and pick up more Riders. Be prepared to spend $6.00 for toll and arrive in Topeka at 8:00 and proceed to Ks. Expocentre where all of the names of fallen soldier from countries will be read. Terry will be reading his names around 1or 2pm. We will not be staying for the whole ceremony. We will try to ride up as a group and leave as a group so no one is left riding the distance home alone.

Sgt. Tom Buskirk: is over in Afghanistan serving our country in a small isolated base with only one air drop a month. ALR 136 is collecting goodies for a care package to send him-items needed are according to Chief Kimball who just got back from there: toiletries, wet wipes, snack items, gum candy and games to give to the kids over there. We will be collecting these items for the next couple of Friday nites at the Post then give to Tom’s wife to box up and send to him. The ALR will pick up the postage on this package. Thank you!

Two-Wheel Tues:
  • 6-10 Players Bar and Grill 6200 W. 21st north of Sedgwick. Co. zoo on 21st. Groundpounder
    6-17 Lil’ Busters Derby on K-15 Tatonka
    6-24 Quiqley’s in Rose Hill Jarhead
    7-1 Seneca st. Bar and Grill 3837 S. Seneca Rev
    7-8 Cy,s Bar and Grill3863 S.Seneca the lovely Mrs. Lenager who will now be my new navigator!

Lets all raise a glass to the guy who never asks for any praise for a job well done. All the blood, sweat and tears standing tall no fear he is the backbone of this land. Here’s to the AMERICAN MAN.

Trace Adkins

Rev Out

Thursday, May 8, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - May 2008

Let me start by saying thank you to all the Riders who showed up out at the cemetery to locate flag holes, also everyone who made it to this months meeting. The back room was rented out for a wedding so we had to have our meeting in the smoking section in the bar area.

Wild Bill & Janet Logan has invited all of the ALR 136 Riders to join them on the 18th of this month which is a Sunday to celebrate Kyle’s graduation. Motorcycles and blue jeans are the dress of the evening. The party will start at 6:30pm. To rsvp call 721-6948 if no answer wait and leave a message so Janet knows how many people are coming. Bill says there will be plenty of food and beer! Directions to his house are Kellogg west to Maize rd. North on Maize rd to 21st, Left on 21st head west to Parkridge turn right on Parkridge head north to Neville turn left their address is 11817 Neville look for American flag. See you all there!

Patriot Guard Fund received donations from the staff at Peoples State Bank for 500.00 and from Air Force Sgt. Assoc for 100.00. Darkhorse spoke the the Air Force Sgt. Assoc. about his service, the ALR mission and the Patriot Guard. Friday May 23rd meet at the Mulvane cemetery to help Ladies Aux place crosses on all Veterans graves then return to Post for a fine meal.

Monday may 26th Memorial Day Please meet at Mulvane cemetery to assist in Placing 212 U.S. flags on poles then return to Post where breakfast will be served to all who helped. Any ALR 136 Rider who wishes to join me in flying the American flag and riding in to the cemetery for the ceremony should be at the Post at 9:30 am AIS will be 10:15. The ceremony will start at 11:00am. Mulvane cemetery directions as follows head south of Post on K-15 take first exit to the right, take right turn and head east on 53 cemetery is just a mile or two down the road on the right. In the past the Post has always had a distinguished speaker- Generals, Majors, Sergeants. This year is no different a gentleman who has not only given 110% on the battlefield but also here at home ALR 136 Rider Terry Houck!

June 1st Doug and Terri Lehman will be having a Homecoming party for the future son-in-law and his family at their home. We will be meeting at the Q-Trip 71st and k-15 at 1:30pm AIS will be 1:50pm head to the Lehman home at 1207 James in Derby. Riders are welcome to visit and enjoy refreshments. SSGT Justin Carruthers is returning from his deployment in Qatar. June 14th A ceremony called “The Reading“ will be held in the central United States in Topeka, Ks at which time all the names of all the fallen veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq will be read , Darkhorse is putting together a ride for ALR members to go and show our support . ALR 136 donated 100.00 to this ceremony.

Post Appreciation Day will be on the 31st. To go along with our yearly Rib Feed all Post 136 members will receive 2 for 1’s on drinks. A horseshoe tourney will begin at 1pm and the Fabulous Mulvane DJ’s will be playing that night. Please come out and have a great evening.

Two-Wheel Tues Night Ride:
  • 5-13 Cheddars K-96 and East 13th Groundpounder Pat Thacker
    5-20 The Alley K-96 and East 13th Shirt Babe Terri Lehman
    5-27 Shenanigans S. Oliver old Charlie’s Bar and Grill – Sponge Bob Gary Schultz
    6-3 Side Pockets West Kellogg to Tyler north on Tyler to first traffic light ,turn right then turn left by Papa Johns Pizza Side pockets is just north of Papa Johns in same parking lot!. The Rev- Jim Jones

Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see someone doing otherwise quietly pull them aside and explain how Veterans have fought for the very freedom they bask in every second. Enlighten them of the many sacrifices these veterans made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down while a Disabled Veteran kicks their ass! If you witness someone calling and enlisted Marine “Sir“, stand back; a Marine will kick their ass. Next time you come across an Air Force member, do not ask them “Do you fly a jet”. Not everyone in the Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves an ass kicking. (Children are exempt) Thank God for our military and the sacrifices they make everyday. Without them our country would get its ass kicked. Dave Poage


Monday, April 7, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - April 2008

Presentations: Dorothy Winward presented the Riders with a wall hanging of a flag with a patriotic verse that will be hung in our dining area. Thank you Dorothy it was very nice!

Harold Cooper: Harold has been a 136 member since 2005 and then went to Eldorado to help start that Post and went to another to help that Post start. All the while having a dual membership with our Post 136, when National said that you could not have dual membership anymore Harold decided to come home to ALR 136. Harold has been a great rider and has been on a lot of P/G missions. Welcome home Harold it is great to have you back!

Chuck Barshney spoke about son-in-law returning from Iraq.

Commanders Corner: Rick spoke about veteran who had a stroke and will have to sell his bike –more info on this will be out in mail soon. This Wed. nite the Hospice group will be at our Post at 7pm. To answer any questions you might have about their program and what they have to offer people in their time of need. The public is welcome.

Jerry Allen: made motion for ALR to spend 1,000.00 towards big-screen TV for the smoking area just outside the dining room. Motion passed.

Shirt Babe: still has a few of the shirts left that no one claimed for sale, or you can place and order for the new style shirts she designed that have ALR 136 going down each sleeve and the flag picture back with birthplace of the Patriot guard and soldiers on patrol. Great looking Thank you Sis for all of your hard work. You deserved the standing ovation form all the Riders!

Post 69 Medicine Lodge, Ks: Rider Shawn Esteban rode in to Mulvane to attend the welcome home we did after our meeting for Navy Seabee Gary Tully. Shawn attended Sgt. Dave Berry’s funeral and flew Sgt. Berry’s unit flag on the back of his bike for that mission. Thank you Shawn for your support.

Chaplain Ron Herndon: has resigned for personal and health reasons. New ALR chaplain is Diamond Dave Stewart. Dave was also elected Legion Chaplain. Thank you for stepping up and taking this important office.

Greg Bauer: has a friend who teaches motorcycle safety. He has set up a class for our Road Guards to take and then if it is a good course we will open it to all 136 Riders.

Darkhorse spoke about advertising in the All Vets Reunion in Eldorado, Ks this summer. We will take out a full page ad for ALR and American Legion letting people know who we are and all about our new facilities. Also RD’s of Mulvane is putting on bike/car show in May; we will spend $200.00 for ad. He has always support our Legion.

Phone Cards: Motion was made to continue to send out cards to troops and when we run low Monika will shop around for best price for the money.

Darkhorse spoke about Ks-53 highway being named Patriot Guard Highway. Animal will try to get Father-in-law to speak to Gov. about coming to Mulvane to sign the bill here.

April 25th Dennis Scuffham told Riders that 81 Speedway will be having motorcycle races every Friday night. We all got together last year and rode up for the races it was a blast. We will plan a trip up when the weather decides what it wants to do.

Mud Run Races: Strickland Tire service down at the Ark City exit on the turnpike has and opening nite of May 24th. The owners have invited us to come down for the evening. Races start at 6pm. We will receive a discount on the gate fee. I will be R/C on this trip and get more in to you as the date draws closer.

Gold Star Mother License Plates: Motion was made to pay for state Gold Star Mother Tag for any Woman in our Post who was a Gold Star Mother. Darkhorse will call Betty Pullman a past Gold Star Mother Natl. President and check with her. We are paying for Betty’s tag,

Two-Wheel Tues:
  • 4-13 Legion post 136 for all you can eat spaghetti, $5.00 a person
    4-23 Ark City Legion Burger Burn Ark City, Ks
    4-29 Seneca Street Bar & Grill
    5-6 Soggy Bottoms on West St. north of central on west side of street.

4-19 - Kansas ALR will be at Haysville Expo to meet and greet people. Riders will meet at Derby VFW at 12:00 noon AIS will be 12:30pm. This is an excellent opportunity to meet people who support our mission and shake their hands.

Funeral mission for fallen Vietnam Vet will be this Tuesday afternoon. Doug Lehman will be R/C and will get more info out to us tomorrow. Please try to make this if you can. Thank you!

REV Out!

Monday, March 10, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - March 2008

New Members: Gary Donaldson and Ron Vangas Welcome to the ALR 136 Family.

Guests: Lt. Col. Don Aimes and his wife presented the Patriot Guard with a check for $1,000.00. Motion was made for ALR 136 to pay for Legion and Ladies AUX dues for this couple to join our Post.

David Evans thanked the membership for all their support for the Ks. Veterans Auction that was held this last Sunday at the Port of Wichita. He said that they raised over $3300.00 for the Veterans weekend that they have at Eldorado Lake every summer. He also donated many gift certificates that were left over from the auction that we are going to use in the March 15th St. Pats. Auction that we will be having at our Post 136.

Hockey Tribute: March 16th there will be a tribute ride out to the Coliseum for John Simard. He was a big hockey fan and the Thunder will be giving John a Shout Out during the game. Check the state calendar for times and meeting places.

MS Walk: Cregg will be leading ALR team for this event. It will be held at Sedg. Co. Park out west. Call Cregg Hansen for sponsorship packets. 316-655-8861

Pancake Feed: March 15th we will meet at our Post at 8am for Bloody Marys then continue on to Andover for Pancake Feed. We will not be going to Old Town for Parade because we would have to ride in the back and walk our bikes. Sorry!

Commander’s Corner Commander Rick thanked everyone who was involved with all the new improvements at our Post. A new dishwasher list is up in kitchen, if you have not signed up please do-Thanks. March 29th we will have the Powder River Band playing at our Post from 8-11 please bring a snack for everyone to munch on. There will be a $5.00 cover charge. Bar area is coming along nicely, new ceiling tiles are up and stand-up bar by front door is being completed. Doug Lehman made motion to donate $200.00 for carpet to go on the front of our bar. Motion passed.

DarkHorse picked up bumper stickers from Post 4 for us to sell. See Linda Thacker for more info on these the cost is $2.50

Animal also has Am. Legion Rider, Patriot Guard, POW-MIA, and America Thank a Vet stickers for sale.

DarkHorse made motion to cover all troops’ dues to Legion and ALR as long as they were overseas. Motion passed.

Chaplain “Doc “Herndon gave report on Jerry Young and family. He was pleased to report that this young soldier is now going to be able to collect money from Gov. to take care of his family. Thanks to all of the people who helped this young soldier in his time of need!

Patriot Guard: Darkhorse read cards to members thanking them for all that they do. A check for 163 was presented to Ks. Patriot Guard to use in our mission. Post 408 sent Thank You card for 50 flags that were sent to them per the Patriot Guard.

Carry the Flame cd’s are now available thru Darkhorse, the cost is $15.00. He can give you the info to order it at the next meeting.

Ground Pounder made motion to send $250.00 to Indian Warrior Vet ‘Grunt” who has presented Post 136 vets with the prized Warrior Necklace. He is putting together a ride to commemorate past warriors and will be visiting many famous warrior landmarks such as Ira Hayes who was one of the Marines who raised our flag on Iwo Jima.

Co-Director also thanked all of our Road Guards for the great job that they do to protect us all form the crazy people in cages. Thanks Road Guards!

November-December shirt orders: If you wrote a check in either of these months for shirts and the check did not clear please contact Terri Lehman when you see her at the Post and let her know.

New Shirt design: Terri has new shirt design for our Post only- ALR post 136 Birthplace of the Patriot Guard. If you want to order she will be at our Post this coming Friday night to take orders and will be turning in these orders the next day!

  • March 11th AJ’s Sports Bar in North Rock bowling alley on N. Rock Rd.
    March 18th Shenanigans on S. Oliver. The Old Charlie’s Bar and Grill
    March 25th Soggy Bottoms on West st. More info to follow.
    April 1st. Hayesville VFW on S. Broadway just south of Grand.
    April 8th Mary’s Supper Club 4545 S. Hydraulic

50/50 was won by Papa Ward he donated his winnings of 36 dollars towards the Post building fund. Thank you Jerry!

VA Banana Run will be March 30th. Meet at our Post at 9am for a great breakfast. Please bring sugar free cookies and candies for the Vets at the hospital. We will bag all of the goodies and take off at 12:30pm. Please bring flags and poles. Thank you.

Missing In America Project Committee: Doug Lehman, Terry Houck, Doc Herndon, Greg Bauer, Ferrell Belt, Bill Logan, Gary Schultz, Dennis Scuffham, and Pat Thacker. These Riders will look into deceased Vets whose remains are being held without hope of burial.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with Excellence!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - February 2008

New Members: Patrick and Susan Moushey. Welcome to ALR Post 136.

Presentations: Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman and Monica (Rocket) Barshney’ for serving our ALR membership as co-director and secretary/treasurer. Thanks to both of you for your service to our Riders.

Warrior’s Necklace Presentation: Terry Houck and Bill Logan presented Dennis Scuffham with a Vietnam Warriors necklace made by Veteran Indians Warriors who also served in Vietnam. Congrats TATONKA Scuffham.

Gypsy’s M/C will be hosting a benefit for a fellow Gypsy on Feb. 16th at their clubhouse at 2781 S> Roosevelt. $5.00 food, live auction and karaoke. Please attend the Gypsy’s are good supporters of our Post for dinner and Sun. breakfast. Also they will be having a Poker Run for Heart Spring on Sat April 5th. More info to come.

Commanders Corner: Rick spoke about POW-MIA table set up in our dinning room. Farrell Belt donated Plaque that is on wall behind this table. Thank you Farrel!

Post 136 Legion elections will be held on Mar. 3rd. Please come and cast your vote it IS important! A total of $10,000 was collected for Jerry Young and his family to help them get back on track. Thanks to all who donated.

State Fair Booth: State ALR Director has asked all ALR posts to commit to manning AM. Legion booth at the next three State Fairs. The cost is minimal but it will take some Riders to be at the booth from 9-9 for 10 days. We will get more info as the date for Fair draws closer.

Shirt Orders: You will have until the 19th to get shirt orders in to Terri (Shirt Babe) Lehman NO MONEY-NO SHIRT

Bumper Stickers: We will be purchasing stickers from Post 4 for sale as soon as they arrive. GroundPounder will send out Pic of what they look like.

Bob Funcheon and his wife will be having a memorial birthday service for son Alex who was killed in Iraq on Mar. 2nd. More info will follow.

Statehouse Bound:Terry Houck will be at QTrip at 71st and K-15 at 8am and will leave at 9am for Topeka to speak about Highway 53 between Turnpike and k-15 being called Patriot Guard Highway. They will be driving cages due to poor weather and late return time. If you would like to go be at QT before departure time!

Patriot Guard Flags: Terry Houck and Chuck Barshney’ made suggestion that Patriot Guard flags on 10ft. poles only be used for Vet funerals and Legion functions and all Patriotic events-Vet. Parades. Memorial Day etc.

Rolling Thunder Carry the Flame: $250.00 for t-shirt ad that we do every year. Shirts will be available for order soon. Pic of shirt coming!

Care Packages: Thanks to all who brought items that Chief Kimball had requested for troops overseas. Also thanks to Jim ( Pyro) Daily for picking up and getting delivered said care packages.

110% Plaque will be having names of people at our Post who go above and beyond the call to help our Post and our projects. Chuck Barshney’ will be Committee Chair for this important duty. Our first two names have been chosen – Greg Bauer and Phil Horner.

Two-Wheel Tues: All below meals are $5.00
  • Feb.12th. Post 136 Beer and Dogs
    Feb 20th This is a Wed. VFW Derby for ALR 408 Burger Burn
    Feb 26th Bull’s Surprise Brat’s on the new Smoker out back!
    Mar.4th Chuck Barshney’ KILLER Spaghetti
    Rides will resume when weather co-operates and it is safe.

St.Pats Swaray!! Rocket Barshney’ is heading up a team to put on part on the 15th of Mar. Details will follow.

V.A> Banana Run will be Mar. 30th. If you have never made the Banana Run you are missing one of the most important missions that we do. Please join us in thanking our Vets who are at the V.A.Bring sugar free cookies and candies to the Post on the 30th join us for a killer breakfast then help pack goody bags and off we go!

50/50 was won by Ben Roloff. He donated his winnings to the Post Bar refurb fund. Thanks Ben!

Next meeting March 9th.

There is nothing morally superior about the WARRIOR, but they do have one real advantage. Only one. And that is that they are able to survive and thrive in an environment that destroys 98% of the population. Reservist Charles Grennel (Iraq)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - January 2008

New Members: Roger Miller, Jack Evans, and Wade Richards- Welcome your membership will never be taken for granted.

50/50 Drawing: Won by Le Ann Beavers and donated back to ALR to be used to help Jerry Young, wounded soldier with his bills.

Atomic Vets Resolution passed by members. Please contact your U.S. Senators and Congressmen and let them know you want this matter taken care of. I will re-mail out the info on this.

Homecoming: Sat Jan. 19th for Mindy Saindon and boyfriend Will at Post 408 . Be at Post at 4:15 to sign flag as they will be arriving at 5pm.

Homecoming Recruiting: We will now offer to pay for 1st year of Vets Legion dues and if they own a motorcycle 1st year of ALR dues. Ask them about this every time we do a welcome home.

Riders in the Sky Memorial A plaque will be made with the names of current Post 136 ALR members who have left us to go on the Great Ride. These names will hang on individual tags below said plaque.

Front Area Remodeling: Has started before today’s meeting . Thanks to all that showed up. We made quick work of our task. Now we will be meeting this coming Sat. at 9am to finish the project. Come on down and help. We may even have a beer and Dan’s famous chicken and Ski’s killer fish.

Commanders Corner: Rick spoke about upcoming elections for our Legion Post in March. If you are a Legionnaire and would like to run for an office please let Rick know. Rick is also interviewing Vets about their tours of duty and is putting this in a book form for all to read, this book is located on top of our new ALR display case. Take time to read the many outstanding stories that this book has in it. We should all be proud of the members we have at our Post.

Fireworks: ALR member Jim ( PYRO ) Daily and crew received a big round of applause from members for the GREAT fireworks display that was enjoyed by all on New Years Eve. Jim said he would set up the display again next year too.

Wounded Soldier: Wild Bill spoke for Darkhorse who was at a fallen Darkhorse member’s funeral on the west coast. Bill explained that this young man had 3 tours in Iraq had 2 purple hearts and a third pending . Was a scout in lead Humvee ahs had 3 of said vehicles blown out from under him. This last one left him with some brain damage. He was honorably discharged and is having a tough time with 3 children. Efforts are being made to get him back in so he can get med treatment and full 100% disability but for now he is about to lose house and bills are piled up. ALR 136 members passed hat and I can proudly say raised 900.00 dollars, Larry Halloran kicked in 100.00. The members then voted to donate another 500.00 from emergency relief fund and 500.00 from general fund. A check will be presented to Jerry Young and his family at the Natl. Vice-Commanders visit this Wed. night the 16th at 6pm.

Dining Room Tables: Greg Bauer and Wild Bill Logan donated money to by 3 new tables. Motion by members for ALR to purchase 4 new tables passed.

Xmas Fund 2008:Monika Barshney made motion to have Riders portion of 50/50 split go towards 08 Xmas fund. Motion passed.

ALR Tues Night Events (Held at Post 136 for time being):
  • 1-15 Doc’s Chili
    1-22 Nacho/Taco Surprise
    1-29 Animal’s Chicken Noodle and Rev’s Red Bean and Rice
    2-5 Chaplain Ceremony and ALR potluck dinner, everyone bring something good to eat for everyone to share.