Meeting called to order at 3:03PM: Total present: 50 members and 1 guest
Guest Speaker: None
Presentations: Presented McKayla Poss (136 Auxiliary member) with her scholarship. She read her essay.
New Members: Alan (Army Veteran) and Kim Johnson
Minutes: May minutes sent by e-mail and posted on bulletin board: accepted as posted
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:
- Read the financial report. Accepted as read.
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- Phil Horner’s brother
- Keep Sheryl Carpenter in your prayers
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz) :
- Next Banana Run will be August 4th
- There is a new American Legion contact at the VA. Anita is still there helping with the transition
Co-Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner:
- Read thank you card from Kevin Hoffer family for ALR honoring him with a flag line at his funeral
- Read a thank you letter from Katerine Ehninger for her scholarship. She is grand daughter of our member Bruce Simmons
- Thanked everyone for their help for the Poker Run which netted aprox $5200.00. Especially thanked Duane Kalous for all the donations that he solicited.
Commander’s (RG Resser) Corner: (Not present) 1st Vice John Metz reported:
- At July Legion meeting there will be discussion on going smokeless during and after the remodel. Voting will be at August meeting with no discussion.
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner:
- Hand gun raffle winner is Jeff Laflin
- Tickets will be available in July for conceal carry weapon.
Ladies Auxiliary President’s (Lori Metz) Corner :
- Reported that quarter-rama made about $400.00 to help Sheryl Carpenter with expenses
Fundraising Chairperson (Asonya Stewart):
- No Report
Patriot Guard and Road Captain’s (Darkhorse) Corner:
- Briefed on the appreciation ride to officer Lucas Powell’s residence after meeting
- There will be a Patriot Guard mission in Kansas City for the funeral of KIA 2Lt Justin Sisson on Saturday June 15th. RC will be Doc Peterson.
Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner:
- ALR State Rally in Concordia on June 21 to 23rd
- Cripple Creek Salute to Veterans Aug 16, 17, 18
Old Business:
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Greg Bauer made a motion to donate $500.00 to the welding school in McPherson (they donated the metal art for our Poker Run auction). This will pay for 5 veterans to attend the school. Motion seconded by Andy Webb. Motion carried.
- Deb Lynch made motion to donate $5000.00 to the building fund. Seconded by Viki Kalous. After discussion, Greg Bauer said he would match our donation. Motion carried.
Floor opened to membership:
- Duane Kalous asked about Two Wheel Tuedays. Will look into for summer months. Had ride to restaurant in Winfield on Friday. Only 3 riders showed up. May try a couple of rides on weekends to see how they are attended.
- Deb Lynch stated that Auxiliary dues for 2014 will start to be accepted in July
- Flag retirement will be held on Flag Day June 14th
- June 22nd Karokee will be at the Post
- Doug Lehman stated that 3 members going to the State ALR Rally was really a poor showing. He made a motion to donate $100.00 to the Concordia ALR to help with their expenses. Seconded by Greg Bauer. After discussion motion carried.
- Birthdays in June: Jerry Allen, Doug Lehman, Nancy Johnson, Dennis McDonough, Jim Dunham
- Accidental death benefits for Legion members is free. Need to sign up.
50/50: Collected $67.00 - half ($33.50) won by Jerry Kirk (Donated to the the Building fund)
Next Meeting: 14 July at 3:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 3:58 PM. Motion by Sawblade, second by Buzz
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas