Meeting called to order at 3:04PM: Total present: 40 members and 5 guests
Guest Speaker: None
Presentations: Presented Holly Brizendine with her scholarship. She read her essay and presented the ALR with a thank you card and a gift of 12 large shot glasses
New Members: Lynn Holderness (not present)
Minutes: April minutes sent by e-mail and posted on bulletin board: accepted as posted
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner: (not present)
- Co-Director Jerry Berry read the financial report : accepted as read
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- Jarhead having radiation treatments for throat cancer (last treatment on May 3rd)
Can’t talk, but you can e-mail him at :
- Keep Richard Carpenter in your prayers. He is in the hands of Hospice
- Lori Metz is home from hospital and is resting. Fighting COPD and a virus
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz) :
- Next Banana Run will be August 4th
- Legion rep, Anita, at the VA has moved on to State. Her replacement is Chuck
Co-Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner:
- Read thank you card from Holly Brizendine for her scholarship
- Read thank you card from Carson State Bank thanking us for what we do. Included picture from Mulvane News of when we visited Grade School across the street.
- Poker Run shirts are here. Pick-up and pay Connie
- Will set up for Poker Run Friday at 6:30 PM. Can bring auction and raffle items at that time.
Commander’s (RG Resser) Corner:
- Garage sale was a success. Netted $1270.65
- May 14th. The KCVA mobile vehicle will be here from 11:00 AM to 6 PM for VA issues
- There is a BOG opening that will be filled at the May 6th mtg
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner:
- Hand gun will be raffled off on June 9thth
- There will be a clay shooting fund raiser at Shady Creek. $30.00 entry with $11.00 going to SAL. Contact Jerry Armstrong for details.
Ladies Auxiliary President’s (Lori Metz) Corner : (Not present)
- Deb lynch reported that new officers will be sworn in at Monday’s meeting
- They are making preparations for Memorial Day Ceremony
Fundraising Chairperson (Asonya Stewart):
- No Report
Patriot Guard and Road Captain’s (Darkhorse) Corner:
- Read letter from National Guard Armory, Salina, fundraiser. Presented ALR with a $1000.00 check from Nancy White Fortner for the tool box that she won at the fundraiser.
Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner:
- ALR State Rally in Concordia on June 21 to 23rd
- Cripple Creek Salute to Veterans Aug 16, 17, 18 (Group riding out on the 14th. Get with Jerry Berry for details)
- Need 15 Riders for Memorial Day Ceremony
Old Business:
New Business/Discussion Items:
Floor opened to membership:
- Rick Babinger needs volunteers on May 18th at cemetery, 10:00 AM, to open up holes for flag poles. Bring metal detector and shovel if you have one. May 24th meet at cemetery at 5:00 PM to decorate veterans graves. Meet at Post at 5:00 AM to go out to Cemetery to put out flags. Get with Steve ‘Red’ Coberley ( if you want to be on the rifle squad.
- Viki Kalous wants everyone to come to Karoke night. It’s a real blast.
- Rick Babinger reported that we have $75,000.00 in the building fund. It is stagnated with no more commitments from the membership.
50/50: Collected $70.00 - half ($35.00) won by Darkhorse (Again!) (Donated to the building fund)
Next Meeting: 09 June at 3:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 3:51 PM. Motion by Hayman, second by Q-Tip
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas