Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ALR136 Newsletter - May 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:03PM: Total present: 58 (54 members and 4 guests).

Guest Speakers: James Williams from the American Red Cross spoke on The Ride for the Red Poker Run on June 20th. Brochures passed out and outlined specifics of this fundraiser. James Renaud, National Guard Recruiter, spoke on Military Appreciation Night, May 23rd, at Hartman Arena, at 5:00PM. First 100 get free football tickets.

New Members: James and Donna Renaud, Michael Huntoon. Welcome to ALR 136!

Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of April minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report and outlined results of Poker Run fundraiser. Financial report accepted as written and posted for review.

Historian Report: Mike St Clair provided an update on 12 activities during April and 54 for the year.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Terry Houck reminded everyone of our remaining 2009 Banana Runs (Aug 2 and Dec 6).
- Updated status of placing flags for fallen military. Anita Dixon will give her son’s flag to US Army Sgt Evan Parker’s father – placement not necessary. Debbie Drexler will advise of date to place flag for her son, US Army PFC Jeremy Drexler.
- Read thank you card and advised of $100.00 donation received from Liz Courtney, widow of US Army WWII Veteran, Bruce Courtney. Personal friend of Terry Houck. Donation to be split with ALR Post 408 (Derby), as they were Ride Captain for this funeral. We will purchase a memorial brick for Bruce and place the balance in the VA Christmas Fund.
- Briefed on status of Patriot Guard KIA and Veteran bricks. Thanked Jerry Allen and Ron Herndon for cleaning and maintenance of the memorial brick area.
- Highlighted those ALR members participating in the “Run For The Wall” and “Legacy Run.”
- Advised that the Kansas Patriot Guard website is down but hope to have it fixed soon.

Commander’s Corner:
- Rick Babinger advised that Post made 100% reporting.
- Outlined Memorial Day weekend activities. Friday, May 22, 5:00PM, put out crosses and flags on graves at Mulvane cemetery; Monday, May 25, 5:30AM, meet at Post and load 225 flags to put up Avenue of Flags – back at 6:00PM to take down. Need 10-20 Riders to fly American Flags.
- Thanked Mike Owens for his generosity in purchasing a 4” auger bit for use in digging flag pole holes at the cemetery. Instead of repayment Mike asked that the Post give 3 free memberships.

Director’s Corner and Old Business:
- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 181 members; 3 deployed (Chris Hurt, Nate Mesta, and Charlie Nguyen). Also, Rick and Karen Babinger’s son, SFC Jon Babinger and George and Nancy Smith’s son, CPL Daniel Smith, are deployed. Post member, Dan Morgan, is also deployed.
- Advised that 250 coins arrived but were old design. Derby Trophy and manufacturer reordering.
- Presented George and Nancy Smith a Blue Star Banner in honor of their son, US Marine CPL Daniel Smith. Also presented James and Donna Renaud a Blue Star Banner for their son.
- Updated status of ordering shirts and using Kansas Chapter. Department Executive Committee met at Department Convention and advised to resubmit our request and it will be considered.
- Had Ron Vangas brief on Operation Troop Care. Thus far, 8 packages have been shipped to deployed troops. Consensus was to focus on our deployed Post members and deployed sons and daughters of our Post membership. Also, will pass names of other non-ALR 136 deployed members to everyone to write letters/send cards.
- Thanked everyone for the great work done on the Poker Run, provided final statistics, and highlighted the significant contributions of Dave Stewart and Mike Owens.

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Area ALR Legacy Fund Fundraiser at Biker’s Edge on June 6. Rick and Karen Babinger volunteered to work the 9-11AM shift and Nancy Armstrong the 3-5PM shift.
- State Rally Grog Bowl needs ingredients. We will supply babe ruths, tootsie rolls, and milk duds.
- Post 401 Auxiliary is looking for old Harley Davidson or ALR t-shirts to make a quilt for their fundraiser in July. Turn in any shirts to Terri Lehman.
- Discussed ideas to support the Mulvane community. Possibly creating an ALR 136 Scholarship Fund. Put on hold pending Board of Governors discussion of the same idea. Also, discuss adopting the “Patriot Guard Highway.” Ron Vangas will check with KDOT. Another idea was to replace worn flags throughout the Mulvane community. Open.
- Post 256, Wichita, asked for volunteers to man our Post during their June 13 Poker Run. Gary Schultz and Ed Watson volunteered.
- Director recommended using extra gift cards from Poker Run for flooded ALR member, Bob Kierzek. In addition, motion made by Pat Thacker to donate $500.00. Both passed.

Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)
- May 19 – Post 2, Newton – tacos – Joint area ALR event – Doug Lehman
- May 26 – Amy’s Pizza, Mulvane – Asonjia Stewart
- June 2 – Stooges, Andover – Greg Bauer
- June 9 – Paula’s, Wichita – Phil Giovanni
- June 16 – El Ranchero, Wichita – Gregg Thompson

50/50: Collected $112.00. Won by Dennis Scuffham who donated $30.00 to the VA Christmas Fund.

Meeting adjourned: 4:45PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, June 14, 3:00PM

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman

People Are Like Motorcycles, Each is Customized A Bit Dfferently