New Members: Patrick and Susan Moushey. Welcome to ALR Post 136.
Presentations: Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman and Monica (Rocket) Barshney’ for serving our ALR membership as co-director and secretary/treasurer. Thanks to both of you for your service to our Riders.
Warrior’s Necklace Presentation: Terry Houck and Bill Logan presented Dennis Scuffham with a Vietnam Warriors necklace made by Veteran Indians Warriors who also served in Vietnam. Congrats TATONKA Scuffham.
Gypsy’s M/C will be hosting a benefit for a fellow Gypsy on Feb. 16th at their clubhouse at 2781 S> Roosevelt. $5.00 food, live auction and karaoke. Please attend the Gypsy’s are good supporters of our Post for dinner and Sun. breakfast. Also they will be having a Poker Run for Heart Spring on Sat April 5th. More info to come.
Commanders Corner: Rick spoke about POW-MIA table set up in our dinning room. Farrell Belt donated Plaque that is on wall behind this table. Thank you Farrel!
Post 136 Legion elections will be held on Mar. 3rd. Please come and cast your vote it IS important! A total of $10,000 was collected for Jerry Young and his family to help them get back on track. Thanks to all who donated.
State Fair Booth: State ALR Director has asked all ALR posts to commit to manning AM. Legion booth at the next three State Fairs. The cost is minimal but it will take some Riders to be at the booth from 9-9 for 10 days. We will get more info as the date for Fair draws closer.
Shirt Orders: You will have until the 19th to get shirt orders in to Terri (Shirt Babe) Lehman NO MONEY-NO SHIRT
Bumper Stickers: We will be purchasing stickers from Post 4 for sale as soon as they arrive. GroundPounder will send out Pic of what they look like.
Bob Funcheon and his wife will be having a memorial birthday service for son Alex who was killed in Iraq on Mar. 2nd. More info will follow.
Statehouse Bound:Terry Houck will be at QTrip at 71st and K-15 at 8am and will leave at 9am for Topeka to speak about Highway 53 between Turnpike and k-15 being called Patriot Guard Highway. They will be driving cages due to poor weather and late return time. If you would like to go be at QT before departure time!
Patriot Guard Flags: Terry Houck and Chuck Barshney’ made suggestion that Patriot Guard flags on 10ft. poles only be used for Vet funerals and Legion functions and all Patriotic events-Vet. Parades. Memorial Day etc.
Rolling Thunder Carry the Flame: $250.00 for t-shirt ad that we do every year. Shirts will be available for order soon. Pic of shirt coming!
Care Packages: Thanks to all who brought items that Chief Kimball had requested for troops overseas. Also thanks to Jim ( Pyro) Daily for picking up and getting delivered said care packages.
110% Plaque will be having names of people at our Post who go above and beyond the call to help our Post and our projects. Chuck Barshney’ will be Committee Chair for this important duty. Our first two names have been chosen – Greg Bauer and Phil Horner.
Two-Wheel Tues: All below meals are $5.00
Presentations: Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman and Monica (Rocket) Barshney’ for serving our ALR membership as co-director and secretary/treasurer. Thanks to both of you for your service to our Riders.
Warrior’s Necklace Presentation: Terry Houck and Bill Logan presented Dennis Scuffham with a Vietnam Warriors necklace made by Veteran Indians Warriors who also served in Vietnam. Congrats TATONKA Scuffham.
Gypsy’s M/C will be hosting a benefit for a fellow Gypsy on Feb. 16th at their clubhouse at 2781 S> Roosevelt. $5.00 food, live auction and karaoke. Please attend the Gypsy’s are good supporters of our Post for dinner and Sun. breakfast. Also they will be having a Poker Run for Heart Spring on Sat April 5th. More info to come.
Commanders Corner: Rick spoke about POW-MIA table set up in our dinning room. Farrell Belt donated Plaque that is on wall behind this table. Thank you Farrel!
Post 136 Legion elections will be held on Mar. 3rd. Please come and cast your vote it IS important! A total of $10,000 was collected for Jerry Young and his family to help them get back on track. Thanks to all who donated.
State Fair Booth: State ALR Director has asked all ALR posts to commit to manning AM. Legion booth at the next three State Fairs. The cost is minimal but it will take some Riders to be at the booth from 9-9 for 10 days. We will get more info as the date for Fair draws closer.
Shirt Orders: You will have until the 19th to get shirt orders in to Terri (Shirt Babe) Lehman NO MONEY-NO SHIRT
Bumper Stickers: We will be purchasing stickers from Post 4 for sale as soon as they arrive. GroundPounder will send out Pic of what they look like.
Bob Funcheon and his wife will be having a memorial birthday service for son Alex who was killed in Iraq on Mar. 2nd. More info will follow.
Statehouse Bound:Terry Houck will be at QTrip at 71st and K-15 at 8am and will leave at 9am for Topeka to speak about Highway 53 between Turnpike and k-15 being called Patriot Guard Highway. They will be driving cages due to poor weather and late return time. If you would like to go be at QT before departure time!
Patriot Guard Flags: Terry Houck and Chuck Barshney’ made suggestion that Patriot Guard flags on 10ft. poles only be used for Vet funerals and Legion functions and all Patriotic events-Vet. Parades. Memorial Day etc.
Rolling Thunder Carry the Flame: $250.00 for t-shirt ad that we do every year. Shirts will be available for order soon. Pic of shirt coming!
Care Packages: Thanks to all who brought items that Chief Kimball had requested for troops overseas. Also thanks to Jim ( Pyro) Daily for picking up and getting delivered said care packages.
110% Plaque will be having names of people at our Post who go above and beyond the call to help our Post and our projects. Chuck Barshney’ will be Committee Chair for this important duty. Our first two names have been chosen – Greg Bauer and Phil Horner.
Two-Wheel Tues: All below meals are $5.00
- Feb.12th. Post 136 Beer and Dogs
Feb 20th This is a Wed. VFW Derby for ALR 408 Burger Burn
Feb 26th Bull’s Surprise Brat’s on the new Smoker out back!
Mar.4th Chuck Barshney’ KILLER Spaghetti
Rides will resume when weather co-operates and it is safe.
St.Pats Swaray!! Rocket Barshney’ is heading up a team to put on part on the 15th of Mar. Details will follow.
V.A> Banana Run will be Mar. 30th. If you have never made the Banana Run you are missing one of the most important missions that we do. Please join us in thanking our Vets who are at the V.A.Bring sugar free cookies and candies to the Post on the 30th join us for a killer breakfast then help pack goody bags and off we go!
50/50 was won by Ben Roloff. He donated his winnings to the Post Bar refurb fund. Thanks Ben!
Next meeting March 9th.
There is nothing morally superior about the WARRIOR, but they do have one real advantage. Only one. And that is that they are able to survive and thrive in an environment that destroys 98% of the population. Reservist Charles Grennel (Iraq)