New Members: Ronald Seddon, Timothy Smith, Jeffrey Hall, Kevin Hayes. Welcome to ALR 136 your membership will never be taken for granted.
Thank You Cards: Cards were read from Old Soldier’s Home in Dodge, Mulvane girls who went to Europe, Brock Hayes who set up PG benefit, And Bronco for Eric Palmer mission.
DarkHorse is now in charge of ordering new bricks for memorial out front of Post. See him or Doc, Jarhead if you have any Questions.
DarkHorse thanked everyone for showing up for the Eric Palmer funeral. It was one of the largest showing of bikes yet with 350 bikes. Outstanding! Also thanks to JarHead for helping Terry that day as did all the asst. RC’S and Road Guards.
SpongeBob was the RC for the 4th of July trip to Lawernce Dumont Stadium and then down to America’s Pub then back to Larry Dumont Stadium for Recognition by the news media and fireworks display. Great job Gary Schultz!
New Slacker: Charlie (Boomer) Hon is now retired and getting ready to enjoy the good life. Congrats to you Charlie!
Coins and Name Tags: Monika now has ALR coins in stock for sale. Also if you ordered a name tag check with Monika to see if it came in.
Important Dates:
- July 12 Sedgwick. Co. Fair Parade. Meet at Kwik Shop in Goddard at 5:30 PM then ride to Cheney High school to stage for parade at 7:00pm
- July 14-15 McConnell Airshow Stage at old Gem store park lot on S.Oliver at 9:00Am if you pre-registered with McConnell.
- July 21 Vietnam Vets Weekend at Eldorado Lake. Stage at Q-Trip at 71st & K-15 at 7:30 AIS at 7:45 to head for Walmart in Eldorado to Stage for Parade then over to lake for color guard honors.
- July 28 Post Early-Bird Feed 5-7pm. Come in and pay your Legionaire, S.A.L.,or Ladies AUX> dues and receive a free meal.
- National Pow-Mia Run is coming up soon. Aug. 17,18,19. Hope we have a bunch of Riders going again this year; our new destination will be Winter Park.
Shirt Babe Terri Lehman has a shirt order going in on the 12th of this month. Next order will not be until late August or early September.
50/50 Split won by Bob Kuziek Bob donated his winnings back to V.A.Xmas Fund.
Two-Wheel Tues Nights:
- 7-10 Post 136 Hot dog feed and Stuff envelopes for Old Settlers Day tickets.
7-17 VFW in Newton for Burger Night!
7-24 Welcome Home ride for a sodier in Mulvane then on to R&D’s for chow.
7-31 Quigley’s in Rose Hill
8-14 Buster’s in Derby.
As always meet at Post 136 at 6:00pm and AIS is 6:30
Next Meeting will be Sunday August 12th
Courage is fear holding on for another minute
George S. Patton 1885-1945