Sunday, September 16, 2007

ALR-136 Newsletter - September 2007

New Members: Tony Beavers, Leann Beavers, wane Stewart, Asonjia Stewart, Charlotte Stuart, Charlie Nguyen, Daniel Benson, Gene Hammett, Ron Wolf, Tony Wilson, Bill Roscbaugh. Welcome aboard your membership will never be taken for granted.

Donations: 500.00 to KPG from Old Settlers Day group. Bill Padgett donated 50.00 toKPG for patches. Wild Bill Logan received a 500.00 check from a friend to donate to KPG.

Post Commander Rick Babinger spoke about the Legion meeting this coming Monday the 10th of Sept. It will start at 7pm and will have many Important things to vote on. Please attend and use your vote to make a change!

Display Cases: Are in the works, Sawblade said he should have them done by end of Oct. and ALR voted to set aside 1000.00 for tempered glass to be used in these cases.

ALR State Rally in Ozwakie: 10 to 15 riders from our Post will be attending this Rally on the 15th of this month. We will be staging at the QTrip at 71st & K-15 Sat morn. The 15th at 6am and AIS at 6:15 am.

Dennis Scuffham and all riders who attended the Old Settlers Day parade and trophy presentation were thanked by Mike Shock and all members present at meeting for their participation.

Rick Johnson is still our Post historian but due to job travel he will need all of our help with pictures for this years scrapbook. Any pic’s that you take please e-mail to Rick. I will get his e-mail add. Out when I get it from the Commander.

R.A.G.S.: DarkHorse paid tribute to RAGS group for handling funeral missions for WWII, Korea and Vietnam Vets who have passed away. The RAGS are SEMPER PARATUS meaning always ready. This was the motto of and Infantry division in WW!. They had a mascot a cairn terrier named RAGs. He was a famous war dog who delivered messages crucial during the Argonne Campaign. Keep up the great work. Also 4 RAGS stepped up to be Rifle Squad for funeral this Monday in Derby.

Duane Clough “ Dewey” his father passed away . Please keep Dewey and family in your thoughts and prayers.

American Legion Legacy Fund: Alr from all across the USA raised 400,000 for the Fund this year!

Rick Babinger’s son was named Squad leader of the Year in Iraq.

DarkHorse asked for additional volunteers for Road Guard duty at funeral missions. Anyone interested should contact Terry Houck at next meeting.

Important Dates
  • 9-11 Please fly Flags at half-mast in remembrance of all who perished at the hands of terrorist. ALWAYS REMEMBER AND NEVER FORGET.
    9-11 Send-off for Tyler Melekian meet at Post 136 at 6pm sign flag AIS 6:30pm ride to Rose Hill High School to stage leave at 7pm do mission then on to Quigley’s for chow.
    9-13 KPG mission in Emporia, Ks Details as soon as I get them.
    9-14 KPG mission in Salina, Ks Details as soon as I get them.
    9-22 Oaklawn Fall Festival parade Details on staging as soon as I get them.
    9-22 Xena Fogle Memorial dedication to be held at Sedg. Co. Zoo. Meet at QT at 71st and K-15 at 5:30 pm AIS is 5:45 pm head out for zoo.
    9-23 ALR 2 Newton is going to Children’s Home in Ponca City for picnic and to give rides to kids. Stretch says bring extra helmet if you will be giving rides, also bring food to eat at the picnic. He will meet riders at QT at 47th and S. Hydraulic at 9am and leave at 9:30am, will take turnpike to Blackwell, Okla.

Kansas Patriot Guard purchased 140 flags to be distributed to Post’s in Kansas so they will have proper flags for funeral missions and other ALR function.

Rebel Jim Stevens donated 100 ton of ground up asphalt to help with our parking lot holes. Greg Bauer will get dump truck and Chuck Barshney will drive truck.

Greg E-Bay Hansen will be presented with a certificate of appreciation from our Post for all of his work and dedication. Bronco-6 to entire membership” Please keep E-Bay and Georgianna in your prayers.

ALR SHED PROJECT: Papa will need work detail on this the first weekend of Oct. Plan on spending Sat & SUN to finish this 16X16 shed. Bring Hammers.

Car Show in Peck, Ks. This past Sat Alr Post 136 was a sponsor for this Car and Bike show. With the busy schedule this weekend I want to thank all of those Riders who represented us at this show. Our own Bob Kierzak to 4th in Bike competition.

Terri Lehman “ SHIRT BABE “ was recognized by Chuck Barshney for raising 3000.00 from t-shirt sales. SALUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!

9-30 VA BANANA RUN meet at Post for great breakfast then load bags with goodies for Vets . then AIS at 12:30 pm on to VA hospital and pass out bags and visit with the Vets. If you have not joined us for this mission yet you are missing a whole bunch of people ! Please bring sugar-free cookies and candy for bags.

American LEGION BOWLING TOURNEY: Looking for teams for tourney in McPherson. Doug Lehman will get me the Schedule and I will pass on to you.

9-21 POW-Mia Ceremony at Post will start at 7pm. Please attend ceremony and enjoy great steak and all the fixins’.

Two-Wheeled Tues. Nites
  • 9-11 Quigley’s in Rose Hill
    9-18 Casa Martinez in Derby next to Tag office. D. Lehman
    9-25 Mary’s Supper Club s. Hydraulic. M. Saindon
    10-2 Auntie’s C 61st and N. Broadway. T. Wilson
    10-9 Felipe’s Harry and Webb Rd. P. Thacker

9-14 AVE OF FLAGS NEEDED for Marine Vets who fought in WWII at Iwo Jima and Tarawa. DarkHorse will get stage info to me and I will forward. Please attend if not going to State Rally Thank You.

Final Note: DarkHorse reminds us all to go to Ks Legion Riders web site and re-read our mission statement for Kansas Patriot Guard. Stay focused on the mission and what we do. For it is not about us but the families of the fallen soldier that we do our mission.

Thank you for everything that you do for the Legion and our ALR.