Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 69
- Gave Leah Beale ‘Art’s’ memory bar and had her place it in the “Riders in the Sky” memorial box
New Members: Nan Wise, Mark Queen, Deb Lynch, Donald Hobbs
Minutes: No corrections or additions to January minutes.
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:
- Treasurer read the financial report; accepted as read.
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update
- J.D. came through knee surgery and was present at mtg
- Pat Johnson’s mother still going through medical issues. Keep the Johnson family in your prayers
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz)
- Mentioned that the Douglas nursing home has some veterans living there. Will have a ride in to visit sometime this spring
- Operation Troop Care packages will be sent after March Meeting
- Next Banana Run to VA Center will be March 18
Co-Director’s (Jerry Berry) Corner:
- Read thank you letters from the VA and McConnell Enlisted Spouses Club.
Commander’s Corner:
- Vice Commander Rick Babinger gave update on the Post remodel project. Encouraged everyone to make a pledge.
- Legion elections are in April. Need members to step up and lead. Especially at the Adjutant position. Terry Knight will be stepping down after next year.
- Post Rib Feed will be held Saturday, February 25th.
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner
- SAL pledged $1000.00 to the building fund
- Gun drawing underway. Only 150 tickets will be sold. Tickets are $10.00 each. Drawing will be at the March meeting.
Ladies Auxiliary Corner
- Karen Babinger had nothing to report.
BOG representative (Doug Lehman) Corner
- Addressed the changes to the Canteen and Dinning Room. The dinning room will reopen 01 March
with a new menu and name – “Patriot Restaurant”. Will be open more hours and days. Closed on Saturday and Monday. Welcomed new manager Amy Houston.
Fundraising Chairperson (Asonjia Stewart) Corner
- Doug Lehman gave update on the 4th Annual Poker Run. Contact Doug to sign up for a committee.
Ron ‘Doc’ Herndon and Deb Lynch acquired a donation of a 14 ct/24 diamond tennis bracelet from
“Jewelry Savers” on Rock Road.
Patriot Guard (Terry Houck) corner
- Discussed Road Guard meeting and another Safety class. Greg Bauer will set up a class in March or April
- Encouraged more to step up and take class for Road Guard duty
- Thanks to the efforts of Jerry Berry and Terry Houck, a Ride Captain checklist will be sent out to all members
Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner
· Briefed on the following upcoming events:
-Chill will be 24 to 26 Feb (Mary Green, Ditch, Aleida, and Skruffy will man the ALR booth on
Sunday the 26th from 10 to noon)
- Department Convention 18 to 20 May in Great Bend
-State ALR Rally 15 to 17 June in Hays
· ALR will donate $50.00 to the Mulvane Police officer Jimmy Ashmore fund
· Member from Georgia, Dan Graves, lost his wife. Send cards of condolence to: Dan Graves,
37 Adair Dr., Ranger, Ga. 30734. Doug Lehman stepped up and paid his 2012 dues.
Unfinished Business:
· Dennis “Casper” Joint and Jerry “Bowhunter” Kirk presented ALR with a $50.00 gift card donated by Wal-Mart.
· Current membership numbers and list will be available by next meeting.
· Leah thanked membership for everything that was done for her and their family at Art’s funeral
New Business/Discussion Items:
- A picnic for the families at McConnell was discussed. A committee was formed to coordinate between McConnell and the City of Mulvane: Ron Vangas, Jerry Ward, Terri Lehman, Brad Modlin (by default), John Metz, and Chief Kimball, volunteered for the committee.
Tuesday Rides Winter hours in effect – meet at restaurant at 5:30 PM
21 February - Derby Riverside Café - Doc
28 February - Old Chicago - Terri
6 March - Felipe’s East Harry – Jerry Berry
13 March - Post 136 - Doug
50/50: Collected $129.00 - half ($64.50) won by Gary Donaldson (Donated to the building fund)
Next Meeting: Sunday 11 March at 3:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 3:53 PM Motion by Jerry Ward, seconded by Gary Donaldson
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas