Meeting called to order at 3:07PM: Total present: 60 members and no guests
Guest Speaker: None
Special Guest: Pat Thacker brought Gold Star Mother - Betty Jean Pulliam to the meeting. Betty has moved to Cooperstone in Derby.
New Members: Pat Wesley
Minutes: February minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table. Accepted as written
Treasurers (Vicki Kalous) Corner:
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read
Chaplains Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update: No report
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- Next Banana Run- Sunday, March 16
- Operation Troop Care - only one person’s name received thus far
- Homeless Vet Moves - Duane will contact Helping Hands to see if we can get more advance notice before a move
Legion Commander (RG Reser):
- Legion District Convention - April 25-26
- Elections for Post Officers at April 7 meeting
- Fish Fry at Post - March 22 – 4PM
- Scholarship deadline April 15
Co-Director (Steve Coberley): No correspondence
SAL Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- SAL will be the first to do the monthly cleaning of the post – April 5 – 9AM
- Next fundraiser will be for $500 Visa Gift Card and $250 Visa Gift Card - only 150 tickets @ $10.00 each
- Next meeting Sunday, April 6 - election of officers
Ladies Auxiliary President (Deb Lynch): No report
Fundraising Chairperson (Diana Nelson):
- To participate in Mulvane City Wide Garage Sale - May 10
- Derby City Wide Garage Sale - May 17
- June 14 - Kansas Chapter Challenge Horseshoe Tournament
- Fall (TBD) Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt
Patriot Guard and Road Captain (Darkhorse):
- Letter was read from US Army Lt Col (retired) Don & Corbell Ames - they donated $1000 to ALR 136
- Report from attendance at Central-KS ALR Run Meeting in McPherson - first meeting was fact finding. 28 Chapters involved and 20 Chapters attended meeting. ALR 136 needs to decide will it be Fun Run or Fundraiser - majority wanted Fun Run. ALR 136 is recommending 2-day event. Membership wants more information and questions answered. Doug Lehman & Steve Coberley will attend next meeting March 29 and report back to the Chapter.
- Lenexa ALR 407 is doing a surprise ride to Deems “Doc” Peterson’s house in Lenexa on Saturday April 15. Darkhorse will RC group from 136 to make this ride.
- Motorcycle Safety Class for 136 will be scheduled with classroom/riding course. Specifics be worked. Date TBD.
- Patriot Guard Highway Cleanup is April 13
Director (Doug Lehman):
- Reminded membership of scholarship deadline of March 28. Will be extended if necessary. Application and eligibility criteria sent to Mulvane High School, Mulvane Police Department, and Mulvane News.
- Discussed previous issues with Department approval of hat design – open
- Scott Hansen is handling flag ordering and sales - will provide inventory and sales at April meeting
- Discussed options for supporting McConnell AFB junior enlisted personnel. Considered helping with the Enlisted Spouses Club by serving home cooked meal in the dorms once a month. Open. Monika Barshney suggested we start a program similar to Operation Holiday Surprise where we go to the commissary and pay for a portion of junior enlisted members’ grocery bill. Jerry Berry made a motion to donate up to $100 per visit. Motion passed.
- Discussed revitalizing Two-Wheel Tuesday. First ride to Jose Peppers March 11
- Vickie Kalous suggested having online banking access for our account for Director, Co-Director and Financial Officer. Motion made by Jerry Ward, second by Jerry Kirk. Motion passed unanimously.
- Rick Babinger mentioned final moving items in storage at the Post Saturday 9AM
50/50: Collected $86.00 - $43.00 to Rob Brown
Next Meeting: Sunday, April 6 (moved up a week due to Patriot Guard Highway Cleanup)
Meeting Adjourned: 5:02PM, motion by Jerry Ward, second by Rick Johnson. Motion carried unanimously.
Doug “Grey Eagle” Lehman
“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others”