New Members: Roger Miller, Jack Evans, and Wade Richards- Welcome your membership will never be taken for granted.
50/50 Drawing: Won by Le Ann Beavers and donated back to ALR to be used to help Jerry Young, wounded soldier with his bills.
Atomic Vets Resolution passed by members. Please contact your U.S. Senators and Congressmen and let them know you want this matter taken care of. I will re-mail out the info on this.
Homecoming: Sat Jan. 19th for Mindy Saindon and boyfriend Will at Post 408 . Be at Post at 4:15 to sign flag as they will be arriving at 5pm.
Homecoming Recruiting: We will now offer to pay for 1st year of Vets Legion dues and if they own a motorcycle 1st year of ALR dues. Ask them about this every time we do a welcome home.
Riders in the Sky Memorial A plaque will be made with the names of current Post 136 ALR members who have left us to go on the Great Ride. These names will hang on individual tags below said plaque.
Front Area Remodeling: Has started before today’s meeting . Thanks to all that showed up. We made quick work of our task. Now we will be meeting this coming Sat. at 9am to finish the project. Come on down and help. We may even have a beer and Dan’s famous chicken and Ski’s killer fish.
Commanders Corner: Rick spoke about upcoming elections for our Legion Post in March. If you are a Legionnaire and would like to run for an office please let Rick know. Rick is also interviewing Vets about their tours of duty and is putting this in a book form for all to read, this book is located on top of our new ALR display case. Take time to read the many outstanding stories that this book has in it. We should all be proud of the members we have at our Post.
Fireworks: ALR member Jim ( PYRO ) Daily and crew received a big round of applause from members for the GREAT fireworks display that was enjoyed by all on New Years Eve. Jim said he would set up the display again next year too.
Wounded Soldier: Wild Bill spoke for Darkhorse who was at a fallen Darkhorse member’s funeral on the west coast. Bill explained that this young man had 3 tours in Iraq had 2 purple hearts and a third pending . Was a scout in lead Humvee ahs had 3 of said vehicles blown out from under him. This last one left him with some brain damage. He was honorably discharged and is having a tough time with 3 children. Efforts are being made to get him back in so he can get med treatment and full 100% disability but for now he is about to lose house and bills are piled up. ALR 136 members passed hat and I can proudly say raised 900.00 dollars, Larry Halloran kicked in 100.00. The members then voted to donate another 500.00 from emergency relief fund and 500.00 from general fund. A check will be presented to Jerry Young and his family at the Natl. Vice-Commanders visit this Wed. night the 16th at 6pm.
Dining Room Tables: Greg Bauer and Wild Bill Logan donated money to by 3 new tables. Motion by members for ALR to purchase 4 new tables passed.
Xmas Fund 2008:Monika Barshney made motion to have Riders portion of 50/50 split go towards 08 Xmas fund. Motion passed.
ALR Tues Night Events (Held at Post 136 for time being):
50/50 Drawing: Won by Le Ann Beavers and donated back to ALR to be used to help Jerry Young, wounded soldier with his bills.
Atomic Vets Resolution passed by members. Please contact your U.S. Senators and Congressmen and let them know you want this matter taken care of. I will re-mail out the info on this.
Homecoming: Sat Jan. 19th for Mindy Saindon and boyfriend Will at Post 408 . Be at Post at 4:15 to sign flag as they will be arriving at 5pm.
Homecoming Recruiting: We will now offer to pay for 1st year of Vets Legion dues and if they own a motorcycle 1st year of ALR dues. Ask them about this every time we do a welcome home.
Riders in the Sky Memorial A plaque will be made with the names of current Post 136 ALR members who have left us to go on the Great Ride. These names will hang on individual tags below said plaque.
Front Area Remodeling: Has started before today’s meeting . Thanks to all that showed up. We made quick work of our task. Now we will be meeting this coming Sat. at 9am to finish the project. Come on down and help. We may even have a beer and Dan’s famous chicken and Ski’s killer fish.
Commanders Corner: Rick spoke about upcoming elections for our Legion Post in March. If you are a Legionnaire and would like to run for an office please let Rick know. Rick is also interviewing Vets about their tours of duty and is putting this in a book form for all to read, this book is located on top of our new ALR display case. Take time to read the many outstanding stories that this book has in it. We should all be proud of the members we have at our Post.
Fireworks: ALR member Jim ( PYRO ) Daily and crew received a big round of applause from members for the GREAT fireworks display that was enjoyed by all on New Years Eve. Jim said he would set up the display again next year too.
Wounded Soldier: Wild Bill spoke for Darkhorse who was at a fallen Darkhorse member’s funeral on the west coast. Bill explained that this young man had 3 tours in Iraq had 2 purple hearts and a third pending . Was a scout in lead Humvee ahs had 3 of said vehicles blown out from under him. This last one left him with some brain damage. He was honorably discharged and is having a tough time with 3 children. Efforts are being made to get him back in so he can get med treatment and full 100% disability but for now he is about to lose house and bills are piled up. ALR 136 members passed hat and I can proudly say raised 900.00 dollars, Larry Halloran kicked in 100.00. The members then voted to donate another 500.00 from emergency relief fund and 500.00 from general fund. A check will be presented to Jerry Young and his family at the Natl. Vice-Commanders visit this Wed. night the 16th at 6pm.
Dining Room Tables: Greg Bauer and Wild Bill Logan donated money to by 3 new tables. Motion by members for ALR to purchase 4 new tables passed.
Xmas Fund 2008:Monika Barshney made motion to have Riders portion of 50/50 split go towards 08 Xmas fund. Motion passed.
ALR Tues Night Events (Held at Post 136 for time being):
- 1-15 Doc’s Chili
1-22 Nacho/Taco Surprise
1-29 Animal’s Chicken Noodle and Rev’s Red Bean and Rice
2-5 Chaplain Ceremony and ALR potluck dinner, everyone bring something good to eat for everyone to share.