Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 41 members and 1 Guest
- New Member - Linda Kirby
Guest Speaker: None
Minutes: June minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table
Treasurers (Vickie Kalous) Corner:
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read. Note: ALR’s portion of the 50/50 each month goes towards Operation ALR 136 Surprise. June’s 50/50 of $44.00 and July’s 50/50 of $26.00 will be added to the $200 allocated per quarter.
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update: No report
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- Upcoming Banana Run - August 3, meet at the post by 11:30a.m., leave for VA at 12:30p.m.
Legion Commander (John Metz):
- Volunteer bartenders needed to help out a couple hours a week - need 8 volunteers
- Still need volunteers to help with Old Settlers Weekend. Sign up book at Post.
Co-Director (Steve Coberley):
- Read thank you from Anderson-Davis & Franzen family for attendance at their father’s funeral
S.A.L Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- Joe Honeycutt won the AR15 gun
- SAL members will serve brats and burgers at the Old Settler’s Horseshoe Tournament
Ladies Auxiliary President (Jackie Johnson):
- Vickie Kalous reported for the Auxiliary that they made $558.00 on the Basket Raffle
Fundraising Chairperson (Diana Nelson):
- Chicken Fried Steak Dinner & Karaoke will be Saturday, July 26. Dinner from 5:00-8:00p.m. Karaoke at 6:00p.m. ALR is paying for the steaks and oil from $200 in fish fry obligated monies and Dennis McDonough’s $50 donation. Portion of profit to pay $250 Post loan.
Patriot Guard and Road Captain (Darkhorse): No report
Old Business:
- Sheriff’s Department Law Camp Tuesday, July 15. Jim Finneran asked for riders to be at the East side of Lake Afton by 1:00p.m. to ride in with the flags. Flag retirement ceremony will be Friday, July 18.
- Old Settler’s Parade – stage at the Post at 9:45a.m., depart at 10:15a.m., parade at 11:00a.m. 3 stops to pass out candy.
- Only 1 person has volunteered to help with the Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall in Chanute
● Salute to Veterans Rally- Cripple Creek- August 15-17
New Business:
- Rick Babinger made a motion, 2nd by Phil Giovanni to spend $100 for the ALR Plaque to go up at the post. Motion passed unanimously.
- Doug presented new ALR hat design and cost options. Motion by Sherry Evans, 2nd by Jerry Kirk to purchase 72 hats. Cost is $11.50 per hat. Doug will try to get price reduced.
- Dennis McDonough made a motion, 2nd by Jerry Kirk to donate $250, which Dennis would match, to the Legacy Run. After discussion, motion did not pass.
- Paint Sheds - volunteers need at the Post Saturday, July 19 at 9:00a.m.
- Upcoming Director’s Meeting will be at our Post - date TBD. If you have input, contact Doug
- Kansas Veterans and Family Reunion - El Dorado Lake, July 18-20
- Operation ALR 136 Surprise - Friday, August 1. Meet at McConnell’s main gate at 4:00p.m.
- Rocket demonstration at the Post Saturday, July 19, 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Free hot dogs/drinks
Floor Opened to the Membership:
- Linda Kirby introduced herself and told everyone that she is running for Judge in Sedgwick County and would appreciate everyone’s support
Two-Wheel Tuesday:
- July 22 – Sideline’s Bar & Grill, 403 N. Walnut St,
Augusta - August 5 - Stearman Field Bar & Grill, 14789 SW 30th St, Benton
50/50: Collected $ 52.00- $26.00 to Jerry Armstrong
Next Meeting: Sunday, August 10, 3:00p.m.
Meeting Adjourned: 4:54p.m., motion by Jerry Kirk, 2nd by Jack Evans. Motion carried.
Doug “Grey Eagle” Lehman
“Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country.” Calvin Coolidge