Meeting called to order at 3:00PM: Total present: 48 members and no guests
Guest Speaker: None
Special Presentation: Terry (Darkhorse) Houck presented Ron Vangas with glass etched plaque for past ALR Director (2012-2013) – great job Buckeye!
New Members: None
Minutes: March minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table. Accepted as posted.
Treasurer’s (Vickie Kalous) Corner:
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read.
Chaplain’s Corner (Ron Herndon) Sick Call update:
- Ron asked for continued prayers for Doc Peterson and for Buzz Nye’s daughter.
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- Banana Run - had a small turnout - handed out sacks to 84 patients & nurses. Next Banana Run August 3
- VA is stilling looking for help in moving patients around
- Homeless Veteran Moves – once more definitive plans are developed, then the ALR will get involved
Legion Commander (RG Reser):
- Warren Johnston reported that Post Elections will be Monday, April 7
Co-Director (Steve Coberley):
- Read thank you letters from the VA, Major Jacob Smith, and Dave and Elizabeth Rumley
SAL Commander (Jerry Armstrong):
- Jerry announced new SAL officers
- SAL performed first cleanup of the Post
- Drawing for the gift cards will be May 4
- Next SAL meeting Sunday, May 4
Ladies Auxiliary President (Deb Lynch):
- Auxiliary Elections will be Monday, April 7
- Deb thanked everyone who has helped to clean up and organize the kitchen
- Auxiliary is looking for fundraiser ideas
Fundraising Chairperson (Diana Nelson):
- Post and ALR will participate in Mulvane City Wide Garage Sale May 10 and Derby City Wide Garage Sale May 17
Patriot Guard and Road Captain (Darkhorse):
- Motorcycle Safety Class for ALR 136 members will be scheduled with class room in AM and PM course riding date (TBD)
Director (Doug Lehman):
- 3 Scholarship applications have been received. Officers will individually review, rank applicants, and report the winner.
- Director and Co-Director attended the Central KS ALR Run meeting in McPherson. This will be a 2-day event. The Run will not a fundraiser. Proposed locations being determined by ALRs from Chapman, Hillsboro, Lindsborg, Newton, and McPherson and possible dates are Jul 26-27, Sep 20-21, or Sep 27-28.
- Operation ALR 136 Surprise at McConnell. Chuck Barshney will donate $100 towards the first visit with ALR 136 giving $100 as well. Jerry Berry made a motion & seconded by Jerry Ward that we make the visits quarterly instead of monthly and we obligate $200 per quarter. Motion carried unanimously.
- Patriot Guard Highway cleanup is Sunday, April 13. Meet at the Post at 10:30 AM, depart at 10:45 AM. Come enjoy breakfast about 9:30 AM. Bring a dish or make a donation.
- Sunday morning Breakfast Group has donated the first $250 payment towards loan on building restoration
New Business: Jim Finneran asked for at least 7 riders attend the opening ceremonies for Sheriff Department’s LAW Camp (camp for at risk kids - ages 11-15). Jim is asking for at least 7 riders to attend the opening ceremony on July 15 and closing ceremony on July 18 by bringing the flags in for the opening and closing ceremonies. If interested please contact Doug Lehman,
Two Wheel Tuesday: Suggestions have been made for Annie Mae’s Café, Benton Airport, Hangar One. For now, we’ll do these rides about every 2 weeks or so.
Floor Opened to the Membership: Jerry Allen brought up idea of giving free drink tokens to McConnell groups that we meet so they can come to our Post for a free drink and possibly join. Rick Babinger pointed out that this is not legal with the Kansas liquor laws.
50/50: Collected $ 53.00- Gary Donaldson donated his $26.50 to building fund.
Next Meeting: Sunday, May 4
Meeting Adjourned: 4:04 PM, motion by Jerry Ward, second by Phil Giovanni. Motion carried unanimously.
Doug “Grey Eagle” Lehman
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln