Monday, November 10, 2008

ALR-136 Newsletter - November 2008

New Members: Eddie Bulstrode, Mike Owens, Loren Beale, Bob McFadden, Glenn Bishop, Bruce Tafoya. Welcome to the ALR of Post 136.

Commander Rick Babinger was given a new call sign by Darkhorse at the meeting. His new call sign is White Eagle 6.

New member Eddie Bulstrode was given Welcome home flag and coin at the meeting for returning home safely to us from Iraq. Welcome home Eddie!

Commander’s Corner: Rick reminded everyone about the Veterans Day program that will be held at the Post starting at 5pm. Old Flags will also be retired and a meal will be served afterwards. All Vets are welcome please bring a side dish to share. Bring in your old shoes to be recycled and exchanged for cash for Veterans programs. Any condition! V.A. Christmas store is now taking donations of new items for the Vets to send to their loved ones at home while the Vets are in the hospital. Any item will do just as long as it is brand new in the box no used items please.

Dan the Bartender at our Post suffered a stroke this past week and is in the hospital and will have by-pass surgery. Chuck Barshney asked that we make a motion to cover Dan’s weekly salary of $200.00 a week for the next month. Motion passed, after one month we will re-examine the situation.

Flags at V.A.: Doug Lehman made motion to help V.A. put up flags on Martin Luther King Day when it comes up. More info on this as the holiday draws near. Other Posts have stepped up and taken a few of the holiday flag details, so we are on board now for MLK Day.

Vets Day in Haysville: J.D Dunham will be the R/C for ride to Prairie elementary school for Vets program. Stage at Mini-Stop at Grand and S. Broadway at 8am and AIS will be at 8:15.

Monica Barshney made a motion to spend a $1,000.00 on V.A. Vets Xmas. This will include a nice towel set and coupon book for the canteen along with a goodie bag.

Nov 13th 2008: We have been requested to attend the Quilts for Valor ceremony at the V.A. They are asking for Vets to hold the Quilts up for the wounded soldiers that quilts are being given to. Darkhorse says this will be a ride event so wear your vest and leather. Program starts at 7pm. Ride info will follow.

Dorothy Winward brought her husband Mike “Blackhawk" Winward’s casket flag to our meeting to be refolded. JimFinneran. Eddie Bulstrode, Charlie Trong and John Kimball to care of the detail.

Nominations for 2009 Post 136 ALR Boards of Directors are:
  • Director: Doug Lehman
    Asst. Director: Greg Bauer, Dan Benson
    Secretary: Terri Lehman
    Treasurer: Monika Barshney
    Sgt. at Arms: Ben Roloff
    Chaplain: Dave Stewart
    V.A. Co-Coordinator: Terry Houck, Ron Herndon
    Historian: Mike St.Clair

ALR 136 Elections: In order to vote next month you must have both your 2009 Legion. Aux or S.A.L. dues paid along with your ALR dues. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Wild Bill Logan Was made honorary Arms.

Riders in the Sky Memorial plaque: Pat Thacker said plaque was being made to commemorate 136 Riders that have passed away. Also will have patches made for our vests. Contact pat at next meeting to order them.

Am. Legion National awarded Post 136 ALR with plaque for donation to Legacy fund.

50/50 was won by J. D. Dunham and $102.00 was split. He donated $31.00 to Xmas fund thanks you J.D.

Two-Wheel Tues:
  • 11-11 Vets Day at the Post
    11-18 A.J’s Sports Bar N. Rock Rd. Shirt Babe
    11-25 Lil Busters in Derby. Chuck Barshney
    12-2 Shenanigan’s S. Oliver Charlie
    12-9 Walt’s at Piccadilly Square Central and Rock Rd. Andy

New time for Tues nite instead of being at tour destination at 7pm we will now be there by 6:30 pm . This will just be for the cold weather months. People who still want to meet at Post and drive to meeting place adjust your schedules accordingly.

S.A.L. Kids Xmas party will be Dec 7th at 2pm Stop by and bring in the kids some cookies for their party.

As we all know excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slow and weakest cells first. In this way regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells making the brain a faster more efficient machine. That is why you always feel smarter after having a few beers”. Cliff- “Cheers”

Rev out