Meeting called to order at 3:01PM: Total present: 83 (76 members and 7 guests).
Meeting Dedication: Meeting dedicated to former Command Chief Master Sergeant John Kimball.
Special Presentations: Pat Culver, Department Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee presented a plaque from Mid-Winter Forum for Legacy Scholarship Fund donations. Clarence Carroll, WWII Veteran and member of the Sons of the American Revolution, presented each officer a certificate in recognition of exemplary patriotism in the display of the Flag of the United States of America. He left a certificate for each ALR member and passed out “Freedom Collection” sheets packed full of great information.
New Members: Shirley Tull, Mark Bush, and John Landers. Welcome to ALR 136!
Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of March minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.
Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written and posted for review.
Historian Report: Mike St Clair provided an update on 18 activities during March.
Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Terry Houck provided a history of Chief Kimball’s military service and Bronze Star Ceremony.
- Presented a ride name patch to ANG MSgt Michael (Wind Horse) Vore.
- Read thank you letter from the VA and outlined our 2009 Banana Run schedule.
- Advised that we have offered Post 401, Wichita, our patriotic decorated sacks since they now do banana runs in July (Independence Day) and November (Veterans Day). Pending reply.
- Updated status of placing two flag poles for families of Fallen Soldiers. Pending replies.
- Advised that 26 bricks for our Patriot Guard KIA and Veterans will be picked up this week.
- Provided statistics on Fallen Warriors/injured from the current War on Terrorism.
- Presented his position on use of “Kansas Chapter” on shirts/vests and following directives.
- Briefed on Greensburg Patriotic anniversary on May 2. Details forthcoming.
Commander’s Corner:
- Rick Babinger reminded membership of 5th District Convention April 25-26 in Newton.
- Advised of invitation to attend Girl Scout flag retirement ceremony. Details to follow.
- Advised that we still need volunteers to sign up and work fireworks stand from June 26-July 5.
- Briefed on Memorial Day work day, marking veteran graves with crosses, and asked for volunteers.
Director’s Corner and Old Business:
- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 174 members, and re-emphasized our March activities - 21 events, totaling 1100+ hours.
- Thanked all for making Canton Party Bus a huge success (2nd in Irish Stew; 1st with most attendees).
- Briefed on change in vendor/pricing for Blue Star Flags. Andy Webb amended his previous motion to now only purchase 5 blue star banners. Motion carried; flags will be purchased by Terri Lehman.
- Thanked Greg Bauer and Jim Jones for their work to protect/seal the bricks, stone, and bench area.
- Advised that “Thank You Ride” to Marion Western Graphics put on hold due to layoffs/economy.
- Solicited Poker Run committee updates and discussed signs, advertising, prizes, flyers, games, etc. Final general Poker Run meeting is April 27, 7PM, at the Post.
- Opened discussion on new coin design and pricing options. Jim Jones made a motion to approve the new design and purchase 250 coins with new vendor, Derby Trophy, and sandblasted style. Motion carried. John Miranda made a motion to sell each coin for $5.00. Motion carried.
- Reminded everyone to make Winter Park reservations.
- Shared information on the Certificate of Appreciation received from the McConnell Enlisted Spouse’s Club for our contribution to their annual “Operation Holiday Surprise.”
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Discussed status of using “Kansas Chapter” on shirts, hats, etc. Terry Houck read his position.
- Determined where monies would come from to support Legacy Run. Ben Roloff made a motion
- to use the general fund. Motion carried. There was additional discussion about future year’s donations. Motion made by Jim Jones to cap future contribution at $2000.00. Motion failed.
- Gregg Thompson briefed on SAL fundraisers (quilt and picture taking during Poker Run).
- Reminded membership of July 4th parade in Derby.
- Back briefed membership on providing assistance to local soldier in need. ALR and Post contributed $100.00 each as did several other local ALRs.
- Ron Vangas volunteered to head up Project Troop Care; collecting and mailing packages to our
deployed troops. A box has been set up in the Post for donations.
- Ron Vangas is obtaining information on homeless veteran funerals. This links explains the Dignity
Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program - . More information later.
- Advised the officers will be reviewing ALR by-laws.
- Gary Donaldson’s father has applied for the Honor Flight, which takes WWII Veterans to see the WWII Memorial in Washington DC. Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary contributed $125.00. Motion made for ALR to contribute $125.00, taking care of the balance due. Motion carried.
- Motorcycle safety and advance riding courses are available through ALR members Jerry Kirk,
George Smith, and Mike Vore. See them for specifics.
- Rick Ries created an “Invitation” card to give to potential new members. See Rick for more.
- Chuck Barshney read a letter from Commander Babinger’s son who is deployed in Iraq.
- Richard and Debbie Stich’s daughter, A1C Julie Stick, will be home on leave and come to the Post Friday night for dinner. We will take a few minutes and thank her for her service.
- Bill Logan discussed Rolling Thunder/Carry the Flame and the contributions made by Robert (Grunt), Marine Vietnam Veteran and Medicine Doctor, and his wife Josie Delsi, Flame of Freedom. Jim Jones made a motion to contribute $250.00 to Robert in support of his necklace project. Motion carried.
- Terry Houck recognized the 10 Riders who made the trip to Topeka.
Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)
- Apr 21 – Tokyo Steakhouse - 1221 N. Rock Road, Derby – Jack Knowles
- Apr 28 – AJ Sport Grill - 3232 N. Rock Road, Wichita – Post 408 (Joint area ALR event)
- May 5 – Walt’s Diner – Tyler and Kellogg, Wichita – Bill Johnson
- May 12 – Post 4 - 816 N. Water, Wichita – Terri Lehman
50/50: Collected $116.00. Won by Gary Schultz who donated his half back to the VA Christmas Fund.
Special Thanks: Thanks to all who brought nachos and the fixins’. A total of $135.00 collected.
Meeting adjourned: 5:38PM
Special Note: After the meeting was over we were reminded that ALR member Nate Mesta was deploying soon. Those still remaining in the dining room presented Nate with a Blue Star Banner to give to his family in his absence.
Next Meeting: Sunday, May 17, 3:00PM
Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman
Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 70 mph can double your vocabulary.
Meeting Dedication: Meeting dedicated to former Command Chief Master Sergeant John Kimball.
Special Presentations: Pat Culver, Department Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee presented a plaque from Mid-Winter Forum for Legacy Scholarship Fund donations. Clarence Carroll, WWII Veteran and member of the Sons of the American Revolution, presented each officer a certificate in recognition of exemplary patriotism in the display of the Flag of the United States of America. He left a certificate for each ALR member and passed out “Freedom Collection” sheets packed full of great information.
New Members: Shirley Tull, Mark Bush, and John Landers. Welcome to ALR 136!
Minutes: Motion made to suspend reading of March minutes. Motion carried. Minutes posted for review.
Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written and posted for review.
Historian Report: Mike St Clair provided an update on 18 activities during March.
Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Terry Houck provided a history of Chief Kimball’s military service and Bronze Star Ceremony.
- Presented a ride name patch to ANG MSgt Michael (Wind Horse) Vore.
- Read thank you letter from the VA and outlined our 2009 Banana Run schedule.
- Advised that we have offered Post 401, Wichita, our patriotic decorated sacks since they now do banana runs in July (Independence Day) and November (Veterans Day). Pending reply.
- Updated status of placing two flag poles for families of Fallen Soldiers. Pending replies.
- Advised that 26 bricks for our Patriot Guard KIA and Veterans will be picked up this week.
- Provided statistics on Fallen Warriors/injured from the current War on Terrorism.
- Presented his position on use of “Kansas Chapter” on shirts/vests and following directives.
- Briefed on Greensburg Patriotic anniversary on May 2. Details forthcoming.
Commander’s Corner:
- Rick Babinger reminded membership of 5th District Convention April 25-26 in Newton.
- Advised of invitation to attend Girl Scout flag retirement ceremony. Details to follow.
- Advised that we still need volunteers to sign up and work fireworks stand from June 26-July 5.
- Briefed on Memorial Day work day, marking veteran graves with crosses, and asked for volunteers.
Director’s Corner and Old Business:
- Doug Lehman provided membership statistics - 174 members, and re-emphasized our March activities - 21 events, totaling 1100+ hours.
- Thanked all for making Canton Party Bus a huge success (2nd in Irish Stew; 1st with most attendees).
- Briefed on change in vendor/pricing for Blue Star Flags. Andy Webb amended his previous motion to now only purchase 5 blue star banners. Motion carried; flags will be purchased by Terri Lehman.
- Thanked Greg Bauer and Jim Jones for their work to protect/seal the bricks, stone, and bench area.
- Advised that “Thank You Ride” to Marion Western Graphics put on hold due to layoffs/economy.
- Solicited Poker Run committee updates and discussed signs, advertising, prizes, flyers, games, etc. Final general Poker Run meeting is April 27, 7PM, at the Post.
- Opened discussion on new coin design and pricing options. Jim Jones made a motion to approve the new design and purchase 250 coins with new vendor, Derby Trophy, and sandblasted style. Motion carried. John Miranda made a motion to sell each coin for $5.00. Motion carried.
- Reminded everyone to make Winter Park reservations.
- Shared information on the Certificate of Appreciation received from the McConnell Enlisted Spouse’s Club for our contribution to their annual “Operation Holiday Surprise.”
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Discussed status of using “Kansas Chapter” on shirts, hats, etc. Terry Houck read his position.
- Determined where monies would come from to support Legacy Run. Ben Roloff made a motion
- to use the general fund. Motion carried. There was additional discussion about future year’s donations. Motion made by Jim Jones to cap future contribution at $2000.00. Motion failed.
- Gregg Thompson briefed on SAL fundraisers (quilt and picture taking during Poker Run).
- Reminded membership of July 4th parade in Derby.
- Back briefed membership on providing assistance to local soldier in need. ALR and Post contributed $100.00 each as did several other local ALRs.
- Ron Vangas volunteered to head up Project Troop Care; collecting and mailing packages to our
deployed troops. A box has been set up in the Post for donations.
- Ron Vangas is obtaining information on homeless veteran funerals. This links explains the Dignity
Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program - . More information later.
- Advised the officers will be reviewing ALR by-laws.
- Gary Donaldson’s father has applied for the Honor Flight, which takes WWII Veterans to see the WWII Memorial in Washington DC. Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary contributed $125.00. Motion made for ALR to contribute $125.00, taking care of the balance due. Motion carried.
- Motorcycle safety and advance riding courses are available through ALR members Jerry Kirk,
George Smith, and Mike Vore. See them for specifics.
- Rick Ries created an “Invitation” card to give to potential new members. See Rick for more.
- Chuck Barshney read a letter from Commander Babinger’s son who is deployed in Iraq.
- Richard and Debbie Stich’s daughter, A1C Julie Stick, will be home on leave and come to the Post Friday night for dinner. We will take a few minutes and thank her for her service.
- Bill Logan discussed Rolling Thunder/Carry the Flame and the contributions made by Robert (Grunt), Marine Vietnam Veteran and Medicine Doctor, and his wife Josie Delsi, Flame of Freedom. Jim Jones made a motion to contribute $250.00 to Robert in support of his necklace project. Motion carried.
- Terry Houck recognized the 10 Riders who made the trip to Topeka.
Tuesday Rides: (Meet at the Post at 6:00PM, depart at 6:30PM)
- Apr 21 – Tokyo Steakhouse - 1221 N. Rock Road, Derby – Jack Knowles
- Apr 28 – AJ Sport Grill - 3232 N. Rock Road, Wichita – Post 408 (Joint area ALR event)
- May 5 – Walt’s Diner – Tyler and Kellogg, Wichita – Bill Johnson
- May 12 – Post 4 - 816 N. Water, Wichita – Terri Lehman
50/50: Collected $116.00. Won by Gary Schultz who donated his half back to the VA Christmas Fund.
Special Thanks: Thanks to all who brought nachos and the fixins’. A total of $135.00 collected.
Meeting adjourned: 5:38PM
Special Note: After the meeting was over we were reminded that ALR member Nate Mesta was deploying soon. Those still remaining in the dining room presented Nate with a Blue Star Banner to give to his family in his absence.
Next Meeting: Sunday, May 17, 3:00PM
Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman
Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 70 mph can double your vocabulary.