Meeting called to order at 3:05PM: Total present: 54 members and 2 Guests
New Members: Kyle Smith, Daniel Bustamante
Minutes: April minutes accepted with no corrections or additions
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:
- Treasurer read the financial report. Expense for avenue of flags for the cemetery in the amount of $67.66 should be to the Legion and not the Riders. Report accepted with correction.
- Diana gave report for the Poker Run. $11,104.00 income with $1972.30 expenses giving us a net of $9131.70.
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- Richard Carpenter, Lori Metz, and Milt McDaniel
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz)
- Need names of deployed troops for Operation Troop Care
Co-Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner:
- Read thank you notes from Ann Myers (to the Patriot Guard), VA for the Banana Run
Commander’s (Jake Defrees) Corner: Vice Commander (Rick Babinger) Reported:
- Memorial Day activities: set little flags and crosses at the graves (5:30 PM Friday). Monday 5:30AM set out big flags. Ceremony at 11:00 AM. Remove flags, fold and store at 4:30PM
- Building fund now at $49,200.00. Door to patio donated and installed (no cost). Beran’s concrete will install footings and slab at no cost to Post.
- Building fundraiser auction scheduled for September. Need good quality items.
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner:
- Fundraiser to be set up for Ruth Carpenter
- Donations will be taken soon for another gun
Ladies Auxiliary Corner (Barb Giovani reported):
- Nothing to report
Fundraising Chairperson (Asonjia Stewart) Corner:
- Nothing to report
Patriot Guard (Terry Houck) Corner:
- Talked about send off for Spc Corey Zorn (will get his address for troop care package
- For Sgt Hargrove’s funeral on 10 May, 45 ALR 136 members present
- Kansas Patriot Guard donated 25 American flags with 10’ poles to ALR 273
- Possible funeral mission in Overland Park for Sgt Mike Knapp
Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner:
- Briefed on the following events:
- State ALR Romp 15 to 17 June in Hays.
- Sunday, 24 June, pick up trash in ditches of Patriot Guard Highway
- Post 81 June Host Chapter
- July 21st ALR 136 will be the Host Chapter (Committee: Jerry Armstrong, Diana Nelson, Jerry and Connie Berry, Ron Vangas)
- Old Settlers Day parade Saturday 18 August
Unfinished Business:
- NA
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Motion by Greg Bauer to donate $500.00 to RCIC Welding for the metal art that they donated and was auctioned off at the Poker Run, seconded by Ben Roloff. Motion passed. This will pay for 5 veterans to go through the welding school.
- Suggested 10% of Poker Run net proceeds be donated to building fund. Chuck Barshney made motion to donate $5000.00. Seconded by Darrell Hacker. Motion passed.
- Jerry Berry presented ALR 136 Life Membership criteria. Must be life member of Legion, SAL, or Auxiliary. Available 1 June 2012. Application form will be emailed to membership.
- Scott Hansen will be selling American, POW and service flags at $10.00 each.
- Greg Bauer thanked everyone that helped on the Poker Run. It was again a great success because of the effort put forth by the members. GREAT JOB.
Tuesday Rides Summer hours in effect – meet at Post at 5:00 PM and depart at 5:30
- 22 May - Hangar One (Gio)
- 29 May - Ginghis Grill (Moe)
- 5 June - Joes Bar & Grill Old Town (Ron)
- 12 June - Quigleys in Rose Hill (Doc)
50/50: Collected $103.00 - half ($51.50) won by Jerry Armstrong (Donated to the building fund)
Next Meeting: 13 May at 3:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 4:00 PM Motion by Jerry Ward, seconded by Gary Donaldson
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas