Meeting called to order at 3:02PM: Total present: 61 members and 2 Guests
Guest Speaker:
- Linda Kirby who is running for Sedgwick County Judge
- Presented Jerry Berry with Eagle and framed Highlights for his term as the 2011 Director
New Members: Donald Dassel
Minutes: No corrections or additions to February minutes.
Treasurers (Diana Nelson) Corner:
- Treasurer read the financial report; accepted as read.
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update
- Keep Jerry “Jarhead” Allen in your thoughts and prayers for his upcoming surgery.
- Pat Johnson’s Aunt passed away, please keep family in your prayers.
- Nan Wise broke her foot while in Florida helping her mother-in-law move.
Veteran’s Coordinator (John Metz)
- Mentioned that the Douglas nursing home has some veterans living there. Will have a ride in to visit sometime this spring
- Operation Troop Care packages will be sent this month. Contact John with any info on deployed troops
- Banana Run to VA Center will be next Sunday, March 18. Start at 1:30 PM
Commander’s (Jake Defrees) Corner:
- Vice Commander Rick Babinger gave update on the Post remodel project. Encouraged everyone to make a pledge. Building fund is at about $40,000.00.
- Legion elections are in April. Need members to step up and lead.
S.A.L Commander’s (Jerry Armstrong) Corner:
- SAL pledged $1000.00 to the building fund
- Gun drawing was won by Greg Bauer. Ticket sales for next drawing starts now.
BOG representative & Poker Run Chair (Doug Lehman) Corner
- Reminded everyone to support the new dining room. Dining room now open four days a week (Tues thru Fri)
- Soliciting prize donations. Need quality items for Raffle and Auction (not garage sale type items)
Fundraising Chairperson (Asonjia Stewart) Corner
- A fund raiser auction will be held Sept 22nd or 29th at 1 PM. Open to the public.
Patriot Guard (Terry Houck) corner
- Went over Patriot Guard mission for new members.
Director’s (Ron Vangas) Corner
- Briefed on the following upcoming events:
- Department Convention 18 to 20 May in Great Bend
- State ALR Rally 15 to 17 June in Hays. Encourage everyone to attend. Will send e-mail for available Motels
- March 24th Host Post will be Post 4. April Post 401, July Post 136
- Thanked Mary Green, Ben Roloff, Aleida Smith, and Jim Finneran for manning the ALR booth at the Chill
- Received three scholarship applications. Will present scholarship at the April meeting.
- Sometime in April will pick up Patriot Guard Highway. Watch e-mail
New Business/Discussion Items:
- Winfield Veterans home is out of popcorn. Pat Thacker made motion to match Post 10 donation of $107.00 to purchase six month supply of popcorn, oil, and sacks. Jerry Ward seconded. Motion carried. Will purchase items this week and notify of delivery date.
- Need old motorcycle shirts for a quilt that will be made for the Poker Run Auction. Get to Terri Lehman.
- Congratulated two members for getting OLD. Pat Thacker – 65, and Dwane Stewart – 66.
- Greg Bauer donated the gun he won in the SAL drawing to the Poker Run auction.
- Greg Bauer announced that the motorcycle safety course will be held March 31st from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Kansas Coliseum. Will send details by e-mail.
Tuesday Rides Winter hours in effect – meet at restaurant at 5:30 PM
- 20 March - Post 136 “The Patriot” – Doug Lehman
- 27 March - Solo’s Diner – GIO
- 3 April - River City Brewery – Terri Lehman
- 10 April - Mystery Ride – Ron Vangas
- 17 April - Benton Airport – Ed Watson
50/50: Collected $88.00 - half ($44.00) won by Jerry Ward (Donated to the building fund)
Next Meeting: Moved to Sunday 15 April at 3:00 PM (Second Sunday is Easter)
Meeting Adjourned: 4:12 PM Motion by Kevin Conover, seconded by Jerry Ward
Ron ‘Buckeye’ Vangas