Flag Presentation: The family of a serviceman that we did a send-off for presented Don Jarboe and Darkhorse with a U.S. flag and documentation stating it was flown in a war zone. Family said this young man took the flag that we presented him on his tour overseas. Many thanks!
Shocker Fireworks spoke to members about a fundraiser where we would man a fireworks tent and sell fireworks for a share of the profit. More to come on this!
Family Mobility Day at McConnell: Mark Urbanek director of Post 81 in Eldorado asked us to come out and join him and other Riders on Nov. 1st for a mock welcome home for the kids of our servicemen and women. You can call A&FRC at 759-6020 and give information or go online and register at www.mcconnellfsc.com. We will meet at front gate of Base a little before 10am and check in then proceed to a staging area. We did this last year and it was a lot of fun. Make sure you register by the 20th of this month.
Post Commander Rick Babinger spoke about Early Bird dinner on Oct 18th starts at 5:30pm come and pay you Legion, Aux, or S.A.L. dues and get free spaghetti dinner. Nov. 11th Post will have Veterans Day program which will start at 5pm afterwards a dinner will be served please bring a covered dish. Oct. 23rd Patriot Guard Hwy. dedication will be held on Hwy 53 as you leave Mulvane on the west side of town. More on this later this week. Next Sunday please come down and help with the construction of a new flag burning pit. We will meet at 10am eat breakfast and then begin work. Halloween party will be the 31st after dinner-come in costume there will be prizes for best costume and other games with prizes; D J will be playing your favorite tunes.
Oct. 25th S.A.L. 50’s party has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled at a later date.
Thank You Cards:
Shocker Fireworks spoke to members about a fundraiser where we would man a fireworks tent and sell fireworks for a share of the profit. More to come on this!
Family Mobility Day at McConnell: Mark Urbanek director of Post 81 in Eldorado asked us to come out and join him and other Riders on Nov. 1st for a mock welcome home for the kids of our servicemen and women. You can call A&FRC at 759-6020 and give information or go online and register at www.mcconnellfsc.com. We will meet at front gate of Base a little before 10am and check in then proceed to a staging area. We did this last year and it was a lot of fun. Make sure you register by the 20th of this month.
Post Commander Rick Babinger spoke about Early Bird dinner on Oct 18th starts at 5:30pm come and pay you Legion, Aux, or S.A.L. dues and get free spaghetti dinner. Nov. 11th Post will have Veterans Day program which will start at 5pm afterwards a dinner will be served please bring a covered dish. Oct. 23rd Patriot Guard Hwy. dedication will be held on Hwy 53 as you leave Mulvane on the west side of town. More on this later this week. Next Sunday please come down and help with the construction of a new flag burning pit. We will meet at 10am eat breakfast and then begin work. Halloween party will be the 31st after dinner-come in costume there will be prizes for best costume and other games with prizes; D J will be playing your favorite tunes.
Oct. 25th S.A.L. 50’s party has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled at a later date.
Thank You Cards:
- Dorothy Winward thanked everyone for all of their support in helping lay a fallen comrade to rest. We will miss you Mike!
- National Legion Commander sent card thanking our ALR for the $1,500.00 donation to the Am. Legion Legacy Fund, they raised $515,000.00 this year.
Congratulations go out to Jerad Krueger and Dan Morgan for their recent promotions from E-5 to E-6.
Safety Road Rule Guidelines: Doug Lehman put together a set of guide lines that we will be following on all of our runs from now on. He had a meeting with Road Captains, Assistant Road Captains and all Road Guards from our post. They looked over Doug’s work, made some changes, and Doug put the final set of rules together. You will be receiving an e-mail with this info. Please take the time to read them over carefully; we will be setting and example of how to ride safely.
More Congratulations: Commander Rick Babinger presented Danny Aguilera and Terry Houck with Certificates of Appreciation for all that they do for our post. Way to go guys!
Important Dates
- 10/18/08: Kingman 125th Centennial Parade. Deke Johnson will be R/C in Kingman. Stage at corner of Main and U.S. 54 in Kingman at school parking lot. Rev will be R/C on the trip out to Kingman. We will meet at Kwik Shop in Goddard at 7am and AIS at 7:15 am. Deke has been a past 136 member and is always at our functions, lets give him a good turnout.
- 10/18/08: Christmas in a box for soldiers overseas. Meet at Post 408 at high noon and AIS at 2pm to ride to Post 256 for fun and refreshment. If you come out to Kingman parade you will be back in plenty of time for this event.
- 11/9/08: Busy day: We will be making a banana run to V.A. and also having our monthly meeting after the V.A. run. Meet at the Post at (am for breakfast then we start bagging all the goods at 11am, AIS will be 12pm for the V.A. Please bring sugar free cookies and candy for the Vets. We also voted to purchasing Nav systems for the three busses that pick up Vets and take them to the V.A. Roy Tate donated $500.00 towards the purchase of two out of the three units. The ALR will pick up the 3rd one. Thanks Roy for your generosity!
By the way Roy Tate won the 50/50, it is true what goes around comes around!
Darkhorse spoke about doing a welcome home for wounded service man John Meavey when he gets out of hospital and comes home. Donations to Patriot Guard of $150.00.
Elections: Nominations will be held in Nov. If you would like to nominate someone pleas ask them if they want to run for an office. If you would like to run for an office let your fellow Riders know so we can get your name on the ballot.
Two Wheel Tues
- 10-14 Shenanigans on S. Oliver north of Boeing. Sponge Bob
10-21 Post 136 Ladies Aux will have food at the Post for us. Hot Dogs Chili and all the fixings plus other goodies.
10-28 The Diner @ Harry & Webb Rd. Doug Lehman
11-4 Felipe’s @ Harry & Webb Rd. Pat Thacker
As always meet at our Post at 6pm AIS at 6:30pm
Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you deposited along the way. Thanks Rob Cooper
Rev out!