Meeting called to order at 3:01PM: Total present: 50 members and 4 guests
- New Members – Virgil Dillon and Walter Morris
Guest Speaker: Captain Brenda Dietzman, Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Department, thanked and presented certificates for those who rode in the opening and closing ceremonies for the LAW Camp
Minutes: July minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table
Treasurers (Vickie Kalous) Corner:
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read.
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update: Richard Ballinger and Rick Johnson
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- 23 riders participated in the Banana Run on August 3
- Next Banana Run is December 7 - Duane asked for ideas for Christmas gifts for the patients
- September 9 - VA is having a Homeless Veteran Summit (seminar) 9AM-4PM. Duane is trying to get more information.
Legion Commander (John Metz):
- Reminder everyone that Legion is sponsoring Beer Garden, August 15 and 16th
- Volunteers to work Beer Garden are asked to attend meeting at the post Wednesday, August 13 at 6PM
Co-Director (Steve Coberley):
- Thank you note from Terry Houck’s family regarding death of his brother - Steve
- Thank you note from family of Lance Corporal Jed Heersche - thank you ride on July 12
- Two thank you notes from family of Robert Keifer for flag line at his funeral; one from his son along with $50.00 donation and another from Doris Keifer, widow of Robert
S.A.L Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- SAL members will be cooking burgers and brats - Saturday, August 16, after the Old Settlers Parade
- Next SAL meeting is Sunday, September 7 at 1:30PM
Ladies Auxiliary President (Jackie Johnson):
- Vickie Kalous reported that the Auxiliary will be having a Mexican Food Night on September 6
Fundraising Chairperson (Diana Nelson):
- October will be German Month - something is planned for every Thursday night during October and there will be a special German dinner towards end of month - more info to follow
Patriot Guard and Road Captain (Darkhorse):
- Darkhorse reported that Dennis Joynt attended the funeral of a State Trooper in West Virginia - 39 ride hours and 2,685 miles
Old Business:
- Jarhead is Road Captain for Old Settlers Parade – Saturday, August 16 - meet at the post at 9:45AM, wear cowboy hats and red shirts, there will be 3 candy stops along the parade route
- New hats are in, those that have pre-ordered and not paid, contact Doug
- Motion from Greg Bauer and 2nd by Phil Giovanni to give a free hat to new members; motion passed unanimously
- Operation ALR 136 Surprise - 4 members went to McConnell Commissary and gave out $270 to junior enlisted personnel and families
- Since the vote last month was very close on whether or not to give to the Legacy Run, “the hat” was passed and $153.00 was collected to go towards the Run
- Honor Flight – ALR 136 members Dennis Joynt, Duane Kalous, and Jerry Kirk
New Business:
- State Rally in Dodge City is September 12-14 - Motel information has been emailed, registration is due in August 15th or fee goes from $30.00 to $40.00. Those wishing to ride to the Rally meet at Derby QT at 11:00AM on Friday, September 12
- American Veteran Traveling Tribute in El Dorado - September 4-7. If you want to set up a ride to join El Dorado on the 4th - contact Doug
- Operation Comfort Warrior – Fort Riley – phase 2 – consensus was to let KC area handle
- Committee was formed to set up Flag Etiquette Team – Committee Chairman: Jim Finneran; committee members: Rick Babinger, Ron Vangas, and Andy Webb
- Post Insurance on ALR Shed - Greg Bauer will have his agent review our policies on all buildings and property and report back to Commander
- Flags at Post - Monday September 1 ( Labor Day) – Flags up Doug Lehman & Deb Lynch and Down - Doug Grant & Rick Babinger
- Flags at VA hospital for Thursday, September 11 (Patriot’s Day) – 0700 - RC- Ron Vangas
- Discussed ALR 10 - Winfield’s Annual Bug Run – Saturday, August 23 (see ALR Calendar) - not doing an organized ride due to safety concerns riding back in the dark
- Mulvane Veteran Memorial – Ron Vangas brought up the idea of a Mulvane Memorial and recommended a committee be formed to look at options. Committee Chairman: Ron Vangas; committee members: Jerry Armstrong, Greg Bauer, Gary Donaldson, Terry Houck, Brad Modlin, and Russ Wallace
- 2015 ALR Scholarship – motion by Ron Vangas and 2nd by Phil Giovanni to obligate $1000; motion passed unanimously
Floor Opened to the Membership:
- No comments
Two-Wheel Tuesday:
- August 19 - Hangar One Steakhouse (Phil Giovanni)
- September 2 – Pumphouse (Ron Vangas)
50/50: Collected $90.00 - $45.00 to Karen Babinger, donated back to Operation ALR 136 Surprise
Next Meeting: Sunday, September 7, 3:00PM (moved up a week due to ALR State Rally)
Meeting Adjourned: 4:12PM, motion by Phil Giovanni and 2nd by Greg Bauer
Doug “Grey Eagle” Lehman
“Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless.”
~Sherry Anderson