Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM Total present : 56 members and 2 guests
Guest Speaker: Phil Horner
Presentations: None
New Members: Jeff Bradley and Tim Johnson (present)
Minutes: January minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table. Accepted as posted
Treasurers (Vicki Kalous) Corner:
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- Ron Vangas is recovering from knee replacement surgery- doing well
- Jerry Kirk had back surgery due to be released from hospital Monday, Feb 10
- Dr. Dean “Doc” Peterson in KC has critical lung cancer – need our prayers
- Carol Houck’s brother-in-law (Doug Fullerton) is in hospice – need our prayers
- Connie Berry’s father is in rehab
- Richard Ballinger has serious health issues (unknown cause) at this time
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- Submit names for care packages to Duane or Doug
- Next Banana Run will be March 16 (Mulvane Grade School students will decorate bags
- Duane coordinating with McConnell to get us involved and help moving homeless vets
Co-Director (Steve Coberley):
- Steve read a letter of thanks from the Dept of Veteran’s Affairs thanking us for the December Banana Run and gifts to the veterans
Legion Commander (RG Reser):
- 1st Vice John Metz reminded everyone of upcoming Post elections
S.A.L Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- Gun Drawing held (Feb 9) Kyle Drennan; John Doty winners
- $2000 of gun raffle proceeds went to the building fund
- Jerry reported next drawing will be for gift cards
Ladies Auxiliary President (Deb Lynch): Steve Coberley gave report for Deb Lynch
- 90% of Aux members have paid their dues; 2 new members: Debbie Nelson; Mandy Johnson
Fundraising Chairperson:
- Diana Nelson, Asonjia Stewart and Ron Vangas are brainstorming ideas
Patriot Guard and Road Captain (Darkhorse): Nothing to Report
Director (Doug Lehman):
- ALR accountant reduced our accounting bill for taxes for 2009-2012 to $842. Unknown if there will be late penalties/fees. Estimated cost for 2013 accountant bill for tax preparation $500.
Old Business:
- Phil Horner spoke to the group regarding finishing the Renovation Project at the post. Doug had furnished financial figures to the membership prior to the meeting. Phil asked the Riders to contribute $5000 from their account, which would leave an approximately $10,000 left to finish the project. Phil said that bank had agreed to give the Legion an unsecured loan of $10,000 @ 8% interest for 5 years.
- John Kaufman made a motion the riders give $10,000 toward renovation, motion died for lack of second.
- Buzz Nye made a motion, seconded by Rick Babinger, to give $5,000 toward the renovation. Dennis Joynt volunteered to loan the post the $10,000 to finish the project at zero interest. Discussion ended. Vote was taken and motion to give the Legion the $5000 toward the renovation was unanimously approved.
New Business:
- Two Wheel Tuesday- Chicken Fried Steak Night Post 4 - Feb 11 - 6 PM
- Doug Lehman & Rick Babinger will put up flags at the Post on President’s Day - Feb 17, take down - Doug Grant & Rick Babinger - need more volunteers – email Doug
- ALR 136 Scholarship – brief discussion to continue offering scholarship
- Central Kansas ALR Run being planned – meeting in McPherson Feb 15
- Motorcycle Safety Class- Darkhorse, Greg Bauer, Doug are working on this, date TBD
- Honor Flight Meeting - Mary Green gave report on last meeting, Dennis Joynt, Duane Kalous, Charles Chauncey also attended. Chauncey received a Quilt from Quilts of Valor. Jose Peppers (13th & K96) are doing a fundraiser, Thursday, Feb 13 with 15% of the bill going to Honor Flight. Honor Flight is planning on 10 flights in 2014. If you are interested in going as a group from Post 136 - contact Doug .
- The Chill - Feb 29-March 2 at KS Coliseum - need volunteers
- Patriot Guard Highway Cleanup - Jim Lindly will verify dates (typically Apr; Oct) Jim will get vests, bags, and do the paperwork.
- ALR State Rally- Dodge City - Sept 12-14 - more info later
- Volunteer Hours – please report by email, text, or call - Doug
Floor Opened to the Membership:
- Jim Lindly is from Winfield and would like flags for services that are held at Winfield Veterans Cemetery. Jim will take 10 flags and have them stowed securely for use at the funerals.
50/50: Collected $68.00 – half $34.00 won by Steve Coberley
Next Meeting: Sunday, March 9, 2014 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME
Meeting Adjourned: 4:12 PM. Motion by Papa J, second by Jerry Armstrong. Motion carried unanimously.
Doug “Grey Eagle” Lehman - Director ALR 136