Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - July 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter July 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 65 (62 members and 3 guests).

Guests: Betty Jean Pulliam displayed a picture of a 1987 Wichita Eagle page listing the 625 Kansans who lost their lives in Vietnam. A representative from the American Diabetes Association briefed on their upcoming fundraiser on September 12th. More details at .

New Members: Ralph Cooper, Paula Olson, Debbie McDaniel, and Dane Nixon.

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of June minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: Greg Bauer read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.
NOTE: Welcomed back Monika and she thanked everyone for their prayers, gifts, phone calls, and cards.

Historian Report: In Mike St Clair’s absence, Doug Lehman outlined June’s 22 activities (9 funerals, 3 homecomings, 4 send offs, and 6 miscellaneous).

Fundraising Committee Chairperson: Asonjia Stewart advised that September 12th will be a Local ALR Fun Day (horseshoes and ladder golf). Also, Ron Vangas suggested we combine the fun day and make it a Veteran’s Appreciation Day. Committee will develop details.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck read a certificate presented to deployed member Charlie (Blacktop) Nguyen
- Reminded everyone of our August 2nd and December 6th Banana Run
- Advised that the Kansas Patriot Guard now has two website’s and
- Had John Wilson and Dennis Scuffham speak on the proposed Vietnamese Memorial. Latest information at . Wichita City Council meeting Tuesday, July 14.

Commander’s Corner:

- Rick Babinger discussed Dan Cane’s medical situation and advised that the Legion purchased a scooter. The Ladies Auxiliary donated $200.00 towards the $1200.00 cost. Motion made to donate $500.00 to split the remaining cost. Motion carried.
- Briefed on flag replacement program for the Mulvane community, solicited help for Old Settler’s Day, and encouraged return of raffle tickets.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 193 members; 2 deployed (Nate Mesta and Charlie Nguyen).
- Discussed personal conduct at ALR and Patriot Guard events and stressed compliance
- Had Ron Vangas brief on Operation Troop Care. Next shipment of packages will be in August. Donations can be brought to next meeting. List of desired/acceptable items will be sent via email with Troop Support Ride flyer.
- Discussed Legacy Run donation and ALR Scholarship. Jerry Allen made a motion to donate $1000.00 to the Legacy Run and use the remaining $1000.00 of obligated money to create an ALR 136 Scholarship. Seconded by Dan Benson. Motion carried. Committee of Terry Houck, John Miranda, John Wilson, and Gary Schultz developed eligibility requirements: 1) Graduating child of an ALR 136 member (also applies to grand and great grand children), 2) Graduating child of a Veteran or active duty military in the Mulvane High School, 3) Graduating Mulvane High School student who is a child of a Mulvane Police Officer, Firefighter, or Emergency Services Personnel. Further details will be worked by committee.
- Ron Vangas briefed on the Adopt A Highway program and advised that our application was submitted June 23rd and is pending with the Winfield Department of Transportation. Mulvane Lions Club had previously adopted a portion of the Patriot Guard Highway but agreed to move further west to let us take care of the entire 3 ½ miles. Additional information forthcoming.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Greg Bauer advised of planned rider safety course and had Ben Roloff and Andy Webb highlight riding guidelines and passed out general group riding instructions to new members. Training date to be announced.
- Ron (Radar) Brengman’s memory bars are available.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)

- July 14 – Golden Corral, East Wichita – in conjunction with homecoming
- July 21 – Bentley’s Corner Bar & Grill, 102 N. Wichita, Bentley – Doug Lehman
- July 28 – Felipe Junior’s, 9718 E. Harry, Wichita – Terri Lehman
- August 4 – Walt’s, 7732 E. Central, Wichita – Greg Bauer
- August 11 – Cy’s Place, 425 N. Commercial, Sedgwick – Tony Beavers

50/50: Collected $101.00. Half ($50.50) won by Dave Stewart. Other half goes to VA Christmas Fund.

Meeting adjourned: 4:39PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, August 9, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman