Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 45 members present
- New applications- None
Minutes: February minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table. Minutes approved as posted.
Chaplain (Steve Firkins):
- Vicky Kalous is now home after her surgery and is doing well
- Prayers are asked for Rick Johnson who is back home.
- Duane Stewart is recovering after a brief stay in the hospital.
- Betty Jean has fallen and is staying with her daughter, Sandy Atterbury
Guest Presentation: None
Treasurer (Vickie Kalous)
- In Vickie’s absence Duane Kalous read the treasure report
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- Next Banana Run March 15, 2015 Fill bags at Noon and depart at 1235
Legion Commander (John Metz):
- The 5th district meeting is going to be in Eldorado, Kansas and the American legion is asking for delegates. If you are interested contact John Metz.
- Bar stools will be here on Tuesday. Need 5-6 volunteers to unload and assemble the stools.
- Old Settlers meeting is March 16. 2015. The date is August 14-16, 2015. A committee is being formed to decide if the Legion wants to continue to be involved
- The American Legion will be electing new officer at the next meeting
Co-Director (Mary Green): No correspondence
SAL Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- SAL rescheduled Post clean up to Sunday, March 22 at 10:30 AM
- Gun raffle tickets are now available
- ‘Nut Fry’ scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2015. There will also be a horseshoe tournament
Ladies Auxiliary President (Jackie Johnson):
- In Jackie Johnson’s absence Debbie Herndon reported:
- Elections will be held at the May meeting
- Thank you to Auxiliary members for the food provided for the funeral dinners
- American Legion’s Birthday is March 15th. Our Post will have a Birthday Party on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 6 PM
Fundraising Chairperson (Diana Nelson)
- Tuesday, March 17, 2015 St Patrick’s Day Post 136 Corn Beef and Cabbage
- Thursday, March 26, 2015 Bierocks
Patriot Guard & Road Captain (Darkhorse): No Report
Old Business:
- Doug Lehman reported on the current State Rally Expenses. A sheet was passed around listing the specific expenses. Doug Lehman made a motion to allocate $2000.00 to cover the current State Rally expenses. Jerry Allen seconded the motion. Motion passed. State Rally dates are June 12- 14
- State Rally Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 1800.
- Kansas Legacy Run - July 16-19- no report given.
- Riders in the Sky Patch for Richard Ballinger are available-contact Mike Vore
- Discussed mailing membership ID cards. Rob Brown made a motion to mail membership ID Cards to those members who provide a self-addressed stamped envelope. Steve Coberley seconded the motion. Motion Passed
- Monica Barshney will paint the stripes on the motorcycle pad with supplies provided by The American Legion Riders
- ALR 136 Scholarship pkt will be provided to the officers. Application date is closed
New Business/Reminders:
- Rick Babinger made a motion that all funds that are donated to the American Legion Riders without a specific designation to a specific fund; will be applied to a fund specifically obligated for the memorial dinners for deceased members of our American Legion. Buz Nye seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
- Schedule was passed around for putting up flags at the Post-still need volunteers.
- Doug Lehman discussed making a financial contribution to Rick and Nancy Johnson. At this time no contribution will be made as they have requested no financial assistance.
- Discussion concerning membership for those past members who have had a gap in membership. Bi-laws reviewed. Tabled for future discussion.
50/50 – Collected $111.00 –JD $55.50, $55.50 to ALR 136 Building Fund
Two-Wheel Tuesday-
- March 31, 2015 maGoo’s. Meet at 1800 at the restaurant. If weather permits email will be posted for a ride to the restaurant
Next Meeting: Sunday, April 3, 2015 at 3:00PM
Meeting Adjourned: Motion to Adjourn: Rob Brown, second by Buz Nye, adjourned 4:05PM.
Mike “Windhorse” Vore