Meeting called to order at 3:03PM: Total present: 65 (57 members and 8 guests)
Guests: Judy Epperson (737-2346) and Rhonda Rogers (312-9020) from the Wichita VA spoke on Veteran homeless needs and Veterans Emergency Transition Services, US Inc (VETS.US). Stand Down is September 17.
Karen Funcheon, Gold Star Mother, addressed the membership and requested support for the Gold Star Families participation in the Wichita Veterans Day Parade. Committee formed to meet and discuss. Committee members: Dan Benson, Sherry Evans, Darrell Hacker, Rick and Nancy Johnson, Brad and Judy Modlin, and Charlie Nguyen.
New Members: Alfred Decaire, Darrell Hacker, Matt Kreidler, and Frank Ritter
Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of May minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted.
Financial Report: Greg Bauer read the financial report and final numbers from the Poker Run; Monika Barshney is visiting family in Germany. Financial report accepted as written.
Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Ron Vangas advised the next VA Banana Run will be in August
- Operation Troop Care packages sent to Zach Martinez, Ty Martinez, Joy Wheatly, Matt Storment, Nichole Palmer, and Crystal Courter. Donations received from membership, Eagle Creek Apartments, and Dorothy Winward.
Commander’s Corner:
- Dan Benson thanked the membership for participation and teamwork on Memorial Day
- Highlighted need for more volunteers for fireworks stand; cash register training June 12
- Recognized new dining room manager for menu changes and improvements
- Presented Brad Modlin a certificate of appreciation for having parking lot repaired
Co-Director’s Corner:
- Greg Bauer read thank you cards from Richard and Joyce Wood, Brittney Johnson, SrA Joy Wheatley, and Vance Janak.
- Recognized Dan Benson, Carol Benson, and Terry Knight for excellent breakfast on Memorial Day
Director’s Corner and Old Business:
- Doug Lehman reminded everyone about the 2010 Kansas ALR Rally/Meeting in Concordia June 11-13
- Thanked whole membership for outstanding support and team work for Poker Run
- Advised no more fundraisers necessary for the remainder of 2010
- Two-Wheel Tuesday (Shrimp Gumbo) at the Post resulted in an $80 profit
- 2nd Annual Rip’s Bikers Diabetes Ride, July 31 – Barb Giovanni and Diana Nelson volunteered to work at our Post
- Discussed Honor Flight. Terri Lehman made a motion to sponsor Benjamin Brooks, father of Melani Claude. Motion carried. $500 to be sent to the Honor Flight.
- Re-addressed previously obligated monies (up to $1000) to Legacy Scholarship Fund and briefed on HR Bill 2345 Education for Children of Fallen and Marine Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship. After discussion, Ben Roloff made a motion to donate the $1000 to this year’s Legacy Run and review impact of other initiatives in 2011. Motion carried.
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Doug Lehman briefed on vandalism at Peabody cemetery and ALR 256 replacement of 10 flags
- Discussed request from ALR 256 to assist the town of Cassoday in obtaining a flag and flag pole. John Wilson advised the Veterans Memorial Park of Wichita, Inc (VMPWI) had already donated the pole.
- Talked about ALR 4 member, Star Northern’s, wife of Bill (Bones) Northern, need for a liver transplant and our assisting with expenses. Pat Thacker made a motion to donate $300. Motion carried.
- Thanked members John Wise, Charlie Nguyen, and Dennis McDonough for volunteering during Bikers Edge Birthday Celebration.
Tuesday Rides: (Meet at Post at 5:30PM, depart at 6:00PM)
- June 8 – Hanger One Steak House, 5925 W. Kellogg, Wichita – Mary Green
- June 15 – El Azteca, 1540 E. 61st St. N., Park City – Roger Attebury
- June 22 – Bentley Corner Bar & Grill, 102 N. Wichita St, Bentley – Doug Lehman
- June 29 – RD’s County Line Bar & Grill, 108 N. 2nd St, Mulvane – Ron Vangas
- July 6 – Neighbor’s Restaurant & Bar, 2150 N. Amidon, Wichita – Phil Giovanni
- July 13 – Shanannigans Grill & Lounge, 1014 N. West St, Wichita - John Wilson
- July 20 – Quigley’s Steak House Bar & Grill, 1001 N. Rose Hill Rd, Rose Hill – Ron Herndon
50/50: Collected $100 - half ($50) won by Don Jarboe; donated his portion back to ALR for the Wounded Warrior Project. Thank you Don!
Meeting adjourned: 4:32PM
Next Meeting: Sunday, July 18, 3:00PM (Moved back a week due to personal commitment of Director and Secretary) NOTE: SAL meeting also moved back a week.
Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman
"The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care.
Either case is a failure of leadership."
Colin Powell