Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 39 members present
- New applications- Tim and Tracy Kinnick
Minutes: April minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table. Minutes approved as posted.
Chaplain (Steve Firkins):
- Betty Jean is back home, please continue to pray for her recovery
- Prayers are asked for Rick Johnson.
- Sandy Harper has been ill.
Guest Presentation: None
Treasurer (Vickie Kalous)
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- Reported on Mulvane Grade School Thank You Program for decorating the bags for the Bananna Run. There was a good response from the students and they enjoyed the program
- The appreciation pencils were given to the teacher to pass out to the students.
- Deb Herndon was thanked for making the certificates.
Legion Commander (John Metz):
- The Garage sale made $518. This will be applied toward the loan payment on the remodel.
- The Legion needs 10-12 riders to participate in the Memorial Day Ceremony flag line
Co-Director (Mary Green):
- Munson Primary School sent letters written by the students and pictures were passed around for all to see.
SAL Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- SAL will be cooking during the afternoon of the ALR Rally.
- Donating a $100 gift card to Cabela’s for the silent auction
Ladies Auxiliary President (Jackie Johnson): None
Fundraising Chairperson (Diana Nelson):
- Remaining Bierocks are available for purchase cooked or frozen.
Patriot Guard & Road Captain (Darkhorse): No Report
Unfinished Business:
- Doug Lehman reported on the current ALR State Rally. 121 pre-registered. Need silent auction items. 6 vendors have registered. The van for transportation was donated by Rusty Eck Ford.
- Kansas Legacy Run - July 16-19, 2015. No report.
- ALR will have a garage sale on Saturday May 16, 2015 at Doug Lehman’s home. Still need someone to take the lead on this project. Also need more items..
- If you are planning on going on the Ozawkie 3rd Annual Fun Ride May 9, 2015 contact Doug Lehman. KSU at 1100.
New Business/Reminders:
- Saturday May 9, 2015 at 9 AM workers are requested to assist in uncovering the flag pole holes at the Mulvane Cemetery.
- May 22, 2015 at 1730 workers are requested to decorate the graves at the Mulvane Cemetery.
- Memorial Day, May 25, 2015, at 0530 the large flags will be put up at the Mulvane cemetery.
- City of Mulvane has requested that Post 136 ALR Riders lead the July 4th Parade.
- Deb Moore made a motion to participate in the parade. Sue Lee seconded the motion. The motion passed.
- A presentation was provided about the Kansas Honor Flight Duck Deploy at the Riverfest. By adopting the ducks funds are raised to send Kansas veterans to visit their War Memorial in Washington DC.
- Scruffy reported the ‘Law Camp’ is asking for riders for a Ride In at the start and finish of the camp July 14th and July 17th. No time frame yet.
- Patriot Guard Highway Clean Up is scheduled for June 6, 2015 at 0830. Ron Vangas will take the lead.
- The presentation of the Scholarship to the winner of the Patriotic Essay Contest, Amber Watson, will be at the Douglass High School May 8, 2015 at 1330. Please attend if you can.
- Nation of Patriots was presented by Sue and Larry Lee. A single flag visits all 40 continental states in 100 days and is accompanied by riders. Money is raised to support veterans and the money stays in the local area. The flag will be arriving from Missouri and will arrive in Kansas. The next day the flag will leave Kansas and proceed to Oklahoma. The receiving Unit provides the evening meal for the riders. The flag is due to arrive in Kansas July 10, 2015 and leave July 11, 2015. Riders meet the flag about 2 hours out and escort the flag to the receiving unit. The next day riders take the flag and are met by the next state’s riders.
- Jerry Kirk made a motion to host the Nation of Patriots at ALR post 136. Deb Moore seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Operations Surprise- May 15, 2015. Meet at the Visitor Center at McConnell AFB at 1530.
- Post clean-up June 7, 2015 at 1030. Come for breakfast at 9 AM and stay to help clean the Post prior to the ALR Rally.
- Deb Herndon made a motion to the change the date of the ALR meeting to June 7, 2015. Doc Herndon seconded the motion. The motion passed.
50/50 – Collected $69.00 –Karen Babinger $34.50 which she donated to the Operation
Surprise. Thank you Karen! $34.50 to ALR 136 Operation Surprise.
Two-Wheel Tuesday-
- May 5, 2015 The Hungry Heart at 6 PM
- May 19, 2015 Hanger One at 6 PM
- June 2, 2015 Bite Me BBQ
Next Meeting: Sunday June 7, 2015 at 3:00PM
Meeting Adjourned: Motion to Adjourn: Rob Brown, second by Jack Evans, adjourned 4:20PM.
Mike “Windhorse” Vore