Meeting called to order at 3:05PM: Total present: 78 (74 members and 4 guests).
Special Presentation: Pat and Linda Thacker presented the membership with a beautiful "Riders in the Sky" case with patches identifying each of our beloved lost riders. This is an outstanding tribute to some special friends that will never be forgotten. Thank you Pat and Linda!
Terry Houck presented Linda Thacker with a certificate recognizing her for the great work she's done embroidering our flags. Linda makes ALR 136 stand out and we thank her dearly for her hard work.
Terry Houck presented Richard and Joyce Wood, ALR 401 members, each a certificate honoring them for their outstanding support to all ALR activities but especially in providing refreshments during our funerals, welcome homes, and sendoffs. Richard and Joyce drive the Support Vehicle and were also given a We Support Our Troops flag by Linda Thacker and Greg Bauer, signed by the membership. In addition, Jerry Allen presented the Wood's a check for $200.00 on behalf of our membership to help in supplying items for future missions.
Guest Speaker: Judy Dietz spoke on her initiative to receive approval for the creation of a Gold Star Family License Plate and requested our support by speaking to our representatives.
New Members: Don Shoemaker, Sue Shoemaker, and Leah Beale.
Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of last month's minutes. Minutes were posted for review.
Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.
Historian Report: Mike St Clair provided statistics for January activities (3 funerals, 7 Welcome Homes/Send Offs, and 3 misc).
Fundraising Committee Report: Asonjia Stewart briefed on the upcoming Pancake and Sausage Feed on March 11th and is looking for volunteers to assist in planning and running the Poker Run on May 9th.
Veteran's Coordinator Corner:
- Terry Houck turned in a $100.00 donation for the Patriot Guard from Chuck "Macgyver" Ford, Post 45, and
- Briefed on recent funeral for US Air Force MSgt Walter Sanders and read a thank you card from Kim Young, who is the mother of Sgt Jerry Young, Commander of Belle Plaine, and VFW Post 5475.
- Advised of short-notice funeral Monday, Feb 9th for US Navy Veteran Earnest Thompson.
- Briefed on upcoming VA Banana Run, Mar 15th. Coupons provided by Nancy Johnson to purchase sugar free items. Jim Finneran advised his Cadets will again attend and help with this effort.
- Briefed on Flags for our Fallen Military and our commitment to place flag poles for two
- Advised memorial brick orders for KIA, AL, and ALR are ready to be placed.
- Provided information on Saturday's Bald Eagle Release by Ken Lockwood in honor of EBAY.
Commander's Corner:
- Rick Babinger advised that this year's Oratorical Contest will be held in Halstead and Roger Attebury's niece will be competing. First place receives $18,000.
- Advised a concealed carry license class could be set up if enough interested.
- Displayed Legion mugs that are available for purchase for $25.00.
- Encouraged membership to run for Post Officer positions. Legion newsletter has position descriptions.
- Briefed on revitalized Sons of the American Legion (SAL). New commander is Gregg Thompson.
- Passed out fireworks sign up sheet and asked for full support of the membership.
Director's Corner:
- Doug Lehman provided updated statistics on membership - 153 members.
- Advised that website ( has new forms (Member Contact Info Update and Request ALR For An Event). John Wilson continues to go above and beyond with the website. Thanks John!
- Updated membership on Mid-Winter Forum (Emergency Response Teams and Kansas ALRs).
- Advised that Legion dues for deploying members will now be paid by the Legion versus the Riders. Riders will continue to pay deployed member's Rider dues.
- Briefed on plans for caring for our Memorial Stone and lighting in front of the Post. After some discussion, Ben Roloff made a motion to provide up to $200.00 to cover the cost of chains, poles, lighting. Motion carried. Greg Bauer heading up this project.
- Highlighted upcoming special dates (Quilts of Valor presentation, Feb 14th; VA Flags, Feb 16th; ALR member Charlie Nguyen's Sendoff, Mar 7; ALR Pancake and Sausage Feed and Canton Irish Stew Contest, Mar 14th; Banana Run, Mar 15th; BACA Poker Run, Mar 29th; and future fundraisers (see ALR calendar for specifics).
- Solicited experienced volunteers to help plan/run Casino Night – date pending - see Asonjia Stewart.
- Advised that Scott Hansen (EBAY's brother), Post 408, Derby, will be taking over flag ordering and that we will be purchasing an additional case (24 each) of Welcome Home and We Support Our Troops flags.
- Reminded of planned "thank you" rides to
Co-Director Corner:
- Greg Bauer requested any pictures taken of the funeral for Earnest Thompson be sent to former ALR member, Tom Harris, as Tom was a friend of Earnest but recently moved to
- Read a "thank you" card from Pam Elliott, widow of Lloyd Bonham, from a funeral the ALR attended.
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Jerry Kirk talked about the May 2009 Run For The Wall. Additional information is available at
- Gregg Thompson, new SAL Commander, introduced new officers (Vice Commander, Jerry Armstrong; Sgt at Arms, Rick Babinger; Finance Officer, Greg Bauer; and Chaplain, Kyle Logan).
- John Thomas, 5th District Commander, advised of kudos received for the ALR at Mid-Winter Forum.
- Mike Vore presented the ALR with a challenge coin from the Joint IAF/USAF C-130 Unit. We will place the coin in our display case. Thanks Mike!
- Ron Vangas suggested we acknowledge wife/family members for their support and sacrifices while military members are deployed. After discussion, it was decided we will check into Blue Star flags. Terri Lehman will check prices at Emblem Sales and McConnell AFB. We will also be checking into ordering free Veteran thank you cards and make them available to the membership.
- Doug Lehman clarified our policy on funerals. We only support Veteran funerals. Non-Veteran funerals will not be attended unless ALR member connection and requested. Rare exceptions.
Tuesday Rides:
- Feb 10 – Shenanigans – Mike Owens
- Feb 17 – Seneca Bar and Grill – Jim Dunham
- Feb 24 – Side Pockets – Pat Thacker
- Mar 3 – Quigley's – John Wilson
50/50: Collected $87.00. Half ($43.50) won by Jerold Shook. Other half goes to VA Christmas Fund.
Special Thanks: Thank you to all the women and men who brought sloppy joes and the fixings. A total of $245.00 collected.
Meeting adjourned: 5:05PM
Next Meeting: Sunday, March 8, 3:00PM
Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman