Sunday, April 29, 2012

ALR 136 Newsletter – April 2012

Meeting called to order at 3:01PM: Total present: 65 members and 5 Guests

Guest Speaker:

  • Cpt Thomas Lesh, 4-4 Cav, Ft Riley, Chaplain
  • Sherry Evans talked about the Keller Williams Red Day at the VA to be held on May 12th


  • Presented Madison Bish with the ALR scholarship

New Members: Scott Hansen, Byron McNary, Steve Runyon

Minutes: March minutes accepted with no corrections or additions

Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:

  • Treasurer read the financial report; accepted as read.

Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update

  • Keep Leah Beale in your thoughts and prayers as she undergoes a heart cath on Monday

Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz)

  • March 18th Banana Run had 25 riders and passed out 80 sacks of goodies to the vets at the VA
  • Need names of any deployed troops for Operation Troop Care

Co-Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner:

  • Read thank you notes from Ann Wrampe, VA, Martha Murray, Kansas Veterans Home, and Nate Mesta

Commander’s (Jake Defrees) Corner: Vice Commander (Rick Babinger) Reported:

  • Saturday, 21 April, meet at Mulvane Cemetery at 9:00 AM to set new flag pole bases. Need 18” auger and metal detector
  • Need 10 to 15 riders for Memorial Day service at the cemetery. Also need people for honor guard to hold flags and rifles.
  • New LED sign on top of Post sign out front should be up and running soon
  • Post is now wired for Wi-Fi

S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner:

  • There are a few tickets left for the gun raffle
  • SAL held elections and the same officers as last year were re-elected:

Commander-Jerry Armstrong; Vice Commander-Bill Johnson; Ajutant-Ed Watso; Finance Officer-Greg Bauer; Sgt at Arms-Johnny Kaufman; Chaplain-Buz Nye; Secretary-Buz Nye

Ladies Auxiliary Corner (Barb Giovani reported):

  • Held elections and the same officers as last year were re-elected:

President-Pat Johnston; 1st Vice-Barb Giovani; 2nd Vice-Asonjia Stewart; Secretary-Jo Ehrlich; Treasurer-Beth Nye; Sgt at Arms-Leah Beale; Chaplain-Jean Horstman; Historian-Lori Metz

Fundraising Chairperson (Asonjia Stewart) Corner:

  • A fundraiser auction will be held Sept 22nd or 29th at 1 PM. Open to the public.
  • Committee formed to contact celebrities for donated items
  • Other fundraisers to benefit building fund are planned

Patriot Guard (Terry Houck) Corner:(not present)

  • Brad Modlin thanked everyone who helped QOV presentation to 4-4 Cav unit at Ft Riley

Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner

  • Briefed on the following events:
  • Department Convention 18 to 20 May in Great Bend
  • State ALR Romp 15 to 17 June in Hays.
  • Sunday, 29 April, pick up trash in ditches of Patriot Guard Highway

New Business/Discussion Items:

  • Deb Lynch wanted to acknowledge ALR136 members who attended the memorial for the Korean War veteran whose remains were recently returned
  • ALR is a program of the Legion. Therefore, when referring to the ALR, it is not the Post, but ALR Chapter 136.
  • Jarhead made motion to donate ALR portion of the 50/50 to the building fund until such time that the fund is no longer needed. Seconded by Sherry Evans. Motion passed.
  • Present Secretary, Terri Lehman, resigned her office. Nominations to fill the office until elections in January were opened to the membership. Rick Babinger nominated Connie Berry who accepted the nomination. There being no further nominations, the membership accepted the nomination by voice vote. Connie Berry was appointed to fill the position of Secretary until the next elections.
  • GIO suggested that since Scott Hanson will no longer be able to purchase flags for resale to members, that the ALR take over the responsibility. Jerry Kirk made a motion that the ALR purchase the flags and have a member administer the program. Seconded by Mary Green. Motion passed.

Tuesday Rides Summer hours in effect – meet at Post at 5:00 PM and depart at 5:30

17 April - Stearman Restaurant, Benton Airport (Ed Watson)

24 April - Shoeless Joes (Sherry Evans)

01 May - TJ’s at Harry and Webb (Lori Metz)

08 May - Post 136 The Patriot (Ron Vangas)

15 May - Shang Hai on East Harry (Ron Herndon)

22 May - The Hangar (GIO)

50/50: Collected $94.00 - half ($47.00) won by Ben Swisher (Donated to the building fund)

Next Meeting: Moved to Sunday 20 May at 3:00 PM (Second Sunday is Mothers Day)

Meeting Adjourned: 4:46 PM Motion by Jerry Ward, seconded by Don Carey

Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas