Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 78 (69 members and 9 guests)
Special Guest Speakers: US Navy WWII Veteran and past Post 136 Commander in 1958, Larry Roney, spoke to the membership on his experiences with the Honor Flight Program and solicited support. Amy Forgie briefed on the Ring of Fire and Run for the Wall. Dennis McDonough, ALR 136; Chris Krueger, SAL Sgt at Arms and ALR 180 (Great Bend) Co-Director, his wife Brenda, President of the Ladies Auxiliary; Lewis Reeder, Post 256 Commander, and T. Fischer, ALR 256, all talked about this and previous year’s Legacy Run.
New Members: Connie Berry, Sherry Hicks, Rhyse Holcomb, Richard Hula, Bryon Nye, Janet Tate, Rick Travis
Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of January minutes. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.
Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Ron Vangas advised of upcoming VA Banana Run (March 21) and Patriot Guard Highway clean-up (April 11)
- Briefed on deployed members and care packages to be sent in March under Operation Troop Care
- Provided information on the Dignity Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program and advised that ALR 136 will be the point of contact with Resthaven for these funerals
Commander’s Corner:
- First Vice Dennis Scuffham reminded membership of upcoming Post elections and opening on the Board of Governors
- Solicited two volunteers to be honorary buglers for the Post and thanked Bill Logan for donating the bugle
- Reminded everyone of the Post’s monthly 50/50 drawings and encouraged participation
- Advised that donations are being accepted for the family that lost everything in a fire
- Looking for ideas for special events at the Post - one Saturday a month
Co-Director’s Corner:
- Greg Bauer read thank you cards from Nan Wise, family of Lloyd Willit whose funeral we attended ($50 donation enclosed), and Cindy Pawlak of Operation Angel Tree
Director’s Corner and Old Business:
- Doug Lehman reviewed previous month’s motion to change our by-laws to require all transferring members into ALR 136 after January 10, 2010, to wear the official ALR 136 back patch even if they were grandfathered under current by-laws. Motion denied. All members who transfer into ALR 136 who were previously grandfathered under our by-laws, paragraph XI (B) will continue to be grandfathered and authorized to wear the ALR Eagle Patch with Kansas Chapter at the bottom and Post 136 rocker at the top.
- Reminded membership of March 1 deadline for application for ALR Scholarship
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Asonjia Stewart provided update on upcoming Pancake and Sausage Feed (March 20) and planning for 2nd Annual Poker Run (May 8). Email will be sent requesting committee volunteers.
- Director briefed on 2012 National ALR Rally
- Discussed possible donation to support the Honor Flight. Membership decided to wait to see if a local WWII Veteran was interested and then re-address donation.
- Director read a letter from Anita Dixon, Wichita Chapter President of the American Gold Star Mothers, concerning the Fisher House Foundation. Motion was made to donate $100.00 to this cause. Motion carried.
- John DeArmond advised that vehicle magnets were in.
- Director provided information concerning supporting ALR 129 (Lyons) for their 1st Annual Hog Roast on May 15. Working details for possible rental of Unified Party Bus. Details to follow.
- Numerous thank you and reminders: Chuck Barshney reminded everyone not for forget the continued sacrifices our troops make. Special thanks went out to Linda Thacker as she continues to do an outstanding job embroidering flags for funerals, send offs, and homecomings. Betty Jean Pulliam honored those who have escorted her on missions: Terry Houck, Mike Vore, and John Kimball and presented those present a patch.
- Rick Johnson made a motion to set aside $500.00 for possible future donation to the Honor Flight. Motion carried.
- Roy Tate advised that a one-day Conceal and Carry Class could be set up.
- Motorcycle Safety Class cancelled last fall will be rescheduled for this spring.
Tuesday Rides:
- February 23 – Neighbors Restaurant – 2150 N. Amidon - Wichita – Kim Heatwole
- March 2 – Logan’s Roadhouse – 353 S. Rock Road, Wichita – John Wise
- March 9 – Post 4 (Chicken Fried Steak), 816 N. Water, Wichita – Doug Lehman
- March 16 – Post 256 (Tacos), 4301 W. Pawnee, Wichita – Terri Lehman
50/50: Collected $133.00. Half ($66.50) won by Jim Crandall. Jim donated his portion to the Honor Flight.
Meeting adjourned: 5:10PM
Next Meeting: Sunday, March 14, 3:00PM
Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman
Special Guest Speakers: US Navy WWII Veteran and past Post 136 Commander in 1958, Larry Roney, spoke to the membership on his experiences with the Honor Flight Program and solicited support. Amy Forgie briefed on the Ring of Fire and Run for the Wall. Dennis McDonough, ALR 136; Chris Krueger, SAL Sgt at Arms and ALR 180 (Great Bend) Co-Director, his wife Brenda, President of the Ladies Auxiliary; Lewis Reeder, Post 256 Commander, and T. Fischer, ALR 256, all talked about this and previous year’s Legacy Run.
New Members: Connie Berry, Sherry Hicks, Rhyse Holcomb, Richard Hula, Bryon Nye, Janet Tate, Rick Travis
Minutes: Motion to suspend reading of January minutes. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Monika Barshney read the financial report. Financial report accepted as written.
Veteran’s Coordinator Corner:
- Ron Vangas advised of upcoming VA Banana Run (March 21) and Patriot Guard Highway clean-up (April 11)
- Briefed on deployed members and care packages to be sent in March under Operation Troop Care
- Provided information on the Dignity Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program and advised that ALR 136 will be the point of contact with Resthaven for these funerals
Commander’s Corner:
- First Vice Dennis Scuffham reminded membership of upcoming Post elections and opening on the Board of Governors
- Solicited two volunteers to be honorary buglers for the Post and thanked Bill Logan for donating the bugle
- Reminded everyone of the Post’s monthly 50/50 drawings and encouraged participation
- Advised that donations are being accepted for the family that lost everything in a fire
- Looking for ideas for special events at the Post - one Saturday a month
Co-Director’s Corner:
- Greg Bauer read thank you cards from Nan Wise, family of Lloyd Willit whose funeral we attended ($50 donation enclosed), and Cindy Pawlak of Operation Angel Tree
Director’s Corner and Old Business:
- Doug Lehman reviewed previous month’s motion to change our by-laws to require all transferring members into ALR 136 after January 10, 2010, to wear the official ALR 136 back patch even if they were grandfathered under current by-laws. Motion denied. All members who transfer into ALR 136 who were previously grandfathered under our by-laws, paragraph XI (B) will continue to be grandfathered and authorized to wear the ALR Eagle Patch with Kansas Chapter at the bottom and Post 136 rocker at the top.
- Reminded membership of March 1 deadline for application for ALR Scholarship
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Asonjia Stewart provided update on upcoming Pancake and Sausage Feed (March 20) and planning for 2nd Annual Poker Run (May 8). Email will be sent requesting committee volunteers.
- Director briefed on 2012 National ALR Rally
- Discussed possible donation to support the Honor Flight. Membership decided to wait to see if a local WWII Veteran was interested and then re-address donation.
- Director read a letter from Anita Dixon, Wichita Chapter President of the American Gold Star Mothers, concerning the Fisher House Foundation. Motion was made to donate $100.00 to this cause. Motion carried.
- John DeArmond advised that vehicle magnets were in.
- Director provided information concerning supporting ALR 129 (Lyons) for their 1st Annual Hog Roast on May 15. Working details for possible rental of Unified Party Bus. Details to follow.
- Numerous thank you and reminders: Chuck Barshney reminded everyone not for forget the continued sacrifices our troops make. Special thanks went out to Linda Thacker as she continues to do an outstanding job embroidering flags for funerals, send offs, and homecomings. Betty Jean Pulliam honored those who have escorted her on missions: Terry Houck, Mike Vore, and John Kimball and presented those present a patch.
- Rick Johnson made a motion to set aside $500.00 for possible future donation to the Honor Flight. Motion carried.
- Roy Tate advised that a one-day Conceal and Carry Class could be set up.
- Motorcycle Safety Class cancelled last fall will be rescheduled for this spring.
Tuesday Rides:
- February 23 – Neighbors Restaurant – 2150 N. Amidon - Wichita – Kim Heatwole
- March 2 – Logan’s Roadhouse – 353 S. Rock Road, Wichita – John Wise
- March 9 – Post 4 (Chicken Fried Steak), 816 N. Water, Wichita – Doug Lehman
- March 16 – Post 256 (Tacos), 4301 W. Pawnee, Wichita – Terri Lehman
50/50: Collected $133.00. Half ($66.50) won by Jim Crandall. Jim donated his portion to the Honor Flight.
Meeting adjourned: 5:10PM
Next Meeting: Sunday, March 14, 3:00PM
Doug (Grey Eagle) Lehman