Guests: Lt. Col. Don Aimes and his wife presented the Patriot Guard with a check for $1,000.00. Motion was made for ALR 136 to pay for Legion and Ladies AUX dues for this couple to join our Post.
David Evans thanked the membership for all their support for the Ks. Veterans Auction that was held this last Sunday at the Port of Wichita. He said that they raised over $3300.00 for the Veterans weekend that they have at Eldorado Lake every summer. He also donated many gift certificates that were left over from the auction that we are going to use in the March 15th St. Pats. Auction that we will be having at our Post 136.
Hockey Tribute: March 16th there will be a tribute ride out to the Coliseum for John Simard. He was a big hockey fan and the Thunder will be giving John a Shout Out during the game. Check the state calendar for times and meeting places.
MS Walk: Cregg will be leading ALR team for this event. It will be held at Sedg. Co. Park out west. Call Cregg Hansen for sponsorship packets. 316-655-8861
Pancake Feed: March 15th we will meet at our Post at 8am for Bloody Marys then continue on to Andover for Pancake Feed. We will not be going to Old Town for Parade because we would have to ride in the back and walk our bikes. Sorry!
Commander’s Corner Commander Rick thanked everyone who was involved with all the new improvements at our Post. A new dishwasher list is up in kitchen, if you have not signed up please do-Thanks. March 29th we will have the Powder River Band playing at our Post from 8-11 please bring a snack for everyone to munch on. There will be a $5.00 cover charge. Bar area is coming along nicely, new ceiling tiles are up and stand-up bar by front door is being completed. Doug Lehman made motion to donate $200.00 for carpet to go on the front of our bar. Motion passed.
DarkHorse picked up bumper stickers from Post 4 for us to sell. See Linda Thacker for more info on these the cost is $2.50
Animal also has Am. Legion Rider, Patriot Guard, POW-MIA, and America Thank a Vet stickers for sale.
DarkHorse made motion to cover all troops’ dues to Legion and ALR as long as they were overseas. Motion passed.
Chaplain “Doc “Herndon gave report on Jerry Young and family. He was pleased to report that this young soldier is now going to be able to collect money from Gov. to take care of his family. Thanks to all of the people who helped this young soldier in his time of need!
Patriot Guard: Darkhorse read cards to members thanking them for all that they do. A check for 163 was presented to Ks. Patriot Guard to use in our mission. Post 408 sent Thank You card for 50 flags that were sent to them per the Patriot Guard.
Carry the Flame cd’s are now available thru Darkhorse, the cost is $15.00. He can give you the info to order it at the next meeting.
Ground Pounder made motion to send $250.00 to Indian Warrior Vet ‘Grunt” who has presented Post 136 vets with the prized Warrior Necklace. He is putting together a ride to commemorate past warriors and will be visiting many famous warrior landmarks such as Ira Hayes who was one of the Marines who raised our flag on Iwo Jima.
Co-Director also thanked all of our Road Guards for the great job that they do to protect us all form the crazy people in cages. Thanks Road Guards!
November-December shirt orders: If you wrote a check in either of these months for shirts and the check did not clear please contact Terri Lehman when you see her at the Post and let her know.
New Shirt design: Terri has new shirt design for our Post only- ALR post 136 Birthplace of the Patriot Guard. If you want to order she will be at our Post this coming Friday night to take orders and will be turning in these orders the next day!
- March 11th AJ’s Sports Bar in North Rock bowling alley on N. Rock Rd.
March 18th Shenanigans on S. Oliver. The Old Charlie’s Bar and Grill
March 25th Soggy Bottoms on West st. More info to follow.
April 1st. Hayesville VFW on S. Broadway just south of Grand.
April 8th Mary’s Supper Club 4545 S. Hydraulic
50/50 was won by Papa Ward he donated his winnings of 36 dollars towards the Post building fund. Thank you Jerry!
VA Banana Run will be March 30th. Meet at our Post at 9am for a great breakfast. Please bring sugar free cookies and candies for the Vets at the hospital. We will bag all of the goodies and take off at 12:30pm. Please bring flags and poles. Thank you.
Missing In America Project Committee: Doug Lehman, Terry Houck, Doc Herndon, Greg Bauer, Ferrell Belt, Bill Logan, Gary Schultz, Dennis Scuffham, and Pat Thacker. These Riders will look into deceased Vets whose remains are being held without hope of burial.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with Excellence!