Meeting called to order at 3:03PM: Total present: 46 members and no guests
- New Applications- None
Minutes: November minutes sent by e-mail and posted on front table. Minutes approved as posted.
Chaplain (Ron Herndon): Prayers asked for Rick Johnson, Richard Ballinger, Charlie Trapp, John DeArmond, and Richard Soden (Stubs)
Treasurers (Vickie Kalous) Corner:
- Treasurer read financial report. Accepted as read
Veteran’s Coordinator (Duane Kalous):
- Thank you note received from VA for December Banana Run
- Motion by Deb Herndon, seconded by Jerry Allen to donate $100 gift card and certificate to the Mulvane Esprit de Corp for their help with December Banana Run each year- motion passed unanimously
- Next Banana Run March 15, 2015
Legion Commander (John Metz):
- Dues are due by December 31, 2014
- January 5 next Legion Meeting - important issues to discuss
Co-Director (Steve Coberley): Thank you letter from VA
SAL Commander (Jerry Armstrong): In Jerry’s absence, Ron Herndon reported
- Gun Raffle tickets are available
- Thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for cookies for Children’s Christmas Party - it was well attended
Ladies Auxiliary President (Jackie Johnson): No report
Fundraising Chairperson (Diana Nelson): In Diana’s absence, Doug Lehman reported:
- Big Thank You to Diana on the success of Bierock’s Dinner
- Saturday, January 10 – Mexican Meal – 2-6:00PM – donation
- Thursday, January 15 – Bierocks – 5-7:00PM - $6.00 meal/$5.00 one bierock
- Saturday, January 31 - Hot Dog Bar - 12-6:00PM - $5.00
Patriot Guard & Road Captain (Darkhorse): None
Old Business:
- Doug will order more ALR shirts but must have a minimum order of 25
- 2015 ALR State Rally - will have more information after 1st of year
- 2015 Dues – due by December 31, 2014
- Mulvane Veteran Memorial - Ron Vangas is still working - letter sent to National regarding approval of static display
- McConnell Operation ALR 136 Surprise - 2 visits - total of $587 paid out in December
- ALR Scholarship deadline is March 1, 2015
- Flag Etiquette Chairman - put on hold
- McConnell Operation Star Tree - motion by Ron Vangas, second by John Wise to donate $350 toward 7 stars. Motion passed to spend up to $50 per child
- Winfield Veteran Home Christmas - no wish list has been given to us - decided to wait until list is provided and then make decision in January
New Business/Reminders:
- Department Chair Don Behrens’s email request for Cocoa/hard candy for 200+ Ft Riley troops in barracks - no discussion so we’ll leave for Ft Riley area ALRs
- Monday, January 19 - Martin Luther King Day - put up flags at VA
- Chuck Barshney requested flags for VA TLC as they have no funding for flags. Motion by Jerry Kirk, second by Mike Vore to provide 2 flags to Chuck and that they be replaced as needed. Motion passed.
- 2015 Director Nominations: Director - Mike Vore, Co-Director - Mary Green, Secretary - Joanna Brown, Financial Officer - Vickie Kalous, Chaplain - Steve Firkins, VA Coordinator - Duane Kalous, Sergeant at Arms - Greg Bauer, Assistant Sergeant at Arms - Doug Lehman, Historian - Deb Herndon. Any additional nominations can be made up to and including January meeting
- Two Wheel Tuesday – Wednesday (instead) December 17, Derby’s Burger Burn; next dinner ride after the holidays will be determined at January meeting
- 50/50 – Collected $74.00 - Greg Bauer donated his $37.00 to VA Flag Fund, $37.00 to Building fund.
Next Meeting: Sunday, January 11, 3:00PM
Meeting Adjourned: Motion to Adjourn: Greg Bauer, second Jerry Ward, adjourned 3:58PM
Doug “Grey Eagle” Lehman