Thursday, November 19, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - November 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 72 (65 members and 7 guests)

Special Guests: Mulvane Mayor Jim Ford, Police Chief Dave Williams, and 5 Mulvane Police Officers/Dispatchers. ALR 136 was presented with a Community of Service Award for contributions made to the Mulvane Toys for Kids Program. Over $2,200 raised.

Dan Benson presented Tom Stoy, Post 10, Winfield, a special Legion stein for his contributions to ALR 136.

New Members: Al Larson, Bill Obermeier, Teresa Obermeier, Jay Partch, Walter Thurman, Pam Turner

Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of October minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: 30 activities (10 funerals, 6 homecomings, 7 Veterans Day Programs, Wichita Toys for Tots Run, twice put up flags at the VA, Derby parade, Christmas in a Box/Troop Support Ride, escort of National Commander Clarence Hill, and clean up of the Patriot Guard Highway.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck summarized VA Christmas Banana Run, December 6
- Displayed the patriotic hat to be given to each patient at the VA
- Briefed on meeting with Mulvane High School Counselor on ALR Scholarship
- Updated on possible timeframe for memorial service in Winfield for Tony Beavers. Pending.
- Read certificate of appreciation to ALR 136 from Sedgwick County Sheriff Robert Hinshaw
- Advised of upcoming 2010 officer nominations and thanked everyone for supporting him during the past 5 years while serving as Veterans Affairs Coordinator.
- Briefed on Alef’s Memorial Ride. Ron Herndon and Jim Finneran presented a Welcome Home flag.

Commander’s Corner:

- Rick Babinger advised Thanksgiving Dinner is Monday, November 23, 6:00PM
- Announced vacancy on the Post Board of Governors
- Looking for owner of burial flag which was mistakenly placed in the burn barrel

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Briefed on Wreaths Across America at Winfield Cemetery on December 12. Pending.
- By-laws finalized and copy given to every member present. Vote at December meeting.
- Thanked Diana Nelson, Ron and Jeannie Vangas, and Rick and Nancy Johnson for excellent chili and decorations for Post 4 Chili Cook Off. Diana won People’s Choice.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Membership statistics - 215 members; 1 deployed, Charlie (Blacktop) Nguyen. Charlie is on his way home for a two-week leave from Afghanistan. Details to follow by email.
- Spoke on by-law change to have 2010 Officer nominations in December/elections in January
- Read membership expectations for professional conduct at ALR events. Bottom line: We are representative of the American Legion and need to set the standard.
- Jerry Kirk suggested we devise a Code of Conduct. Pending.

Tuesday Rides:

- November 24 – cancelled due to Post Thanksgiving dinner and holiday
- December 1 – TJ’s Burger House, 1003 W. Douglas Avenue, Wichita – Doug Lehman
- December 8 – Turkey Fry (Nut) & Catfish Chunks – Post 136 – Tom Stoy ($5 donation)
- December 15 – Walt’s – 7732 E. Central, Wichita – Greg Bauer

50/50: Collected $130.00. Half ($65.00) won by Gary Donaldson – donated all to Christmas Fund

Meeting adjourned: 4:20PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, December 13, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

“The galleries are full of critics. They play no ball. They fight no fights.
They make no mistakes because they attempt nothing. Down in the arena are the doers.
They make mistakes because they try many things. The man who makes no mistakes lacks boldness and the spirit of adventure. He is the one who never tries anything. He is the brake on the wheel of progress.
And yet it cannot be truly said he makes no mistakes, because his biggest mistake is the very fact that he tries nothing, does nothing, except criticize those who do things.”

- David M. Shoup, General, US Marine Corps