Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ALR 136 Newsletter - Jan 2009

Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 86 (73 members and 13 guests)

Special Presentations: Terry (Darkhorse) Houck with the assistance of ALR 136 Officers made the below special presentations:

US Navy Veteran Charles Liles, bagpiper for Fallen Heroes and Veteran’s funeral missions, was presented a certificate of appreciation, an ALR 136 challenge coin, a Support the Troops t-shirt, and a Veteran’s hat for his many years of service to the Patriot Guard and American Legion Riders.

Gold Star Mother Betty Jean Pulliam was presented an American flag display case in honor of her husband, WWII Veteran Leonard Pulliam, who passed away December 12, 1998.

Mulvane Police Officer Kevin Kichler was presented an American flag display case in honor of his father-in-law, WWII Veteran Jimmie Maish, who passed away December 7, 2009.

Gold Star Mother Anita Dixon was presented an In Memory of Certificate in honor of her son, US Army Sgt Evan Parker, who was killed in action October 26, 2005 – our third Patriot Guard mission.

Gold Star Mother, Denise Lang, whose son was killed in an automobile accident at Ft Bliss was a special guest.

Our own Air National Guard Senior Master Sergeant Mike Vore was honored at a ceremony in Rose Hill recognizing those who have served in the war zone fighting terrorism.

New Members: Jake Defrees and Joe Dawley

Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of December minutes. Motion carried.

Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.

Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:

- Terry Houck outlined 2010 Banana Run schedule (March, August, December)
- Advised ALR Scholarship is complete and will be sent to membership along with Legion Scholarship by Commander Babinger
- Reminded membership of ALR magnets being ordered by John (LittleJohn) DeArmond

Commander’s Corner:

- Rick Babinger read a letter from Amy Forgie about the Ring of Fire and Run for the Wall (Jerry Kirk will invite Amy to our February meeting)
- Advised that five Post positions are open for nominations/elections in April

Co-Director’s Corner:

- Greg Bauer read thank you cards from LeAnn Beavers and family of Eric Martinez

Director’s Corner and Old Business:

- Doug Lehman briefed on a proposed change to our by-laws and a motion was made to grandfather the wearing of the old one line patch with the ALR 136 rocker for those members who transferred into ALR 136 prior to January 10, 2010. All future transfers must wear the official ALR 136 back patch. Motion will be voted on at our February meeting
- Advised two certificates of deposits were purchased as voted on at last month’s meeting
- Briefed on Operation Troop Care for 2009 – 21 packages sent totaling 197 pounds

New Business/Discussion Items:

- Director updated membership on ALR 136 member, Dick Ziegler – triple by-pass surgery went well and expected to be released from Kansas Heart Hospital on January 11, 2010
- Director briefed on ALR 401 members Lee and Vicki Martinez who lost their 30-year old son, Erik, right before Christmas. Lee is also struggling with cancer and limited income. Between meetings, officers authorized a $100.00 donation. Motion made by Pat Thacker to contribute an additional $500.00. Motion carried. $100.00 was also donated by ALR 136 member, Presley Thomas. Thanks go out to all for their generous support.
- Director advised that Greg Bauer has revised our New Membership Package and will finalize upon adding a picture of the 2010 Officers. Based on feedback from the membership, a picture of our vest (front and back) will be included in the package so new members can see proper placement of patches. Another recommendation was to create a mentor program for new members and make sure they are aware of upcoming events, procedures, etc. Volunteers to be mentors are: Phil Giovanni, Dennis Scuffham, Asonjia Stewart, and Pat Thacker.
- Director thanked all the officers for their outstanding support during 2009 and presented outgoing VA Coordinator, Terry Houck, an Eagle plaque with glass inscription, for his five years of service to the ALR. Outgoing Chaplain Dave Stewart was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for his dedicated and loyal service as our Chaplain for the past two years. Linda Thacker was also recognized for her year-long superb job of embroidering flags.
- The floor was opened for any additional nominations for 2010 officer positions. Ron Herndon was nominated for Chaplain. Director advised that previously nominated members, Mary Green for Secretary, Bill Logan and Richard Stitch for Chaplain, and Chuck Barshney for VA Coordinator, had withdrawn due to work and personal reasons.
- Elections were held. The new 2010 ALR 136 Officers are:

-- Director: Doug Lehman
-- Co-Director: Greg Bauer
-- Treasurer: Monika Barshney
-- Secretary: Terri Lehman
-- Sgt at Arms: Ben Roloff
-- Assistant Sgt at Arms: Andy Webb
-- Historian: Diana Nelson
-- Chaplain: Ron Herndon
-- VA Coordinator: Ron Vangas

- Congratulations to all!

Tuesday Rides:

- January 12 – Post 10 – 115 W. 10th St - Winfield – Doug Lehman
- January 19 – Magoo’s Bar & Grill – 2304 S. Oliver - Wichita – Pat Thacker
- January 26 – Whiskey Creek Steak House – 231 N. Mosley - Wichita – Mike Huntoon
- February 2 – Buffalo Wild Wings – 1918 N. Rock Road - Derby – Art Beale
- February 9 – Post 10 – 115 W. 10th St - Winfield (Mexican Night) – Doug Lehman
- February 16 – Seneca Street Bar & Grill – 3837 S. Seneca - Wichita – JD Dunham
- February 23 – Neighbors Restaurant – 2150 N. Amidon - Wichita – Kim Heatwole

50/50: Collected $205.00. Half ($102.50) won by Karen Babinger.

Note: Pat Thacker has decals, military coins, stickers, and flags. If interested, call Pat at 648-7273 or email

Meeting adjourned: 5:00PM

Next Meeting: Sunday, February 21, 3:00PM (slipped a week due to Valentine’s Day)

Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman