Meeting called to order at 3:02PM: Total present: 59 members, 3 guest
Guest Speaker: None
Presentations: Brad and Judy Modlin, and Dennis Joynt presented Pat ‘Groundpounder’ Thacker and Jerry ‘Jarhead’ Allen with a Quilt of Valor. (see attached photo)
New Members: None
Minutes: January minutes sent by e-mail and posted on bulletin board: accepted as posted
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:
- Treasurer read the financial report : accepted as read
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- WWII Vet and 136 member Milt McDaniel is in Villa Maria nursing home
- John ‘Moe’ Metz’s new knee is healing fine
- Deb Lynch’s nephew is in the Mayo Clinic to remove his spleen
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz)
- Need names of deployed so that we can send a care package
- Next Banana Run will be March 17th
Co-Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner:
- Read letter from Winfield Veterans Home thanking us and Post 10 for the donation of 2 benches for day room and the recovering and leveling of the pool table
- Poker Run Discussion:
- Short meeting to be held after ALR meeting
- Motion made by Buz Nye and seconded by Viki Kalous to spend up to $300.00 on coozie giveaways. After discussion, the motion was tabled.
Commander’s (Rick Babinger) Corner:
- Karoke was a success and will schedule more in the future
- Feb 22nd Auxiliary is having a dinner and pie auction
- March 16th Rib Feed ($12.00 all you can eat) and horseshoe tournament
- May 3rd will participate in city wide garage sale. Need to start collecting items
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner:
- Everyone needs to pay their dues
- Nominations for officers at March meeting with elections in April
- Drawing for AR15 to be held at next mtg in March
Ladies Auxiliary Corner :
- No report
Fundraising Chairperson:
- No Report
Patriot Guard (Terry Houck) Corner:
- Everything quiet
Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner:
· No report
Old Business:
- None
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Scolarship entries are due March 1st. Info can be found at:
- Mark McKenna sent an e-mail stating he no longer will ride and sold his motorcycles. Indicated that he would like to remain a member. Per our by-laws, a vote from membership was taken and retention of his membership did not pass.
- Two Wheel Tuesdays is suspended. Will continue with once or twice a month during riding season. We will schedule a ride on either a Saturday or Sunday periodically within a 100 mile radius of Wichita. Also, we will plan one or two weekend trips somewhere. If anyone has any suggestions on rides, please let me know.
Floor opened to membership:
- Buz Nye said Board of Governors decided to close down the kitchen
- Some people are getting together on Sundays for breakfast at the Post. Some people bring items and volunteers help set up and clean up. Donations welcome.
- I suggested having a Pizza and a movie night some Friday evening.
- Sherry Evans is trying to get donations for Girl Scout cookies to send to troops. Doug Lehman made a motion to purchase 100 boxes to send to the troops on our own list, seconded by Papa-J Ward. Motion carried. John Metz will get with Sherry and get the cookies ordered.
- Motion made by Kevin Conover and seconded by Papa-J Ward to donate all future 50/50 proceeds to the Legion general fund until such time that the Legion is in good shape again financially. At that time the funds will then revert back to the building fund. Motion passed 35 to 19.
- There is an effort by local builders to build a home for disabled Marine Sgt James Amos in Mt Hope through the National Homes for our Troops organization.
- Local Vype magazine has an article about Wichita Heights girls basketball and their coach Kip Puliam who is the Grandson of our honorary member Betty Jean Pulliam. In one of the pictures Betty is seen sitting behind coach.
50/50: Collected $113.00 - half ($56.50) won by Alan Hyland (Donated to the building fund)
Next Meeting: 10 March at 3:00 PM (Remember that daylight savings time starts on that Sunday or you will be an hour early for the meeting).
Meeting Adjourned: 4:19 PM. Motion by Gary ‘Hayman’ Donaldson, second by Jarhead
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas