Meeting called to order at 3:04PM: Total present: 41 members and 0 guest
Guest Speaker: None
Presentations: None
New Members: None
Minutes: October minutes sent by e-mail and posted on bulletin board. Accepted as posted
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- Vicki Kalous had surgery and is doing well
- Sheryl Carpenter is undergoing chemo for her cancer
- Dave Williams underwent heart surgery
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz):
- Next Banana Run will be Dec 15th
- Mulvane HS Esprit De Corps will sing Christmas Carols
- Mulvane HS Honor Society decorated the sacks
Co-Director (Jerry Berry):
- Read letter from VA thanking us for the last Banana Run
- Thank you card from Jerry Ward
Legion Commander (RG Reser):(Not present) Report by First Vice John Metz
- Bar is open now and there is no smoking in the building
- In the process of getting the income taxes up to date and the non-profit status back
S.A.L Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- SAL/Auxiliary kids Christmas part will be December 1st ,2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the Mulvane Senior Center in the Recreation Center.
- Will shop for kids gifts at Wal Mart on Nov 25th at 7:00 PM.
Ladies Auxiliary President (Lori Metz):
- Will decorate bar area for Christmas
- Veterans Day after flag retirement ceremony at 5:15 PM soup and snacks will be served
Fundraising Chairperson:
- All fundraising on hold until remodel is complete
Patriot Guard and Road Captain (Darkhorse):
- Funeral for PFC Robinson in Wamego on Thursday. Some members will be going up Wednesday night. Meet at QT 71st and K15 at 1:00 PM
- Cindy Jarvis sent a $500.00 check in memory of her son. Darkhorse made a motion to donate the check to Jerry Armstrong (Sawblade) for help in offsetting his labor and materials for the Post bar. Rick Babinger seconded. No discussion. Motion carried
- Doc made a motion for the ALR to match the $500.00 check to Sawblade. Seconded by Greg Bauer. No discussion. Motion carried.
- SIDE NOTE (from ALR Director): Sawblade put in many hours away from his paying job to volunteer his labor, material, and equipment. He wore out some of that equipment in the process. When Jerry is in the bar, members should not let him pay for any of his drinks.
Director (Ron Vangas):
- Veterans Day program at Douglass Mon 11 Nov. Depart Casey’s in Mulvane at 8:45AM.
Present Deena Glaves with certificate of appreciation for her dedication putting on this program
- Student Veterans Organization at WSU ribbon cutting ceremony for their new meeting room. Meet at Sonic on 21st at 1:30 PM. Will present them with Service Branch flags
- Will meet with second graders at Munson Elementary to talk about why we honor the flag and flag etiquette. Meet at Post at 9:30 AM
- Wreaths Across America at Winfield Veterans Cemetery Sat 14 December
- Honor Flight is now open to Viet Nam Veterans. It’s on a first come basis. If you want to go as a group, I can turn in the applications as a group. Order of Veteran priority: WWII, Korea, Viet Nam in poor health
Old Business:
· Officer nominations will be held in December with elections in January. Your 2014 dues must be up to date to enter the January meeting.
New Business/Discussion Items:
- All food for Ft Riley Big Red 1 Turkey Run has been purchased. We can make donation and send to Department (not recommended). Suggest we let ALR’s in that part of the State support Ft Riley and we support McConnell AFB in our back yard. On November 26th there will be a Thanksgiving basket given to needy Airmen and their families. We have been asked to help with monetary donation and also help assemble baskets and pass out. Mulvane Toys for Tots will not have a poker run this year. They were also made aware that they can get assistance from the Marine/Salvation Army to get toys for the needy kids in the Mulvane area. Doug Lehman made a motion that we use $250.00 of the obligated money for the Mulvane Toys for Tots to donate to McConnell and keep $250.00 in the fund in case Mulvane PD/Fire/Ems comes up with an event. Seconded by Rick Babinger.
Discussion: Doug Lehman mentioned that Post remodel is over budget and we need to keep this in mind before making any donations; Jarhead mentioned that the new Wichita Toy Run format decreases the amount of toys donated to the cause. Motion carried.
Floor Opened to the membership:
- Rick Babinger gave an update on the remodel. Bar is open and we need to make an effort in taking pride in keeping it clean. Need to get people interested in coming back and supporting the Post.
- Deb Lynch commented on the WSU Student Veterans Organization and how they help Active Military and veterans returning from the wars with tutoring and other support.
- Doug Lehman mentioned that the Post Bar grand opening suggested for the December 14th conflicts with the Wreaths across America ceremony.
- Kevin Conover said that Post 10 will donate for the Winfield Veterans home Christmas and that Ark City may do the same. He also mentioned that this year’s Post 10 Freeze Your ??? Off poker run will have a different format.
50/50: Collected $82.00 - half ($41.00) won by John Wise (Donated to the Building fund)
Next Meeting: 8 December at 3:00 PM. Will be at Post unless noted otherwise.
Meeting Adjourned: 4:09 PM. Motion by Pat Thacker, second by JD. Motion carried.
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas