Meeting called to order at 3:01PM: Total present: 65 members and 6 Guests
Guest Speaker:
- Gwen Johnson with Heartland Hospice. Talked about vets volunteering to help with fellow vets. If interested, call Gwen at 316-788-7626
- Martha Smith, Quilts of Valor Kansas Regional Coordinator, gave info on what the QOV organization has done in the past year (755 quilts presented). Presented Darkhorse with a quilt titled “Freedom”, and Doc with a quilt titled “Twister”.
New Members: Bet Nye, John Siebert, and Steve Wagner
Minutes: July minutes sent by e-mail and posted on bulletin board: accepted as posted
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:
- Treasurer read the financial report : accepted as read
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- Richard Carpenter- undergoing chemo, and is doing good
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz)
- Next Operation Troop Care mailing to be during the week after our next meeting. Bring items for the care packages to the September meeting
- Next Banana Run will be either Dec 2nd or 16th. Need ideas for what to do this year for Christmas gifts for the vets
Co-Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner:
- Read thank you card from family of Hank Shockley for funeral in Peabody
- Discussed Shirt design and approval process from dept. Should have everything in place shortly to start taking orders.
Commander’s (Jake Defrees) Corner (1st Vice Rick Babinger reporting):
- Slot machine money will now go to the canteen
- Still need help at the booth during Old Settlers
- Discussed ABC rules for Saturday night. Need everyone to help police
- Auction still scheduled for Sept 22nd. Desperately need quality items for Auction. Since this will be open to public, doesn’t need to be motorcycle related. This is your Post. We need your help to make it better.
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner:
- Selling tickets for 2 pig halves. $10.00 each. Proceeds go to building fund
- $100.00 donated to Tom Stoy fund to defray funeral expenses
- $500.00 donated to Richard Carpenter to help defray medical expenses
At this time a motion was made by Rick Johnson and seconded by Pat Thacker to donate $500.00 from the riders to Richard Carpenter: Motion carried
Ladies Auxiliary Corner (Gail Hacker):
- Nothing to report
Fundraising Chairperson (Asonjia Stewart) Corner:
- Reported that Rick Babinger covered everything for the auction
- Ladies Auxiliary will have pie auction and chili feed on Oct 13th
Patriot Guard (Terry Houck) Corner:
- Thanked road guards and staging crew for what they did for Sgt Eric Mays Patriot Guard funeral
- Found $26.00 at cemetery during funeral. No one claimed. Donated to Auxiliary
- Read thank you from various people and law enforcement for how the Patriot Guard conducted the funeral escorts and service
- Thanked Jerry Armstrong for donating casket flag box for Master Trooper funeral in Topeka
Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner:
- Briefed on the following events:
- Host Chapter 136 event went very well. Collected $315.00 from dunk tank. Will go to Winfield Veterans Home fund
- Next Host Chapter event scheduled for Sept 9yh at ALR 90, Wellington. Don’t know any details, but this is our stated meeting also.
- Old Settlers Day Parade Sat, 18 Aug. Bring candy to hand out. Buffet breakfast will be served starting at 8:00 AM
- Florence Labor Day Parade scheduled for Sept 3rd
- Sept 11th ALR 136 will set flags at VA for Patriot Day
- Mulvane Police and EMS Toys for Tots scheduled for Sept 15th
- Veterans appreciation set for Oct 6th ( Committee: Diana, Moe, Gary Donaldson,Gio, Rick & Nancy Johnson, Jerry and Connie Berry, Jo Ehrlich and Rob Brown) First meeting will be Wed the 22nd at 6:00 PM at the Post.
- Showed plague that we received from ALR 273 thanking us for the 25 flags that the Patriot Guard donated in our name
- Brought motorcycle kickstand pads to pass out that was donated by the Suicide Prevention coordinator at the VA Center Crisis Center. The pads have an 800 number to call for help
- Will see if ALR can do something to help celebrate the 100th birthday of WWII vet Don Revert. He is living at Villa Maria in Mulvane and is the oldest Kansan to go on the honor flight
Unfinished Business:
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Gio passed the hat for Tom Stoys wife. Collected $451.00.
- Kevin Conover made motion to donate $500.00 to funeral home for Tom Stoy expenses, seconded by Darrell Hacker. Motion carried.
- Pat Thacker made motion to add to the Star Tree fund to bring total to $500.00, seconded by Rick Johnson. Motion carried.
- Jerry Kirk made motion to add $1000.00 to obligated money for next years scholarship fund, seconded by Rick Johnson. Motion carried.
- Darrell Hacker said there are now 6 foster homes in Wichita area for veterans. Chester’s brother will be back in October. We should recognize him with a welcome home.
- Jerry Allen made motion to donate $3000.00 to building fund. Seconded by Buz Nye. Discussion brought up fact that Riders have already donated over $10,000.00 to the fund. Voice vote too close for decision. Hand count indicated majority to be nays: Motion rejected.
- Gunner invited ALR to Rocket Airfest in Argonia on Sept 2nd to watch his rocket launch
- Dennis McDonough thanked everyone who bought 9/11 coins from him.
- Kevin Conover indicated that memory bars for Tom Stoy will be ordered. E-mail orders to Ron Vangas:
Tuesday Rides Summer hours in effect – meet at Post at 5:00 PM and depart at 5:30
- 14 Aug - Post 4 Chicken fried steak night (Ron)
- 21 Aug - Post 256 Taco night (Ron)
- 28 Aug - Haysville VFW (JD)
- 4 Sept - Bite Me BBQ (Groundpounder)
- 11 Sept - To be determined
50/50: Collected $86.00 - half ($43.00) won by Betty Jean (Donated to the building fund)
Next Meeting: 9 Sept at 3:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 4:38 PM Motion by Darrell Hacker, seconded by Jerry Ward
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas