Friday, December 18, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - December 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:01PM: Total present: 65 (64 members and 1 guest)

Special Presentation: Pat and Linda Thacker presented Charles (Chaunce) Chauncey with a beautifully embroidered Air Force flag in honor of his 35 missions flown over Japan. The flag also included his unit and his B-29, Jessie.

New Members: Shawn Corriston, Pedro Gutierrez, Rod Heim, Barry Inman, Dave Meeth, Patrick Stanley

Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of November minutes. Motion carried.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written. A motion was made by Dennis Scuffham to place a portion of ALR funds in a six and twelve-month CD. Motion passed and we’ll look into options.

Historian Report: The 2009 ALR 136 Year End Chapter Report was read. Personal thanks to every member for a very successful year in supporting our Veterans and the community.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck outlined 2010 Banana Run schedule (March, August, December)
- Updated membership on ALR Scholarship – one final change prior to emailing
- Briefed on Wreaths Across America ceremony at Winfield Veterans
- Recognized Ron (Buckeye) Vangas for his research into the “Dignity Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program” and advised of upcoming funeral
- Summarized the six Patriot Guard missions for 2009

Commander’s Corner:

- Rick Babinger advised the Post will begin a new 50/50
- Announced that Bill Logan donated $500 for a bugle player and $500 for SAL Christmas gifts

Co-Director’s Corner:

- Greg Bauer read thank you cards and letter from the Quilts of Valor

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- By-laws finalized; motion made by Ben Roloff to accept as written. Motion passed.
- Special presentation to LeAnn Beavers; displayed our Riders in the Sky plaque

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Membership statistics - 218 members; 1 deployed, Charlie (Blacktop) Nguyen.
- Director briefed on McConnell’s Operation Angel Tree to provide Christmas gifts for children of Airmen at the base. $1033 donated (Greg Bauer $250, ALR $500, Brad and Judy Modlin $200, LeAnn Beavers $83). Volunteers to purchase gifts: LeAnn Beavers, Barb Giovanni, Dennis McDonough, and Judy Modlin).
- Monika Barshney spoke of a family in need in Manhattan. Bill Logan donated $100. Legion donated $150. Ben Roloff made a motion to match Legion’s donation. Motion passed.
- Director provided everyone a copy of the newly created Professional Dress/Appearance and Code of Conduct for Veteran Funerals. Special thanks to Jerry Kirk for working on this initiative and all the Officers for their input. Jerry Allen recommended we add: remove headgear upon entering Church. We’ll add that recommendation.
- Director stressed compliance with by-laws as they pertain wearing of the back vest patch.
- Director thanked Dave Stewart for his generous donation of the profits from making the ALR 136 Coin Money Clips.
- Director advised we have less than 20 ALR 136 coins and provided cost for ordering more. Phil Giovanni made a motion to purchase 100 coins. Motion passed.
- Spoke on by-law change to have 2010 Officer nominations in December/elections in January
- Nomination for 2010 Officers
o Director: Art Beale and Doug Lehman
o Co-Director: Greg Bauer
o Secretary: Terri Lehman
o Treasurer: Monika Barshney and Mary Green
o Sgt at Arms: Ben Roloff
o Assistant Sgt at Arms: Pat Thacker and Andy Webb
o Historian: Diana Nelson
o Chaplain: Bill Logan, Deb Stich, and Richard Stich
o VA Coordinator: Chuck Barshney and Ron Vangas
- Ron Nolder donated $100 to the ALR

Tuesday Rides:

- December 15 – Rocky Mountain Oyster & Catfish Chunks – Post 136 – Tom Stoy
- December 22 and 29 – cancelled due to holidays
- January 5 – Neighbors Restaurant – 2150 N. Amidon, Wichita – Phil Giovanni
- January 12 – Post 10 – 115 W. 10th St, Winfield – Doug Lehman
(Brisket, ribs, Polish sausage, beans and cole slaw - $12.95)

50/50: Collected $166.00. Half ($83.00) won by LeAnn Beavers – donated all to Operation Angel Tree

Meeting adjourned: 5:05PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, January 10, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

Thursday, November 19, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - November 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 72 (65 members and 7 guests)

Special Guests: Mulvane Mayor Jim Ford, Police Chief Dave Williams, and 5 Mulvane Police Officers/Dispatchers. ALR 136 was presented with a Community of Service Award for contributions made to the Mulvane Toys for Kids Program. Over $2,200 raised.

Dan Benson presented Tom Stoy, Post 10, Winfield, a special Legion stein for his contributions to ALR 136.

New Members: Al Larson, Bill Obermeier, Teresa Obermeier, Jay Partch, Walter Thurman, Pam Turner

Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of October minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: 30 activities (10 funerals, 6 homecomings, 7 Veterans Day Programs, Wichita Toys for Tots Run, twice put up flags at the VA, Derby parade, Christmas in a Box/Troop Support Ride, escort of National Commander Clarence Hill, and clean up of the Patriot Guard Highway.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck summarized VA Christmas Banana Run, December 6
- Displayed the patriotic hat to be given to each patient at the VA
- Briefed on meeting with Mulvane High School Counselor on ALR Scholarship
- Updated on possible timeframe for memorial service in Winfield for Tony Beavers. Pending.
- Read certificate of appreciation to ALR 136 from Sedgwick County Sheriff Robert Hinshaw
- Advised of upcoming 2010 officer nominations and thanked everyone for supporting him during the past 5 years while serving as Veterans Affairs Coordinator.
- Briefed on Alef’s Memorial Ride. Ron Herndon and Jim Finneran presented a Welcome Home flag.

Commander’s Corner:

- Rick Babinger advised Thanksgiving Dinner is Monday, November 23, 6:00PM
- Announced vacancy on the Post Board of Governors
- Looking for owner of burial flag which was mistakenly placed in the burn barrel

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Briefed on Wreaths Across America at Winfield Cemetery on December 12. Pending.
- By-laws finalized and copy given to every member present. Vote at December meeting.
- Thanked Diana Nelson, Ron and Jeannie Vangas, and Rick and Nancy Johnson for excellent chili and decorations for Post 4 Chili Cook Off. Diana won People’s Choice.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Membership statistics - 215 members; 1 deployed, Charlie (Blacktop) Nguyen. Charlie is on his way home for a two-week leave from Afghanistan. Details to follow by email.
- Spoke on by-law change to have 2010 Officer nominations in December/elections in January
- Read membership expectations for professional conduct at ALR events. Bottom line: We are representative of the American Legion and need to set the standard.
- Jerry Kirk suggested we devise a Code of Conduct. Pending.

Tuesday Rides:

- November 24 – cancelled due to Post Thanksgiving dinner and holiday
- December 1 – TJ’s Burger House, 1003 W. Douglas Avenue, Wichita – Doug Lehman
- December 8 – Turkey Fry (Nut) & Catfish Chunks – Post 136 – Tom Stoy ($5 donation)
- December 15 – Walt’s – 7732 E. Central, Wichita – Greg Bauer

50/50: Collected $130.00. Half ($65.00) won by Gary Donaldson – donated all to Christmas Fund

Meeting adjourned: 4:20PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, December 13, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

“The galleries are full of critics. They play no ball. They fight no fights.
They make no mistakes because they attempt nothing. Down in the arena are the doers.
They make mistakes because they try many things. The man who makes no mistakes lacks boldness and the spirit of adventure. He is the one who never tries anything. He is the brake on the wheel of progress.
And yet it cannot be truly said he makes no mistakes, because his biggest mistake is the very fact that he tries nothing, does nothing, except criticize those who do things.”

- David M. Shoup, General, US Marine Corps

Thursday, October 15, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - October 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 68 (64 members and 4 guests).

New Members: Kevin Bell, Angela McColm, Mark McKenna, and Dan Vickers.

Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of September minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: 21 activities (9 funerals, 4 homecomings, 2 parades, and 6 miscellaneous which included our Veterans Appreciation and Fun Day, and the McConnell Family Mobility Line Escort.

Fundraising Committee Chairperson: Asonjia Stewart advised no fundraisers for the rest of 2009.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck briefed on VA Christmas Banana Run on December 6 ($500.00 worth of VA coupon books, hats, blankets, and Voices of McConnell).
- Updated on criteria for ALR Scholarship.
- ALR 136 patches unveiled. VIPs approved: Carol Houck, Barb Giovanni, and Betty Pulliam.
- Advised that Patriot Warriors Robert and Josie Delsi’s revised arrival date is May 12, 2010.
- Reviewed Patriot Guard missions for Spc Daniel Cox and Sgt Tyler Juden, and upcoming mission for Sgt Aaron Smith.
- Acknowledged Road Guards and presented Andy Webb with ride name patch “Wrong Way”

Co-Director’s Corner:

- Read thank you letter for our contribution to Legacy Scholarship Fund, attending funerals, and community events.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Membership statistics - 210 members; 1 deployed, Trung (Charlie – Blacktop) Nguyen.
- Opened discussion for Christmas in a Box/Troop Support Ride itinerary - stage at our Post on Saturday, October 17, at 10:30AM, depart for Post 408 at 11:00AM.
- Had Ron Vangas update everyone on Operation Troop Care and Adopt a Highway. Christmas packages being sent to Charlie Nguyen and Eric Batman as part of Christmas in a Box. Clean-up day for Patriot Guard Highway (2 miles) will be October 31. Itinerary later.
- Reminded of Wreaths Across America at Winfield Cemetery on December 12. Itinerary later.
- Certificate of deposits or money market under consideration for some of our funds. Dennis Scuffham to discuss with Post Finance Officer, Dwane Stewart, and will advise on options.
- Summarized success of Mulvane Police Department’s Toys for Kids Poker Run. Motion made by Rick Johnson to contribute $500.00. Motion carried.
- 30th Annual Wichita Toy Run, Sunday, November 1. Itinerary later.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Advised on special ride Saturday, November 14, to the Wounded Warrior Transition Battalion at Ft Riley to deliver items not able to be shipped to Iraq/Afghanistan. Need list of attendees.
- By-law committee to meet with ALR Officers. Any proposed changes will then be presented to the membership for approval at November or subsequent meeting.
- ALR 136 hat designs discussed. No action at this time.
- ALR 136 money clips offered by Diamond Dave Stewart. Handle directly with Dave.
- Upcoming events: ALR Post 4 Chili Cook Off, Saturday, October 24 (Ron Vangas and Diana Nelson - our entrants); Turkey Nut Fry and Catfish Chunks, Tuesday, October 27 (Tom Stoy to cook - this will be our Two-Wheel Tuesday at the Post).
- Discussed last month’s Steak Night. Motion made by Chuck Barshney to donate $180.00 profit to Post 10, Winfield for their hospitality and a thank you to Tom Stoy. Motion carried.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)
- October 20 - Hangar One, 5925 W. Kellogg, Wichita - Mary Green
- October 27 - Turkey Nut Fry/Catfish Chunks at Post 136, Mulvane - Doug Lehman
- November 3 - Paula’s Bar & Grill, 10510 W. Southwest Blvd, Wichita - Pat Thacker
- November 10 - Connie’s Mexico Café, 2227 N. Broadway, Wichita - Pat Thacker
- November 17 – Penalty Box, 7006 W. MacArthur Road, Wichita – Helen Lenagar

50/50: Collected $90.00. Half ($45.00) won by Patty Tafoya ($20.00 donated to Christmas Fund).

Meeting adjourned: 5:16PM

Next Meeting: Slipped one week to Sunday, November 18, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - September 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:02PM: Total present: 49 (46 members and 3 guests).

New Members: Tim Oropallo, Cole Guy, John Wise, Presley Thomas, Theodore Fowler, Judy Modlin, and Ron Holder.

Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of August minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: 25 activities (11 funerals, 3 homecomings, 2 parades, and 9 miscellaneous which included the Veterans Rally in Winter Park, Colorado, and State Rally in Stafford).

Fundraising Committee Chairperson: Asonjia Stewart advised - no fundraisers for the rest of 2009.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck reminded everyone that POW/MIA Day is September 18.
- Briefed on VA Christmas Banana Run on December 6 and hat design. Design has a picture of an Eagle and the word VETERAN on the front, with DUTY HONOR COUNTRY on the back. Motion made by Mike St Clair to purchase 100 hats and 3 blankets. Motion carried. Terri Lehman will place order. Also, will purchase $500 worth of coupon books.
- Updated on status of ALR Scholarship. Specifics outlined and attached to this newsletter.
- Advised of Mulvane Police Department’s Toys for Kids Poker Run-date changed-October 3.
- Briefed on ALR 136 patch, color, and design. 200 patches are on order.
- Discussed hosting Patriot Warriors Robert and Josie Delsi and up to 20 others in May 2010. Motion made and membership approved supporting. Committee (Rick Babinger, Chuck Barshney, Ron Herndon, Terry Houck, Bill Logan, and Dennis Scuffham) will work details.
- Displayed Patriot Guard plaque from the NE Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Highway 83 Association which was presented at the ALR Rally in Stafford for our continued support in standing guard for America’s Fallen Heroes of the war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Advised that Post 136 members, Don and CoraBelle Ames, donated $1000 to the Patriot Guard.

Special Presentation: ALR Officers presented Andy Armstrong with an “In Memory of ALR Riders” patch and Nancy Armstrong Memory Bar in honor of Nancy.

Commander’s Corner:

- Briefed on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, Friday, September 18.
- Discussed the Legion’s Scholarship and criteria. This is separate from the ALR Scholarship.
- Advised that ALVA Tour will be Friday, September 25. VA benefits briefed/discussed.
- Advised that Early Bird Dinner will be Saturday, September 26. Pay 2010 dues - eat free.

Co-Director’s Corner:

- Read thank you card and letter from Carol Brengman and Robert J. Dole VA Hospital.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Membership statistics - 206 members; 1 deployed, Trung (Charlie – Blacktop) Nguyen.
- Highlighted the Veterans Appreciation and Fun Day events and winners; acknowledged the great contributions of Dan and Carol Benson with the games, Tom Stoy for cooking and donations, and those who made it a huge success. The display of quilts and ceremony by the Quilts of Valor were amazing. Having Georgianna Hansen present was an honor.
- Had Ron Vangas update everyone on Operation Troop Care and Adopt a Highway. Christmas packages will be sent to our troops as part of Christmas In A Box. Clean-up day for the Patriot Guard Highway will be October 24. More details later.
- Reminded everyone that Rider Safety Class (re-named from ALR Road Guard Training and Safety Class) is Saturday, October 10. Encouraged for all new members.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Wreaths Across America. Motion made to sponsor one wreath. Motion did not pass. Motion made to contribute $136.00 (nine wreaths). Motion passed. Ceremony will be Saturday, December 12 at Winfield Veterans Cemetery. More details later.
- Senior Pastor Jon Shellenberger sent a letter inviting us to a special uplifting church service at the Derby Church of the Nazarene on Sunday, September 20.
- Director discussed our by-laws and recommended a committee review them to make ALR 136 specific. Committee (Jerry Allen, Rick Babinger, Jerry Kirk, and Bill Logan) will review and present ALR Officers with their recommendations. Recommended changes will then be presented to the membership for approval.
- Dennis Scuffham recommended we consider certificates of deposits or a money market for some of our funds. He’ll check on options and present at our October meeting.
- Jerry Allen recommended we change when we nominate and elect officers. Made a motion to hold nominations in December and elections in January, versus our current November/December respectively. After discussion, motion was rescinded. Chuck Barshney made a motion we hold nominations and elections in January. Motion passed.
- Jerry Allen advised he has collected donations to purchase 100 Marine flags to fly in the Wichita Toy Run on November 2. More details later.
- Upcoming events: Veteran’s Homeless Stand-Down Ceremony, Friday, September 18; Oaklawn Fall Festival Parade, Saturday, September 19; McConnell Family Mobility Line Escort, Saturday, September 19.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)
- September 15 – Side Pockets, 600 S. Tyler, Wichita – Pat Thacker
- September 22 – Hangar One, 5925 W. Kellogg, Wichita – Mary Green
- September 29 – Steak Night at Post 136, Mulvane – Doug Lehman
- October 6 – Caffé Moderne, 300 N. Mead, Wichita – Dave Stewart
- October 13 – El Rodeo, 5730 E. Central, Wichita – Terri Lehman

50/50: Collected $70.00. Half ($35.00) won by Wild Bill Logan. Other half to Christmas Fund.

Meeting adjourned: 5:07PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, October 11, 3:00PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - August 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:02PM: Total present: 55 (52 members and 3 guests).

Special Presentation: SAL Department Finance Officer, Don Culver, presented Anna Perkins with a hand-made Patriotic quilt she won while supporting the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation.

New Members: Flint McPeak, Brad Modlin, Matthew Schmidt, Robert Seamster, Harold Ward, & Jan Bauer.

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of July minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: 24 activities (12 funerals, 7 homecomings, 1 send off, and 4 miscellaneous).

Fundraising Committee Chairperson: No report given. Asonjia Stewart is on her way to Winter Park.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck discussed VA Christmas Banana Run and gift ideas. Final decision will be made at our September meeting. Motion made by John Wilson to obligate $500.00 of general fund monies to VA Christmas Fund. Motion carried. Also encouraged donating magazines any time.
- Outlined selection criteria for ALR Scholarship, topics for written essay, options for allocating monies, and additional committee work to be done.
- Advised of Mulvane’s “Toys for Food” drive on October 17. Date conflicts with Troop Support Ride/Christmas in a Box. Will coordinate a possible alternate date.
- Briefed on PGR patch and wearing it in Oklahoma.

Commander’s Corner:

- Presented John Wilson a certificate of appreciation for his work on Veterans Memorial Park. Also had a certificate for Linda Kirby; accepted by Dennis Scuffham. Dennis received his certificate at the Legion meeting.
- Solicited help for Old Settler’s Day and briefed on parade and Post activities.

Co-Director’s Corner:

- Read letter from Barb Kierzek concerning Big Dog’s daily routine. You can drop them a line via email at .
- Presented three requests for assistance received via email. Discussed each and approved the expenditure of $500.00 for Deb (Giggles) Steele and readdress later as needs arise. The other two cases were not approved at this time.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Doug Lehman gave membership statistics - 198 members; 2 deployed (Nate Mesta &Charlie Nguyen).
- Had Ron Vangas update everyone on Operation Troop Care and Adopt a Highway.
- Highlighted upcoming events: Old Settler’s Day Parade, ALR State Rally, Florence Labor Day Parade, Veterans Appreciation and Fun Day, and ALR Road Guard Training and Safety Class.
- Advised that we still needed a volunteer to be the Historian for the remainder of 2009.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Rick Johnson advised that Jerry Allen had brought up the idea of creating an ALR 136 patch. Rick had several examples. Membership discussed artwork and approved red and black color scheme. Letter size and final artwork will be presented at our September meeting.
- Jim Finneran and six volunteers demonstrated how to fold the American Flag. Additional training will be scheduled in the future. If interested, contact Doug at
- Pat Thacker advised that Autozone had new twist flag pole brackets.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)
- August 11 – Cy’s Place, 425 N. Commercial, Sedgwick – Tony Beavers
- August 18 – Cheddar’s, 11711 E. 13th Street, Wichita – Pat Thacker
- August 25 – Larry Buds Sports Bar & Grill, 2120 N. Woodlawn, Wichita - Terri Lehman
- September 1 – Post 10, 15 W. 10th Street, Winfield – Doug Lehman
- September 8 – AJ Sports Grill, 3232 N. Rock Road, Wichita – Greg Bauer
- September 15 – Side Pockets, 600 S. Tyler, Wichita – Pat Thacker

50/50: Collected $114.00. Half ($57.00) won by Ron Vangas and donated to the VA Christmas Fund.

Meeting adjourned: 5:35PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, September 13, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - July 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter July 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 65 (62 members and 3 guests).

Guests: Betty Jean Pulliam displayed a picture of a 1987 Wichita Eagle page listing the 625 Kansans who lost their lives in Vietnam. A representative from the American Diabetes Association briefed on their upcoming fundraiser on September 12th. More details at .

New Members: Ralph Cooper, Paula Olson, Debbie McDaniel, and Dane Nixon.

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of June minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: Greg Bauer read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.
NOTE: Welcomed back Monika and she thanked everyone for their prayers, gifts, phone calls, and cards.

Historian Report: In Mike St Clair’s absence, Doug Lehman outlined June’s 22 activities (9 funerals, 3 homecomings, 4 send offs, and 6 miscellaneous).

Fundraising Committee Chairperson: Asonjia Stewart advised that September 12th will be a Local ALR Fun Day (horseshoes and ladder golf). Also, Ron Vangas suggested we combine the fun day and make it a Veteran’s Appreciation Day. Committee will develop details.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck read a certificate presented to deployed member Charlie (Blacktop) Nguyen
- Reminded everyone of our August 2nd and December 6th Banana Run
- Advised that the Kansas Patriot Guard now has two website’s and
- Had John Wilson and Dennis Scuffham speak on the proposed Vietnamese Memorial. Latest information at . Wichita City Council meeting Tuesday, July 14.

Commander’s Corner:

- Rick Babinger discussed Dan Cane’s medical situation and advised that the Legion purchased a scooter. The Ladies Auxiliary donated $200.00 towards the $1200.00 cost. Motion made to donate $500.00 to split the remaining cost. Motion carried.
- Briefed on flag replacement program for the Mulvane community, solicited help for Old Settler’s Day, and encouraged return of raffle tickets.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 193 members; 2 deployed (Nate Mesta and Charlie Nguyen).
- Discussed personal conduct at ALR and Patriot Guard events and stressed compliance
- Had Ron Vangas brief on Operation Troop Care. Next shipment of packages will be in August. Donations can be brought to next meeting. List of desired/acceptable items will be sent via email with Troop Support Ride flyer.
- Discussed Legacy Run donation and ALR Scholarship. Jerry Allen made a motion to donate $1000.00 to the Legacy Run and use the remaining $1000.00 of obligated money to create an ALR 136 Scholarship. Seconded by Dan Benson. Motion carried. Committee of Terry Houck, John Miranda, John Wilson, and Gary Schultz developed eligibility requirements: 1) Graduating child of an ALR 136 member (also applies to grand and great grand children), 2) Graduating child of a Veteran or active duty military in the Mulvane High School, 3) Graduating Mulvane High School student who is a child of a Mulvane Police Officer, Firefighter, or Emergency Services Personnel. Further details will be worked by committee.
- Ron Vangas briefed on the Adopt A Highway program and advised that our application was submitted June 23rd and is pending with the Winfield Department of Transportation. Mulvane Lions Club had previously adopted a portion of the Patriot Guard Highway but agreed to move further west to let us take care of the entire 3 ½ miles. Additional information forthcoming.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Greg Bauer advised of planned rider safety course and had Ben Roloff and Andy Webb highlight riding guidelines and passed out general group riding instructions to new members. Training date to be announced.
- Ron (Radar) Brengman’s memory bars are available.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)

- July 14 – Golden Corral, East Wichita – in conjunction with homecoming
- July 21 – Bentley’s Corner Bar & Grill, 102 N. Wichita, Bentley – Doug Lehman
- July 28 – Felipe Junior’s, 9718 E. Harry, Wichita – Terri Lehman
- August 4 – Walt’s, 7732 E. Central, Wichita – Greg Bauer
- August 11 – Cy’s Place, 425 N. Commercial, Sedgwick – Tony Beavers

50/50: Collected $101.00. Half ($50.50) won by Dave Stewart. Other half goes to VA Christmas Fund.

Meeting adjourned: 4:39PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, August 9, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ALR 136 Newsletter - June 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:06PM: Total present: 69 (62 members and 7 guests).

Guests: Roger Attebury invited Cadet Major Andrew Edelman to our meeting to familiarize him with programs of the American Legion. Andrew just graduated from West High School. He was in the junior ROTC program and last month was named Cadet of the Year. Andrew has enlisted in the US Navy and will report for basic training in September.

Dennis Joynt, ALR 256, briefed on the Experienced Rider’s Course being held on June 21. Dennis can be contacted for specifics at 617-6764 or .

New Members: Brandon O’Dell, Roger Olson, and Dennis Joynt (transfer from ALR 256).

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of May minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: In Monika Barshney absence, Greg Bauer read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: In Mike St Clair’s absence, Doug Lehman outlined May’s 14 activities (4 funerals, 4 homecomings, 4 send offs, and 3 miscellaneous).

Fundraising Committee Chairperson: Asonjia Stewart advised that the 1st Annual Local ALR Competitive Olympics on Sep 12 will be replaced by a Local ALR Fun Day (horseshoes and ladder golf). Also, the Casino Night will be slipped into early next year.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck reminded everyone of our remaining 2009 Banana Runs (Aug 2 and Dec 6).
- Highlighted those previously awarded Warrior necklaces from Robert Delsi. Also presented Rick Babinger, Karen Babinger, and Gary Schultz a Warrior necklace.
- Briefed on status of Patriot Guard KIA and Veteran bricks.
- Advised that the Kansas Patriot Guard website’s new address is .
- Had Dennis Scuffham speak on the proposed Vietnamese Memorial. Lots of information at .

Commander’s Corner:

- Rick Babinger advised of open time slots for fireworks stand and outlined flag ceremony.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 188 members; 3 deployed (Chris Hurt, Nate Mesta, and Charlie Nguyen).
- Advised that new coins arrived and look great.
- Updated status of ordering shirts and using Kansas Chapter. Department Executive Committee will meet in the near future to evaluate our request.
- In Ron Vangas’ absence, Terry Houck and Doug Lehman briefed on Operation Troop Care. Thus far, 14 packages have been shipped to deployed troops. Reiterated that focus will be on our deployed Post members and deployed sons and daughters of our Post membership. Motion made and passed to allocate $500.00 to purchase items for shipping but continue to use donations as well. Shipping costs will be separate and not paid from the $500.00. Note: After the meeting John Kimball donated $100.00 to help with this initiative. A list of soldier’s addresses will be emailed to everyone so they can write letters/send cards.
- Discussed creation of an ALR 136 Scholarship. Committee of John Miranda, John Wilson, Gary Schultz, and Terry Houck will come up with a proposal for our July meeting. Offered an idea of taking $1000 of the up to $2000 already obligated for the Legacy Fund to fund our scholarship – OPEN.
- In Ron Vangas’ absence, Terry Houck briefed on the Adopt A Highway program. Motion made and passed to do the entire 3 ½ miles of the Patriot Guard Highway. We must clean the highway 3 times a year for 2 years. More details later.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Considerable discussion on contributing to the Eagle Valley Raptor Center to support their Sidewalk Campaign. Motion made to donate $100.00. Motion did not pass.
- Greg Bauer advised Christmas in a Box will be October 17. More details later.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)

- June 16 – Post 10, Winfield – Joint area ALR event
- June 23 – El Ranchero, Wichita – Gregg Thompson
- June 30 – Neighbor’s, Wichita – Phil Giovanni
- July 7 – Bourbon Street, Wichita – Terri Lehman
- July 14– Bentley’s Corner Bar & Grill, Bentley – Doug Lehman

50/50: Collected $80.00. Won by Gary Schultz who donated all $40.00 to the VA Christmas Fund.

Meeting adjourned: 4:52PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, July 12, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

Never Ride Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Fly

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ALR136 Newsletter - May 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:03PM: Total present: 58 (54 members and 4 guests).

Guest Speakers: James Williams from the American Red Cross spoke on The Ride for the Red Poker Run on June 20th. Brochures passed out and outlined specifics of this fundraiser. James Renaud, National Guard Recruiter, spoke on Military Appreciation Night, May 23rd, at Hartman Arena, at 5:00PM. First 100 get free football tickets.

New Members: James and Donna Renaud, Michael Huntoon. Welcome to ALR 136!

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of April minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report and outlined results of Poker Run fundraiser. Financial report accepted as written and posted for review.

Historian Report: Mike St Clair provided an update on 12 activities during April and 54 for the year.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Terry Houck reminded everyone of our remaining 2009 Banana Runs (Aug 2 and Dec 6).
- Updated status of placing flags for fallen military. Anita Dixon will give her son’s flag to US Army Sgt Evan Parker’s father – placement not necessary. Debbie Drexler will advise of date to place flag for her son, US Army PFC Jeremy Drexler.
- Read thank you card and advised of $100.00 donation received from Liz Courtney, widow of US Army WWII Veteran, Bruce Courtney. Personal friend of Terry Houck. Donation to be split with ALR Post 408 (Derby), as they were Ride Captain for this funeral. We will purchase a memorial brick for Bruce and place the balance in the VA Christmas Fund.
- Briefed on status of Patriot Guard KIA and Veteran bricks. Thanked Jerry Allen and Ron Herndon for cleaning and maintenance of the memorial brick area.
- Highlighted those ALR members participating in the “Run For The Wall” and “Legacy Run.”
- Advised that the Kansas Patriot Guard website is down but hope to have it fixed soon.

Commander’s Corner:
- Rick Babinger advised that Post made 100% reporting.
- Outlined Memorial Day weekend activities. Friday, May 22, 5:00PM, put out crosses and flags on graves at Mulvane cemetery; Monday, May 25, 5:30AM, meet at Post and load 225 flags to put up Avenue of Flags – back at 6:00PM to take down. Need 10-20 Riders to fly American Flags.
- Thanked Mike Owens for his generosity in purchasing a 4” auger bit for use in digging flag pole holes at the cemetery. Instead of repayment Mike asked that the Post give 3 free memberships.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:
- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 181 members; 3 deployed (Chris Hurt, Nate Mesta, and Charlie Nguyen). Also, Rick and Karen Babinger’s son, SFC Jon Babinger and George and Nancy Smith’s son, CPL Daniel Smith, are deployed. Post member, Dan Morgan, is also deployed.
- Advised that 250 coins arrived but were old design. Derby Trophy and manufacturer reordering.
- Presented George and Nancy Smith a Blue Star Banner in honor of their son, US Marine CPL Daniel Smith. Also presented James and Donna Renaud a Blue Star Banner for their son.
- Updated status of ordering shirts and using Kansas Chapter. Department Executive Committee met at Department Convention and advised to resubmit our request and it will be considered.
- Had Ron Vangas brief on Operation Troop Care. Thus far, 8 packages have been shipped to deployed troops. Consensus was to focus on our deployed Post members and deployed sons and daughters of our Post membership. Also, will pass names of other non-ALR 136 deployed members to everyone to write letters/send cards.
- Thanked everyone for the great work done on the Poker Run, provided final statistics, and highlighted the significant contributions of Dave Stewart and Mike Owens.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Area ALR Legacy Fund Fundraiser at Biker’s Edge on June 6. Rick and Karen Babinger volunteered to work the 9-11AM shift and Nancy Armstrong the 3-5PM shift.
- State Rally Grog Bowl needs ingredients. We will supply babe ruths, tootsie rolls, and milk duds.
- Post 401 Auxiliary is looking for old Harley Davidson or ALR t-shirts to make a quilt for their fundraiser in July. Turn in any shirts to Terri Lehman.
- Discussed ideas to support the Mulvane community. Possibly creating an ALR 136 Scholarship Fund. Put on hold pending Board of Governors discussion of the same idea. Also, discuss adopting the “Patriot Guard Highway.” Ron Vangas will check with KDOT. Another idea was to replace worn flags throughout the Mulvane community. Open.
- Post 256, Wichita, asked for volunteers to man our Post during their June 13 Poker Run. Gary Schultz and Ed Watson volunteered.
- Director recommended using extra gift cards from Poker Run for flooded ALR member, Bob Kierzek. In addition, motion made by Pat Thacker to donate $500.00. Both passed.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)
- May 19 – Post 2, Newton – tacos – Joint area ALR event – Doug Lehman
- May 26 – Amy’s Pizza, Mulvane – Asonjia Stewart
- June 2 – Stooges, Andover – Greg Bauer
- June 9 – Paula’s, Wichita – Phil Giovanni
- June 16 – El Ranchero, Wichita – Gregg Thompson

50/50: Collected $112.00. Won by Dennis Scuffham who donated $30.00 to the VA Christmas Fund.

Meeting adjourned: 4:45PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, June 14, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

People Are Like Motorcycles, Each is Customized A Bit Dfferently

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ALR136 Newsletter - April 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:01PM: Total present: 83 (76 members and 7 guests).

Meeting Dedication: Meeting dedicated to former Command Chief Master Sergeant John Kimball.

Special Presentations: Pat Culver, Department Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee presented a plaque from Mid-Winter Forum for Legacy Scholarship Fund donations. Clarence Carroll, WWII Veteran and member of the Sons of the American Revolution, presented each officer a certificate in recognition of exemplary patriotism in the display of the Flag of the United States of America. He left a certificate for each ALR member and passed out “Freedom Collection” sheets packed full of great information.

New Members: Shirley Tull, Mark Bush, and John Landers. Welcome to ALR 136!

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of March minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written and posted for review.

Historian Report: Mike St Clair provided an update on 18 activities during March.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Terry Houck provided a history of Chief Kimball’s military service and Bronze Star Ceremony.
- Presented a ride name patch to ANG MSgt Michael (Wind Horse) Vore.
- Read thank you letter from the VA and outlined our 2009 Banana Run schedule.
- Advised that we have offered Post 401, Wichita, our patriotic decorated sacks since they now do banana runs in July (Independence Day) and November (Veterans Day). Pending reply.
- Updated status of placing two flag poles for families of Fallen Soldiers. Pending replies.
- Advised that 26 bricks for our Patriot Guard KIA and Veterans will be picked up this week.
- Provided statistics on Fallen Warriors/injured from the current War on Terrorism.
- Presented his position on use of “Kansas Chapter” on shirts/vests and following directives.
- Briefed on Greensburg Patriotic anniversary on May 2. Details forthcoming.

Commander’s Corner:
- Rick Babinger reminded membership of 5th District Convention April 25-26 in Newton.
- Advised of invitation to attend Girl Scout flag retirement ceremony. Details to follow.
- Advised that we still need volunteers to sign up and work fireworks stand from June 26-July 5.
- Briefed on Memorial Day work day, marking veteran graves with crosses, and asked for volunteers.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:
- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 174 members, and re-emphasized our March activities - 21 events, totaling 1100+ hours.
- Thanked all for making Canton Party Bus a huge success (2nd in Irish Stew; 1st with most attendees).
- Briefed on change in vendor/pricing for Blue Star Flags. Andy Webb amended his previous motion to now only purchase 5 blue star banners. Motion carried; flags will be purchased by Terri Lehman.
- Thanked Greg Bauer and Jim Jones for their work to protect/seal the bricks, stone, and bench area.
- Advised that “Thank You Ride” to Marion Western Graphics put on hold due to layoffs/economy.
- Solicited Poker Run committee updates and discussed signs, advertising, prizes, flyers, games, etc. Final general Poker Run meeting is April 27, 7PM, at the Post.
- Opened discussion on new coin design and pricing options. Jim Jones made a motion to approve the new design and purchase 250 coins with new vendor, Derby Trophy, and sandblasted style. Motion carried. John Miranda made a motion to sell each coin for $5.00. Motion carried.
- Reminded everyone to make Winter Park reservations.
- Shared information on the Certificate of Appreciation received from the McConnell Enlisted Spouse’s Club for our contribution to their annual “Operation Holiday Surprise.”

New Business/Discussion Items:
- Discussed status of using “Kansas Chapter” on shirts, hats, etc. Terry Houck read his position.
- Determined where monies would come from to support Legacy Run. Ben Roloff made a motion
- to use the general fund. Motion carried. There was additional discussion about future year’s donations. Motion made by Jim Jones to cap future contribution at $2000.00. Motion failed.
- Gregg Thompson briefed on SAL fundraisers (quilt and picture taking during Poker Run).
- Reminded membership of July 4th parade in Derby.
- Back briefed membership on providing assistance to local soldier in need. ALR and Post contributed $100.00 each as did several other local ALRs.
- Ron Vangas volunteered to head up Project Troop Care; collecting and mailing packages to our
deployed troops. A box has been set up in the Post for donations.
- Ron Vangas is obtaining information on homeless veteran funerals. This links explains the Dignity
Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program - . More information later.
- Advised the officers will be reviewing ALR by-laws.
- Gary Donaldson’s father has applied for the Honor Flight, which takes WWII Veterans to see the WWII Memorial in Washington DC. Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary contributed $125.00. Motion made for ALR to contribute $125.00, taking care of the balance due. Motion carried.
- Motorcycle safety and advance riding courses are available through ALR members Jerry Kirk,
George Smith, and Mike Vore. See them for specifics.
- Rick Ries created an “Invitation” card to give to potential new members. See Rick for more.
- Chuck Barshney read a letter from Commander Babinger’s son who is deployed in Iraq.
- Richard and Debbie Stich’s daughter, A1C Julie Stick, will be home on leave and come to the Post Friday night for dinner. We will take a few minutes and thank her for her service.
- Bill Logan discussed Rolling Thunder/Carry the Flame and the contributions made by Robert (Grunt), Marine Vietnam Veteran and Medicine Doctor, and his wife Josie Delsi, Flame of Freedom. Jim Jones made a motion to contribute $250.00 to Robert in support of his necklace project. Motion carried.
- Terry Houck recognized the 10 Riders who made the trip to Topeka.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)
- Apr 21 – Tokyo Steakhouse - 1221 N. Rock Road, Derby – Jack Knowles
- Apr 28 – AJ Sport Grill - 3232 N. Rock Road, Wichita – Post 408 (Joint area ALR event)
- May 5 – Walt’s Diner – Tyler and Kellogg, Wichita – Bill Johnson
- May 12 – Post 4 - 816 N. Water, Wichita – Terri Lehman
50/50: Collected $116.00. Won by Gary Schultz who donated his half back to the VA Christmas Fund.

Special Thanks: Thanks to all who brought nachos and the fixins’. A total of $135.00 collected.

Meeting adjourned: 5:38PM

Special Note: After the meeting was over we were reminded that ALR member Nate Mesta was deploying soon. Those still remaining in the dining room presented Nate with a Blue Star Banner to give to his family in his absence.

Next Meeting: Sunday, May 17, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 70 mph can double your vocabulary.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

ALR136 Newsletter - March 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:10PM: Total present: 70 (62 members and 8 guests).

Special Presentation: Meeting dedicated in honor of our own Army National Guard Specialist Trung (Charlie) Nguyen who will deploy to Afghanistan in April. Charlie led our hand salute and the Pledge of Allegiance. Terry Houck presented him with the cross he has worn since the inception of the Patriot Guard. We wish Charlie a safe deployment and look forward to welcoming him home. His mailing address will be: SPC Nguyen Trung, 1-6 KS. ADT, PRT Laghman, OEF FOB Mehtar LAM, APO AE 09354.

New Members: Newell Applegate, Charles Chauncey, Mary Green, William Johnson, Wyatt Trenkle. Welcome to ALR 136!

Minutes: Motion made by Jerry Allen to suspend reading of last month’s minutes. Seconded. Minutes were posted for review.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written and posted for review.

Historian Report: Greg Bauer provided an update on February activities (4 funerals, 4 welcome homes/send offs, and 4 special events). Our historian, Mike St Clair, wasn’t feeling well.

Fundraising Committee Report: Asonjia Stewart briefed on the upcoming Pancake and Sausage Feed on March 11th and Poker Run on May 9th. We can still use additional volunteers. Committees working details.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Terry Houck presented JD Dunham and Jerry Allen a certificate recognizing them for the years of service they have provided during our missions and great work they have done as our staging crew.
- Read Honor Flight letter and introduced Cheryl Carpenter who provided specifics on cost, itinerary, and upcoming flights. We’ll obtain names of WWII Veterans and consider sponsoring future flights.
- Briefed on March 15th VA Banana Run. Coupons provided by Nancy Johnson to purchase sugar free items. Jim Finneran advised his cadets from Curtis Middle School will again attend and help with this effort. Mulvane High School students may assist as well as Post 140, Lindsborg.
- Briefed on Flags for our Fallen Military and our commitment to place flag poles for two Kansas families (Anita Dixon mother of US Army Sgt Evan Parker and Debbie Drexler mother of US Army PFC Jeremy Drexler). Details on installing flags are being worked out.
- Read letter written to Jack “Ripper” Knowles from USAF Major Chris Ford, 314th Security Forces Squadron, thanking us for the job we do as Patriot Guard members.
- Advised that 25 bricks have been ordered for our Patriot Guard KIA and Veterans.

Commander’s Corner:
- Rick Babinger talked about the Girl Scout flag retirement on April 25th. More details to follow.
- Advised a concealed carry license class could be set up if enough interested.
- Reminded membership of 5th District Convention April 25-26 in Newton.
- Encouraged membership to run for Post Officer positions.
- Briefed on revitalized Sons of the American Legion (SAL). New commander is Gregg Thompson. SAL fundraiser (large quilt) at convention.
- Advised that fireworks sign-up sheet available and the need for lots of volunteers.

Director’s Corner:
- Doug Lehman provided updated statistics on membership - 164 members.
- Advised that Canton Party Bus is full with two on the waiting list and four driving.
- Briefed on obtaining Blue Star Flags from McConnell Air Force Base at a cost of $5.50 per flag. Motion made by Andy Webb, seconded by Nate Mesta, to purchase 20 flags and present them at send offs. Motion carried; flags will be purchased by Terri Lehman.
- Advised that Veteran Thank You cards are available. They are free and additional card can be obtained at . Gary Schultz made a motion, seconded by JD Dunham, to donate $100.00 to this cause. Motion carried; Monika Barshney will make donation.
- Advised that planned “Thank You Ride” to Mulvane High School will instead be replaced by inviting students and staff to our VA Banana Run. “Thank You Ride” to Marion Western Graphics and tour of their facility will be formalized in the next month or so.
- Provided overview of items discussed at Area ALR Director/Co-Director meeting. For example, use of leg patch on chaps, homecoming follow-up, not discouraging attendance at airport homecomings, non-confrontation with PRG members. Note: Committee (Barb Giovanni, Janet Logan, Charlotte Stewart, and Terri Lehman) developing letter/card, possible dinner coupon, as follow-up option.

Co-Director Corner:
- Presented Trung (Charlie) Nguyen with our first Blue Star Flag to give to his mother.
- Greg Bauer commented on the Sons of the American Legion membership increase and the great attendance at their meeting. Total membership up to 108. SAL meeting time changed to 1:30PM.
- Advised of work detail March 22nd at 10:00AM to put up poles/chains around memorial stone area.

New Business/Discussion Items:
- Ron Herndon advised that Dan Morgan will be home soon for R & R. Keep Dan in your prayers.
- Jerry Allen recommended changing ALR challenge coins to previous style, with Post engraved on reverse side. Committee (Jerry Allen, Roger Attebury, Harold Cooper, and Terri Lehman) to come up with design to present to membership. Roger Attebury will provide free engraving. We have about 100 coins on hand at this time.
- DAV is short of drivers to take patients to VA. Volunteers needed to drive van. Additional information being obtained by Rick Babinger.
- April/May meetings slipped a week to April 19/May 17 due to Easter and Mother’s Day.
- Dennis McDonough is riding in this year’s Legacy Run.
- Terri Lehman made a motion, seconded, to earmark up to $2000.00 for the Legacy Scholarship Fund. Motion carried; Monika Barshney will obligate $2000.00.
- Ben Roloff reminded everyone to wear black at funerals, even if on a Friday.
- John Wilson asked if there was interest in an ALR du-rag and will come up with a design.
- Gary Schultz discussed homeless Veterans and their need for household items (furniture, beds, couches, tables, chairs, dishes, pans, silverware, sheets, towels, TVs, small kitchen appliances, etc). Brock Hayes (409-9825 or ) volunteered to pick up and deliver items.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at restaurant about 6:00PM)
- Mar 10 – Madrocks – 1821 E. Madison, Derby - Mike Owens
- Mar 17 – Neighbors – 2150 Amidon, Wichita – Phil Giovanni
- Mar 24 – Shenanigans – 1014 West Street, Wichita – Mike Owens (Area ALR Dinner)
- Mar 31 – El Rancho – 4722 S. Broadway, Wichita – Greg Thompson
- Apr 7 – The Diner – 1530 S. Webb Road, Wichita – Terri Lehman
- Apr 14 – Pizza Johns – 208 S. Baltimore, Derby – Asonjia Stewart

50/50: Collected $107.00. Half ($53.50) to VA Christmas Fund and other half won by Terry Houck. Terry donated his portion to the VA Christmas Fund.

Special Thanks: Thanks to all who brought taco burgers and sloppy joes. A total of $120.00 collected.

Meeting adjourned: 5:35PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, April 19, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ALR136 Newsletter - February 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:05PM: Total present: 78 (74 members and 4 guests).

Special Presentation: Pat and Linda Thacker presented the membership with a beautiful "Riders in the Sky" case with patches identifying each of our beloved lost riders. This is an outstanding tribute to some special friends that will never be forgotten. Thank you Pat and Linda!

Terry Houck presented Linda Thacker with a certificate recognizing her for the great work she's done embroidering our flags. Linda makes ALR 136 stand out and we thank her dearly for her hard work.

Terry Houck presented Richard and Joyce Wood, ALR 401 members, each a certificate honoring them for their outstanding support to all ALR activities but especially in providing refreshments during our funerals, welcome homes, and sendoffs. Richard and Joyce drive the Support Vehicle and were also given a We Support Our Troops flag by Linda Thacker and Greg Bauer, signed by the membership. In addition, Jerry Allen presented the Wood's a check for $200.00 on behalf of our membership to help in supplying items for future missions.

Guest Speaker: Judy Dietz spoke on her initiative to receive approval for the creation of a Gold Star Family License Plate and requested our support by speaking to our representatives.

New Members: Don Shoemaker, Sue Shoemaker, and Leah Beale.

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of last month's minutes. Minutes were posted for review.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: Mike St Clair provided statistics for January activities (3 funerals, 7 Welcome Homes/Send Offs, and 3 misc).

Fundraising Committee Report: Asonjia Stewart briefed on the upcoming Pancake and Sausage Feed on March 11th and is looking for volunteers to assist in planning and running the Poker Run on May 9th.

Veteran's Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck turned in a $100.00 donation for the Patriot Guard from Chuck "Macgyver" Ford, Post 45, and Junction City. This was for a display case and certificate holder made by Jerry "Sawblade" Armstrong.

- Briefed on recent funeral for US Air Force MSgt Walter Sanders and read a thank you card from Kim Young, who is the mother of Sgt Jerry Young, Commander of Belle Plaine, and VFW Post 5475.

- Advised of short-notice funeral Monday, Feb 9th for US Navy Veteran Earnest Thompson.

- Briefed on upcoming VA Banana Run, Mar 15th. Coupons provided by Nancy Johnson to purchase sugar free items. Jim Finneran advised his Cadets will again attend and help with this effort.

- Briefed on Flags for our Fallen Military and our commitment to place flag poles for two Kansas families of fallen soldiers. Also, still working specific details through Department.

- Advised memorial brick orders for KIA, AL, and ALR are ready to be placed.

- Provided information on Saturday's Bald Eagle Release by Ken Lockwood in honor of EBAY.

Commander's Corner:

- Rick Babinger advised that this year's Oratorical Contest will be held in Halstead and Roger Attebury's niece will be competing. First place receives $18,000.

- Advised a concealed carry license class could be set up if enough interested.

- Displayed Legion mugs that are available for purchase for $25.00.

- Encouraged membership to run for Post Officer positions. Legion newsletter has position descriptions.

- Briefed on revitalized Sons of the American Legion (SAL). New commander is Gregg Thompson.

- Passed out fireworks sign up sheet and asked for full support of the membership.

Director's Corner:

- Doug Lehman provided updated statistics on membership - 153 members.

- Advised that website ( has new forms (Member Contact Info Update and Request ALR For An Event). John Wilson continues to go above and beyond with the website. Thanks John!

- Updated membership on Mid-Winter Forum (Emergency Response Teams and Kansas ALRs).

- Advised that Legion dues for deploying members will now be paid by the Legion versus the Riders. Riders will continue to pay deployed member's Rider dues.

- Briefed on plans for caring for our Memorial Stone and lighting in front of the Post. After some discussion, Ben Roloff made a motion to provide up to $200.00 to cover the cost of chains, poles, lighting. Motion carried. Greg Bauer heading up this project.

- Highlighted upcoming special dates (Quilts of Valor presentation, Feb 14th; VA Flags, Feb 16th; ALR member Charlie Nguyen's Sendoff, Mar 7; ALR Pancake and Sausage Feed and Canton Irish Stew Contest, Mar 14th; Banana Run, Mar 15th; BACA Poker Run, Mar 29th; and future fundraisers (see ALR calendar for specifics).

- Solicited experienced volunteers to help plan/run Casino Night – date pending - see Asonjia Stewart.

- Advised that Scott Hansen (EBAY's brother), Post 408, Derby, will be taking over flag ordering and that we will be purchasing an additional case (24 each) of Welcome Home and We Support Our Troops flags.

- Reminded of planned "thank you" rides to Mulvane High School and Marion Western Graphics.

Co-Director Corner:

- Greg Bauer requested any pictures taken of the funeral for Earnest Thompson be sent to former ALR member, Tom Harris, as Tom was a friend of Earnest but recently moved to North Carolina and will not be able to attend.

- Read a "thank you" card from Pam Elliott, widow of Lloyd Bonham, from a funeral the ALR attended.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Jerry Kirk talked about the May 2009 Run For The Wall. Additional information is available at

- Gregg Thompson, new SAL Commander, introduced new officers (Vice Commander, Jerry Armstrong; Sgt at Arms, Rick Babinger; Finance Officer, Greg Bauer; and Chaplain, Kyle Logan).

- John Thomas, 5th District Commander, advised of kudos received for the ALR at Mid-Winter Forum.

- Mike Vore presented the ALR with a challenge coin from the Joint IAF/USAF C-130 Unit. We will place the coin in our display case. Thanks Mike!

- Ron Vangas suggested we acknowledge wife/family members for their support and sacrifices while military members are deployed. After discussion, it was decided we will check into Blue Star flags. Terri Lehman will check prices at Emblem Sales and McConnell AFB. We will also be checking into ordering free Veteran thank you cards and make them available to the membership.

- Doug Lehman clarified our policy on funerals. We only support Veteran funerals. Non-Veteran funerals will not be attended unless ALR member connection and requested. Rare exceptions.

Tuesday Rides:

- Feb 10 – Shenanigans – Mike Owens

- Feb 17 – Seneca Bar and Grill – Jim Dunham

- Feb 24 – Side Pockets – Pat Thacker

- Mar 3 – Quigley's – John Wilson

50/50: Collected $87.00. Half ($43.50) won by Jerold Shook. Other half goes to VA Christmas Fund.

Special Thanks: Thank you to all the women and men who brought sloppy joes and the fixings. A total of $245.00 collected.

Meeting adjourned: 5:05PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, March 8, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

If you want to get somewhere before sundown, you can't stop at every café!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

ALR-136 Newsletter - January 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:10PM: Total present: 70 (59 members and 11 guests).

Guest Speaker: Judy Epperson, VA Homeless Coordinator, briefed on HUD-VA Supported Program to assist the homeless. There are over 10,000 homeless Veterans nationwide – over 600 chronic critical in the local Wichita area that needs our support. Wichita received 35 vouchers so far that will help place these veterans into HUD homes and Judy is pushing to get more. So far 26 veterans have been placed. VA needs help and donations of home furnishings, kitchen items, dishes, men’s clothing etc. Helping Hands of Wichita assists with a lot of these items and is another great place to donate. Contact Judy at or call 651-3684/737-2346, VA Medical Center regarding donations.

New Members: Diane Nelson, Ed Watson, Dave Poage, Richard Ballinger, and Nate Mesta. Co-Director, Greg Bauer presented each member with a 2009 Membership Package.

December 2008 Minutes and Financial Report: Motion made to suspend reading of minutes. Financial report accepted as written.

Historian Report: Mike St Clair provided statistics for 2008 activities (47 funerals, 102 Welcome Homes/Send Offs, and 80 parades/misc).

Director’s Corner:

  • Doug Lehman recognized 2008 officers (Jim Jones, Pat Thacker, Linda Thacker, Danny Aguilera, and Gary Schultz) for their outstanding support and tireless efforts throughout the year.
  • Members as of January 1 – 169. Reminder: if you haven’t paid your 2009 dues, please do so.
  • John Wilson was recognized for his excellent job on our website (
  • Mid-Winter Forum is in Hays, February 6-8.
  • Emergency Response Team is a national program and volunteers are needed to work with state and local officials. More details will be provided at Mid-Winter Forum.
  • Tentative homecoming this Saturday, January 17 for Air Force MSgt Webber, Purple Heart recipient.
  • Help needed to put up flags at the VA on Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 19.
  • Pat and Linda Thacker will maintain Welcome Home and We Support Our Troops flags. Linda recognized for her outstanding embroidering talents.
  • Spring “Thank You” Rides will be set up for Mulvane High School and Western Graphics.
  • Membership emails will be sent only on ALR activities and/or relating to ALR members.

Commander’s Corner:

  • Rick Babinger advised there will be a fireworks committee meeting, Wednesday, January 21, 7PM.
  • SAL participation encouraged; gaining enthusiasm and new spark in the group.
    Legion mugs are available for purchase.
  • Commander provided a detailed report on the enormous generosity and contributions made by our Legion family to support our veterans and the community just in the last six weeks – over $7500!

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
  • Advised that we lost 14 Kansas American Legion Riders in 2008, most recently our beloved brother, Greg (EBAY) Hansen
  • Discussed burial options at the Kansas Veterans Cemetery-Winfield (also Forts Dodge, Riley, and Wakeeney).
  • The next VA Banana Run will be Sunday, March 15.
  • Read thank you letters from VA for GPSs, goodie sacks, coupons; Georgianna Hansen for EBAY’s donations, food, Quilts of Valor fund, and supplies.
  • Terry Houck also had Dave Stewart read a letter from injured Marine LCPL John Mevey.
    Briefed on Flags for our Fallen Military. Placing poles and flags. Looking for a Kansas liaison. Will get Department Chairman involved.
  • We had 5 Patriot Guard missions in 2008.
  • Flag cases provided by Jerry Armstrong were made per several ALR member requests. Pat Thacker, Ben Roloff, and Bill Logan donated/will donate $100.00 each; however, Jerry wanted this money returned to Patriot Guard fund.
  • Presented Bill Logan with his Honorary Sgt At Arms patch and wished him a happy birthday, as well as new member, Ed Watson.

New Business/Discussion Items:
  • Terri Lehman briefed on a new hat design. Motion made by Jim Jones, seconded by Chuck Barshney, to purchase 144 hats. Motion carried.
  • Greg Bauer advised Fallen Rider patches available.
  • Jerry Allen made motion to donate $200.00 to Richard and Joyce Woods to help offset the costs of purchasing beverages for our missions. After discussion, agreed to invite the Woods to our Post for a Friday night dinner (Terry Houck will provide a certificate, Pat and Linda Thacker will prepare a flag for presentation, and Roy Tate will contact Culligan water to see about donating water).
  • Asonjia Stewart advised that the fundraiser committee is looking for ideas and will be making some proposals in the near future.

Two-Wheel Tuesday:
  • Jan 13 and 20 moved to Wednesday Jan 14 and 21 to support other Post’s
    Jan 14 – Post 4, Wichita
    Jan 21 – Post 408, Derby
    Jan 27 – Haysville VFW (Gene Hammett)
    Feb 3 – Walt’s (Dan Benson).

50/50: Collected $113.00. Half ($56.50) won by Roy Tate. Other half goes to VA Christmas Fund.

Next Meeting: Sunday, February 8, 3:00PM

Special Thanks: Thank you to Asonjia Stewart and all the women and men who brought ham and beans, corn bread, and deserts. $201.00 collected. Outstanding!

Doug Lehman

There are two types of people in this world;people who ride motorcycles and people who wish they could.