Meeting called to order at 3:01PM: Total present: 33 members and 1 guest
Guest Speaker: None
Presentations: None
New Members: None
Minutes: September minutes sent by e-mail and posted on bulletin board. Accepted as posted
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:(Not present)
- Financial report read by Co-Director. Accepted as read.
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- John Metz’s mom passed away
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz): (Not Present)
- Next Banana Run will be Dec 15th
Co-Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner:
- No correspondence
Commander’s (RG Resser) Corner: (Not present)
- If you go to the Post, don’t bother or get in the way of the workers. Rick Babinger said that people have left beer bottles in the back. This doesn’t sit well with the City Inspectors.
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner(Not present):Buz Nye reporting:
- SAL meeting will be held on Sunday Oct 13th at 1:30 PM
- All tickets for the gun raffle are sold and drawing will be at the meeting Sunday
Ladies Auxiliary President’s (Lori Metz) Corner(Not present):
- Nothing to report
Fundraising Chairperson (Asonya Stewart): Not Present
- All fundraising on hold until remodel is complete
Patriot Guard and Road Captain’s (Darkhorse) Corner:
- Nothing to report
Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner:
- Honor Flight departs Wed 9 Oct and returns Fri 11 Oct at 8:20 PM. Free parking and shuttle bus service in parking lot of Burlington Coat Factory
- Pick up Patriot Guard Highway Sun 20 Oct. Depart Post at noon
- Wichita Toy Run Rally Sun 3 Nov. Depart Lowe’s in Derby at 8:45AM
- Veterans Day program at Douglass Mon 11 Nov. Depart Casey’s in Mulvane at 8:45AM
- Attended key presentation for Marine Sgt Matt Amos in Mt Hope on Sat 28 Sept. Homes for our Troops have built over 140 homes so far. Sgt Amos lost both legs from an IED in Afghanastan. Cargill donated $100,000.00 to Homes for our Troops. Got business card from Cargill president. She said to call her if we ever need meat donated for an event. (side note: two Air Force and one Army veteran represented ALR 136, but no Marines)
Old Business:
- Veterans Christmas Committee recommended $1000.00 for the VA and $500.00 for Winfield. Motion was made by Susan Lee to obligate $1000.00 for the Wichita Va Christmas Banana Run and $500.00 for the Winfield Veterans Home. Seconded by Vicki Kalous. Motion carried.
- Elections will be held in December. So far we have had one person step up for Treasurer and one person for Chaplain. That won’t do it. If we don’t have a Director, than we don’t have an ALR
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Motion made by Doug Lehman to bring obligated monies for the McConnell Star Tree Fund to $500.00, seconded by Bruce Simmons. Motion carried
Floor opened to membership:
- Rick Babinger gave an update on the remodel. Still looks like will be done by end of November.
- Jarhead thanked JD and Darkhorse for keeping his place mowed while he was recuperating
- Susan Lee said that even though some facilities are closed at McConnell, the clinic is still open
- Doug Lehman suggested putting flags out at the Post on special days. Need volunteers.
50/50: Collected $41.00 - half ($20.50) won by Ben Swisher (Donated to the Building fund)
Next Meeting: 10 November at 3:00 PM (at Mulvane City Hall, 211 North 2nd)
Meeting Adjourned: 3:55 PM. Motion by Gary Donaldson, second by Gio. Motion carried
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas