Welcome Aboard new member(s): Richard Stich, Rebbecca Stich, Brendle Dillman, John Lane, and J. Ball. Welcome aboard to American Legion Riders 136, your membership in the ALR will never be taken for granted. It’s an honor to have you as new member of the American Legion Riders 136.
Tim and Liz Burke had an accident on their way to the parade on Saturday. Tim is doing ok, he has stitches on his head and some really sore ribs but he is up and getting around. Liz had to have surgery to relieve bleeding in her brain and she will be having surgery on her elbow. I went to visit Liz yesterday and she is doing extremely well. Please send Get Well Cards to Tim and Liz Burke, 1823 Honeytree, Wichita, Kansas 67207.
Condolence: Our thoughts and prayers go to David Pipen; he lost his wife Karen November 11, 2006 to heart disease. The services are tentatively scheduled for 3:00 P. M Thursday, November 16, 2006 at Resthaven Mortuary. More information to follow in later e-mails.
Donations to the American Legion Riders and/or Patriot Guard: Mike Harryman $100.00, Mike Saindon $26.00, Jim Tull $1.00, Harold Stones $2.00 and Steve Towns $15.00 all these folks made donations to the American Legion Riders. Pastor Bruce Gass of Harper made a $100.00 donation to the Patriot Guard and Terry Houck also received $225.00 in donations after the funeral of Sgt. Willsun Mock. Lorie Carpenter donated $100.00 to the Patriot Guard.
ALR 136 Donations: $1,100.00 to the VA to help purchase a new van. $100.00 to the Kansas State Vietnam Memorial in Junction City, Kansas. $200.00 to post 192 in Canton, Kansas. There has been $865.00 raised for the Marine 3/2 Christmas Chapters. $140.00 donated to the Quilts of Valor
Congratulation: To all Kansas ALR’s and Patriot Guard who rode in the Veterans Day Parade in Wichita on Saturday, we won first place in the judging for best entry.(Way to GO everyone) . General MacIlhany accepted the award on behalf of all the ALR’s riding in the parade. The trophy is at Post 4 for a month and then will spend a month at each post that participated in the parade.
New Kansas ALR Chapter(s): There are two new Kansas ALR chapters, Junction City and Hutchinson. Welcome to our ever growing family it is great to have ya’ll aboard!
Challenge Coins: The new American Legion Riders challenge coins are now available. The coins have our patch on one side and the other side says American Legion Riders. The cost is $6.00 a coin.
Pen Pals: Mike, Kathy, and Mindy Saindon have requested our help this Christmas and through out the year. Mindy has sent a list of soldiers who are not receiving any mail and would love to hear from some of us. Please help out and select one or two of these brave soldiers and send them a Christmas card and a short letter. The list will be attached to the news letter. Please let Monika know when you are ready to send your cards and letters, we would like to send a phone card to each soldier
Help Needed: The home of a soldier from Chapman, Kansas now stationed in Iraq has burned down. Sgt. Robert Waters, wife Mary and their 2 children now living in a 2 bedroom mobile home and they really could use our help. All donations can be sent to Robert Waters, 400 East 6th Lot 8, Chapman, Kansas 67431, or you can call Cheryle Conard at 785-922-7110 for more information. Post 136 ALR has donated $100.00 to the Waters family.
FYI: The cake decorating contest was a great success, there were 30 cakes entered and $1288.00 was raised for phone cards. Thanks to Rocking Rick from KFDI and our own Bill and Alice Foster, great job.
Reminder: Post 256, all the tickets and money for the ALR Stones need to be in by November 16th, all the money raised will go to buy gifts for the American Legion Children’s Home. The Post is also having a Sloppy Joe feed – all you can eat on the 18th of November at 1:00 pm, all the money raised at the feed will go for phone cards. The winning tickets for ALR stones will be drawn at 2:00 pm. Post 136 ALR is donating $200.00 to help buy gifts for the kids at the children’s home in Ponca City.
Patriot Guard News: The Kansas Patriot Guard has attended 7 soldiers’ funerals since the 15th of October. Thanks to everyone. Jerry Armstrong (Saw blade) is now making cases for the casket flags that are presented to the families of the fallen soldiers; he is also making cases for all the flags that the ALR has received, thanks Jerry. Mike Alley, an American Legion member has donated an 8x8 shed to the Patriot Guard/ALR, to be used for flag storage. Thanks, Mike.
Nominations for 2007 ALR Officers: The ALR membership will be voting for our new officers at the next ALR meeting. Please come and help choose your new officers for the year 2007.
Director: Jim Jones, Diane Gonzales, Mike Shock
Co-Director: Doug Lehaman, Denis Scuffham
Sec./ Trea. Monika Barshney
SGT. At Arms/ Road Captains: Charlie Hon, Chuck Barshney, Ruben Gonzales
ASS. SGT at ARMS/ Road Captains: Bill Foster, Gary Schultz, John Miranda
Historian: Dorothy Winward, Alice Foster
Chaplin: Ron HerndonAssistant Chaplin: Mike Hall
Veterans Affairs Coordinator: Terry Houck
Rides and Events for November / December
Nov. 14th: Homecoming for U.S. Army Ranger Spec. Jay Erwin ( this soldier was wounded in Iraq and will be returning to Walter Reed in a few days) Meet at Post 136 at 5:30pm AIS 6:00pm, will ride to Post 4 and join other riders before going to Spec. Erwin’s home. FLAGS ON BIKES WHEN WE GET TO POST 4. After homecoming we will return to Derby for supper at Busters.
Nov. 16th: Homecoming for MSGT Robert Richard, meet at Post 136 at 5:30 pm AIS 6:00 pm arrive at 6:30 pm. Flags on bikes
Nov 18th: Homecoming for Spec. Neil Rupert Derby area stage at 71st and south K-15 at 10:30am AIS 11:00am will meet Wichita riders at Maize Rd. and Kellogg QT. FLAGS ON BIKES
Nov 18th: Poker Run for Kansas Vietnam Memorial in Junction City, Kansas; registration at 10:30 am, First bike out at 1:00 pm. First Hand $10.00- Additional Hands $5.00. Registration at City Cycle Sales in Junction City, Kansas.
Nov 18th: Reno County Toy Run in Hutchinson-line up in Carey Park at the parking lot of Hobart Detter field at 12:00 noon . Parade starts at 1:00 pm. Toy drop off, chili feed, auction and door prizes inside Eaton Activity Center, 3201 East 4th Street.
Nov 25th: McPherson Toy Run sponsored by Kansas ALR –ALR will lead the Parade. Stage at Walmart on the east side of town on Hwy. 56 at 12:00pm the parade starts at 1:00pm.
Dec. 7th: 65th Anniversary Tribute to the Day of Infamy, Robert J. Doles VA Medical Center 5500 E. Kellogg Wichita, main auditorium. Seating starts at 10:30 am program starts at 10:55. Please come for a day of Tribute to our Pearl Harbor survivors and their families.
Dec10th: ALR Meeting, meeting starts at 4: P.M. Please try to attend, the membership will be voting on new officers for the year 2007.
Two Wheeled Tuesday: Come, meet and greet your ALR Brothers and Sisters every Tuesday night for a great ride and good food. Meet at Post 136 at 1800 hrs. All riders need to be ready to ride at 1900 hrs.
- Nov14th: Buster’s in Derby
Nov.21st: No ride; the American Legion Thanksgiving dinner will be on Monday Nov. 20th.
Nov28th: Mary’s Supper club on Hydraulic.
Dec 6th: This will be on a Wednesday night instead of Tuesday. VFW in Derby.
Dec12th: TradeWinds, on Hydraulic and Wassel ( Wounded Knee)
To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain. – Louis L'Amour