Meeting called to order at 3:02PM: Total present: 44 members and no guests
- No new applications
Guest Speaker: None
Minutes: April minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table. Accepted as posted.
Treasurers (Vicki Kalous) Corner:
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update: No report
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- Thursday, May 8, help is needed to move a homeless veteran. Meet at Derby Quik Trip - K15 & Meadowlark at 9:00AM
- Mulvane Elementary is working on decorating bags for next Banana Run
Legion Commander (John Metz):
- Reminder - Legion Meeting is May 5
- Reported about $1000 was made at the Garage Sale and thanked everyone who helped
- Announced riders are needed for the Memorial Day services
Co-Director (Steve Coberley):
- Read letter from Terry & Marci Chism; they donated $1000 to Building Fund after they saw the information on our website
- Steve informed members of complaints about members not taking off hats during the Pledge of Allegiance. Steve read proper conduct for Pledge of Allegiance & for the National Anthem
SAL Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- Winner of last fundraiser: Mike Alley won $500 and Karen Babinger won $250
- New ticket sales for fundraiser will be available at next meeting
- Jerry presented ALR $70 from the Horseshoe Fun Day
Ladies Auxiliary President (Jackie Johnson): No report
Fundraising Chairperson: Diana Nelson- to participate in Derby City Wide Garage Sale- May 17,
Patriot Guard and Road Captain (Darkhorse): No report
Old Business:
- Doug announced winner of ALR Scholarship - Alexandra Coberley
- Patriot Guard Highway Cleanup will be Saturday, June 14, meet at Post at 9:00AM
- Motorcycle Safety Class is postponed until Fall, date TBD
- Operation ALR 136 Surprise went well. Monika & Chuck Barshney donated $100 as did the ALR
New Business:
- Memorial Day Riders: Doug Lehman, Jerry Kirk, Ron Vangas, Rick Johnson, Phil Giovanni, Jim Finneran, Dane Nixon, Ron Herndon, John Wise, Bruce Simmons, John Kaufman, Norm Prue, Greg Bauer, Jerry Armstrong, and Terry Houck.
- Rob Brown is placing a notebook in the Canteen for volunteers to sign up to work the booth on Old Settlers Days
- Doug discussed lack of support at other Post events that is, if we expect them to come to our events, we have to go to theirs
- Doug reminded everyone’s support is needed at ALL events. Attendance has been down at funerals, fund raisers, etc.
- Two Wheel Tuesday will be at Merle’s Place, 400 N Seneca, Wichita, May 6, meet at 6:00PM
Floor Opened to the Membership:
- JoAnn Brown who works at Cypress Springs Assisted Living in Wichita is asking members to attend an event on May, 31at 11:00AM. This is to recognize members of the residence who are veterans. They are making a memory wall for the residents to view.
- Buz Nye shared an idea for fundraiser during Mulvane’s Old Settlers Days by having Nick Gibson & his band play on Saturday night. The cost may be $1500 depending on how contract is written. Should bring in a lot of money and maybe have Steve Huckabee do Karaoke on Friday night. Buz suggest that all Legion groups share in the cost and profit. It will be discussed at Legion Meeting.
- Director asked that everyone check their information on latest membership list and correct, if not accurate.
50/50: Collected $66.00 - $33.00 to Jerry Armstrong
Next Meeting: Sunday, June 1 (***one week early***)
Meeting Adjourned: 4:05PM, Motion by Rick Johnson, second by Phil Giovanni. Motion carried unanimously.
Doug “Grey Eagle” Lehman