Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM: Total present: 79 (76 members and 3 guests)
New Members: Jamey Crandall, John Metz, Lorie Metz, Darrell Leach, Aleida Smith
Minutes: No corrections or additions to July minutes.
Financial Report: Director readfinancial report; accepted as read.
Veteran’s Coordinator (Dennis Joynt) Corner by Co-Director
- Next Banana Run is 14 August, 2011.
- Operation Troop Care packages going out this week.
- VAC explained origination and purpose for the benefit of new members.
- Awarded Dennis Certificate of Appreciation for 3rd Annual Poker Run donation of 2 quilts.
Co-Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner:
- Read correspondence.
Commander’s (1st Vice Jake Defrees) Corner:
- Continue to send cards and letters of encouragement to Commander Art Beale, recovering from cancer treatment.
- Old Settlers Day
- Still need volunteers.
- New Kitchen Staff but continuing to look for new manager.
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner
- Advised SAL doing Coney Island for Old Settlers Day
- Contact SAL Commander if available to assist.
- Next Gun Drawing in September
- Submit gun ideas to SAL Drawing Committee (Buzz Nye, Ron Herndon, Charlie Dean & Jim Lindley).
- SAL Post cleanup day went well.
- 2012 membership year has begun. Please see Ed Watson after the meeting to pay your dues.
Ladies Auxiliary (Pat Johnston) Corner
- Barb Giovanni requested support for the Elvis Impersonator fundraiser.
- Ticket prices have been reduced to $10 per person.
- Auxiliary 2012 dues of $25 are now due.
Fundraising Chairperson (Asonjia Stewart) Corner
- Rick Babinger reiterated supporting the Elvis Impersonator fund raiser 24 September
- 2 hour show. $10 per person
Greg Bauer thanked
Jake Defrees for stepping into the role of Commander during Art Beales battle
with cancer.
- This sentiment was echoed by the members present.
Patriot Guard (Terry Houck) corner
- Read Patriot Guard info and letters.
- Received $100 donation each from Dave Williams and Eileen Cummings.
- Several missions pending. Monitor Patriot Guard website for additional information...
- Terry (Darkhorse) Houck explained the mission statement difference between ALR and Patriot Guard missions for the new members.
Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner
- Farrell Belt still in bad shape, continue prayers for his recovery.
- Support memorial Services for Stephen (Frapp) Frappier from post 273 11 August.
- Dennis (Casper) Joynt’s daughter-in-law was injured on a beach in Florida. Please keep her, Dennis and the family in prayers.
- This week’s TWT moved to Wednesday – August 10, 2011
- Tom Flanagan Fundraiser – Assist Doug with medical equipment donation.
- Volunteers to assist with moving equipment: Richard Stitch, Russ Wallace, Dennis Joynt, Norm Prue and Rob Brown.
- Old Settlers – August 19 -21, 2011
- Jarhead briefed about parade (bring candy), flags at post at 7 AM, serving breakfast, horseshoes at 2 pm
- Welcome Home – SSgt Shaid Hermann, USAF August 21, 2011
- RC is Ron (Buckeye) Vangas
- Briefed on the following upcoming events:
- Salute to Veterans Rally - August 19 - 21, 2011
- American Legion Legacy Run – August 21- 25, 2011
- State ALR Rally at Post 256 –September 23 – 25,2011
- Mulvane Police Toys for Kids Poker Run – October 1, 2011
- Douglas Frontier Day – October 8, 2011
Unfinished Business
- Jerry (Jarhead) Allen initiated discussion concerning the new T-shirt design. Presented 2 ideas. Discussion resulted in tabling issue until next meeting when Terri (Shirt Babe) Lehman will bring in a sample shirt.
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Veteran’s Appreciation Day being planned for October.
- Disposition of leftover Sloppy Joes from poker run. Donate to old settlers.
- Members commented on Directors idea to present spouses of deploying/returning active duty personnel with angel pin. Well received at Eddie Bulstrodes welcome home. Members agreed to continue presenting to spouse. Cost currently is $6 each. Working on cost reduction.
- Terri (Shirt Babe) Lehman suggested presenting Blue Star pin to parents of deploying/returning active duty personnel. Will check price and begin giving these out also.
- Ben (Ditch) Roloff made a motion to donate $5000 to the VA, $5000 to the Kansas Veterans Home and $5000 to the patio fund. No second. Discussion resulted in motion being rescinded and committees being formed to determine actual needs at the VA and the Veterans Home.
- Jim Lindley thanked all who participated in the funeral mission for his father.
Tuesday Rides: (Meet at post at 5:30, depart
for restaurant at 6:00 PM – maintain same times, no change)
9 August - Neighbors Restaurant & Bar, 2150
N Amidon, Wichita
– Phil Giovanni
16 August - Little Busters Sports Bar, 457 N Baltimore, Derby
– Jake Defrees
25 August - Post 406 Margarita/Mexican Dinner
night – Andover Post 406 – Note change to Thursday
30 August - Casa Martinez, 204 West Greenway, Derby – Buz Nye
6 September - Lachinita, 1451 N Broadway, Wichita Jerry Berry
13 September - Red Robin, 9990 E. 13th, Wichita, Jan Bauer
50/50: Collected $113.00 - half ($56.50) won by Ben Roloff
Meeting adjourned: 4:27 PM - Motion by Richard Stitch, seconded by Steve Coberly.
Next Meeting: Sunday, 11 September, 3:00 PM
Jerry (Hawkeye) Berry